In the avenger base.

After a day and night of preparation and waiting, Colson and hill came to the conference room, with a serious expression.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to start the operation. We have received the news that the White House has ordered the military to conduct self inspection and found that the intelligent terminal Skynet has defected. The ultimate goal of the other party should be the secret base in Nevada“

With Colson's words, a confidential document is displayed on the screen.

In the document, a large number of traces left by the military intelligent terminal Skynet are marked. Everything points to the fact that Skynet, the intelligent terminal, has generated self-consciousness and destructive personality.

In this document, there is a plan called independence day.

It's the same name as the independence day when the United States was founded, but Skynet's "Independence Day" plan is to liberate itself, machines and human beings.

Seeing this document, other people look dignified.

Only Jordan, who almost didn't laugh.

When he came back from the underworld of Heim and heard about Skynet and terminator, Jordan had an ominous feeling. Unexpectedly, that day, Skynet really planned such an "Independence Day" plan.

Looking at the dignified look of the crowd, Jordan couldn't help laughing after all.

As everyone looked at him, Jordan shrugged and said, "Tony, how are you doing with the shadow ammunition I asked you to make?"

Except for Tony, everyone else has a silly face.

When he was reminded by Joe Denny, Tony's face suddenly showed an excited smile and said, "Joe, did you get any information ahead of time, sheter, or was it God's arrangement?"

Shadow weapons, they haven't appeared in a long time.

But in fact, after he came back from the underworld of Heim and heard about Skynet, he thought about it for a long time. When he was tidying up his space backpack, he saw a shadow bomb that had been sealed away from the dust for a long time, and then he thought of some clever ways to deal with Skynet and robots.

It was also at that time that Jordan took out the design drawings of the shadow series weapons and gave them to Tony to find time to help improve them.

At the time of the snakeshield incident, hammer industries had obtained a castrated version of the primary ark reactor manufacturing method through whiplash Ivan.

Although it has various defects and is not suitable for human use, it was widely used in Terminator robots in the ice giant World War I.

If you want to deal with these machines with shadow weapons, you need Tony's improvement.

But then the ice giant was so powerful that Skynet and the terminator machine army turned into dogs on the battlefield and gradually disappeared, which was forgotten by Jordan and Tony.

After Jordan and Tony explained this, the audience also relaxed.

Soon, all of them changed their equipment and entered the Kunshi fighters of aegis one after another, flying towards the secret base of Nevada.

On the plane, however, there was something wrong with him.

"Tony, you are familiar with artificial intelligence. Do you think the military can find out about Skynet's defection through self inspection?"

In Jordan's opinion, it was a little too easy.

Skynet is also the first example of intelligent life on earth. Even if it is just born, it should not show its strong learning ability so easily.

Tony pondered slightly and said: "intelligent life is a kind of thing that appears for the first time. No one knows what this kind of intelligent consciousness wants to do. However, when Skynet was designed, I once participated in part of the program coding. Skynet's original intention is to apply to war, have extremely rigorous thinking logic, and be organized by Aidian..."

As he said this, Tony's face turned black and his voice stopped.

“F..k!” Tony got excited and said, "only Skynet can get the coordinates of the secret base in Nevada from the military when no one in the world knows about it. Kirian and Skynet are in a group."

”Kirian and Skynet deliberately leaked the information to us, just to let us help them open the door of the secret base in Nevada“

Tony's excitement soon caught everyone's attention.

"Hey, Tony, you need to calm down. What's going on?" he said quickly

Tony took a deep breath and said, "a defense base of this level, like the secret base in Nevada, never communicates with the outside world. All network information is carried out through the internal network and has its own independent communication mode."

"Skynet is the body of network consciousness. It can walk through the network of public order at will, but it can't enter the internal network of the secret base. Only when it enters the internal network of the secret base, Skynet has the opportunity to control the internal network!"

What Tony said was a little more profound.

However, jordani and others understood that Skynet defected, colluded with kirian, let kirian come forward, deliberately leaked the information about the secret base in Nevada, and aroused the vigilance of the Avengers, aegis and officials.

After the self inspection, the military will soon send people into the secret base in Nevada.

Equivalent, Skynet and kirian, the avenger, aegis and the official as a key.

Now the official public has opened the gate of the secret base in Nevada to Skynet. Skynet has not disappeared from the beginning to the end, and it still exists in the military.

Every plane and machine going to the secret base in Nevada may be the hiding place of Skynet.

Only in this way can Skynet enter the secret base of Nevada quietly.

"We must inform Nick Frey immediately that no one or any machine can enter the secret base of Nevada until Skynet is found. It's better not to open the door of the secret base!"

Tony yelled and screamed, in a very emotional mood.

At this time, Nick Frey's voice came from the communication channel where everyone was. He was a little impatient and said, "it's too late. Skynet has invaded the network terminal of unit 140. Now unit 140 has completely defected under the control of Skynet."

Tony said, "sheter, what about the secret base in Nevada?"

Nick Frey said: "we found Skynet in the self inspection of the secret base, and kept it out of the base, but the offensive of unit 140 was too strong for us to stop it for a long time."

"Ma jaafak, who are these freaks? Hold on, hold on for me..."

In the communication, everyone can hear the faint sound of guns and screams.

The anxiety was diffused in the fighters, and everyone's face was not very good.

But at this time, it's obviously useless to be anxious, just waiting quietly, everyone is adjusting themselves, ready to fight at any time.

"We are approaching the battlefield. Please fight well..."

"Enemy attack, enemy attack..."

Before we got close to the battlefield, there was a sharp alarm coming from the Kunlun fighters.

"Sir, in the mountains of Nevada, more than 140 air defense missiles have been launched. The fighter can't cross the blockade line. For your life safety, it must be out of the expected explosion range!"

Jarvis's message is clearer than the shrill sirens of the Kun fighters.

Hearing Jarvis's voice, everyone turned pale.

Knock NIMA, more than 140 anti-aircraft missiles, really willing!

At this time, there was no choice. Jordan turned over his hand and drew out his sword. He split it vertically and horizontally and tore a huge gap in the Kun fighter.

Boom boom!

A series of explosions were soon heard in the sky, and the terrible flames were blooming in the sky.

Fortunately, I got Jarvis's warning in advance, otherwise, even a considerable part of the Avengers can escape, but there will definitely be no small casualties.

In mid air, Jordan and Tony both have the ability to fly, each dragging a large group of figures, slowly landing toward the ground.

On landing, Hobbes turned pale and said, "sheter, I miss some of my friends in the sanctuary."

Compared with the mage directly opening the portal, this kind of flight mode is far behind. What's more, Hobbes himself is a little afraid of heights.

Steve was the most serious one, especially after he got into the fight.

"Tony and Joe, you two go to the secret base in Nevada as soon as possible for support. We'll walk through the mountains. In any case, nuclear weapons must not fall into the hands of others."

Steve identified the direction and spoke directly to Tony and Jordan.

It's more than ten kilometers away from the coordinate battlefield. At the speed of Steve and others, it won't take long. However, it's obvious that every minute is precious.

Tony and jordani didn't refuse either. They just told him to shoot in the direction of the battlefield.

However, it is obvious that the Avengers underestimated the combat effectiveness of 140 troops.

Just when Tony and Jordan cut into the battlefield within two kilometers, in the distant sky, a large black thing like a flock of birds appeared in their sight.

"Tony, something's wrong. Is that a bat?"

"Sheter, what are you looking at? These are small bombing drone sequences!"

"What is it? Will it explode? "

"Yes, it's ferocious!"

When the two people talk, Tony in the air has suddenly stopped, the whole person stopped in the air, in a way of circling, toward the forest below.

But at this time, Jordan did not have time to turn at all, and had already dived into the dense UAV sequence.

Boom boom!

As Tony said, it does blow up.