Think about the appearance of hawk, in fact, to a certain extent, we can see what female hawk will look like.

It's probably the enlarged version of the female bodybuilding champion, with a few small pieces of cloth hanging on her body. Her violent muscles turn green, and she can play with steel as mud every move.

It can be seen from the picture that this is probably Betty Roth. Even when she applauds for love, she doesn't have to worry about emotional instability. She can do it to her heart's content.

Of course, this must not be said in front of hawk and Betty Ross, otherwise it may make them both lose their heads at the same time.

Hawk's problem is easier to solve. If you throw it into the training ground and keep quiet for a while, the transformation effect will naturally disappear.

As for Betty Ross, it's a little hard.

It seems that the transfiguration effect on the other side can't fade for a while.

It's mainly related to women's love for beauty. Even for two days, Betty rose is very receptive to her green and violent muscles. Every time she sees something green, her anger can't go away.

It takes time to get rid of the emotional anger, and then Betty rose accepts this fact, and can control her transformation freely.

A diffusion of x-fog brings too many changes.

It's not just the Avengers alliance that is closely related to everyone. In more than a dozen super cities around the world, such as Washington, New York and London, a large number of super powers have begun to appear.

Although it's just the beginning of the matter and it hasn't brought much turbulence, small-scale events have begun to happen.

Around the world, as many as tens of millions and even more people are infected.

It's not the Avengers alliance that can decide how to treat the superpowers. It's the deep evolution of genes. In ten or twenty years, there will even be more superpowers.

If it can be well controlled, with detailed and correct laws and excellent guidance, it may become an evolutionary frenzy that affects the whole world and even the whole mankind.

But similarly, if it is not done well, it will become the beginning of trouble and chaos, leading to the continuous collapse of the whole social order.

When Dr. Benner woke up, the quarrel between Tony and Steve came to an abrupt end.

In terms of biology, Dr. Benner is a top talent. Whether it's the in-depth study of X medicine or the way to find an antidote through biological knowledge, Dr. Benner's leadership is needed.

And the most important thing is that Dr. Benner has enough ability to find a set of formulas to find the source of this x agent, that is, the whereabouts of kirian, through a special energy variant.

It may take a long time to solve the social conflicts caused by the spread of X-ray.

However, it is urgent to solve the two careerists, kirian and the black emperor.

If there were not a large number of people with x-energy in the society, the Avengers alliance would not have been able to find kirian's whereabouts. For a while, even kirian himself would not have thought of this.

"Hey, Benner, how long does it take to find this bastard Killian?"

"Well, I'm not sure. The energy formula I set up needs to produce enough special instruments to cause a resonance between x-energy in global positioning, and can effectively locate the fluctuation and address of x-energy. In Kilian's case, x-energy is definitely the most abundant and the highest level. We need time to verify and screen..."

Jordan can't help you with this kind of research.

I can only watch Dr. Benner and Tony in the laboratory, and sometimes quarrel.

He just asked a question, and Dr. Benner said a lot of words that were completely incomprehensible.

When Dr. Benner finished explaining, Jordan took a look at Steve next to him.

At this time, Steve looked serious and seemed to be pondering over the meaning of Dr. Benner's words, which had a kind of pious and solemn meaning.

"Steve, do you understand something?" he said

Steve is still with a serious face, said: "completely did not understand."

Knock on NIMA, I don't understand you. Pretend to be a chicken feather.