Sol has never been a reliable person, but sometimes his ability is easy to use, such as controlling the weather.

For all the Avengers, the fight with kirian is not terrible.

What's really troubling is that kirian is hiding in a densely populated area with a large number of people. Once a battle breaks out, there are too many things to consider.

It's not easy to disperse the crowd, especially in the trouble areas of New York.

NYPD has deployed more than 70% of its staff. It has been more than four hours since the Avengers alliance left the house, and less than half of the crowd has been evacuated.

But for sol, evacuating people is not so troublesome.

Although Thor has always been known as the God of thunder, in fact, Thor's real name is the God of thunder and storm. Even in controlling the weather, Thor has a considerable degree of ability.

As sol rushed out of the Kun fighter plane and flew into the air, a large number of thunder and storm quickly gathered.

Driven by Saul, thunderstorm and windy weather suddenly appeared on Kony island.

The first one to be swept by the storm was the cruise ship where kirian was. It seemed that it was rolled by an invisible hand and kept moving towards the deep sea.

Then, on the beach, the wind was wrinkling. The people who had come out to enjoy the holidays and the beach, cursed one by one in this windy weather, had to leave the damned beach.

Saul's ability to control the weather doesn't have much lethality.

Unless sol enters the third stage of his life in the future, Sol's ability, that is to say, it's OK to pretend to be a magic wand and fool ordinary people.

All the time, even sol himself felt that his ability was a chicken.

But no one thought that at this moment, it was this chicken's ability that played a great role.

The crowd began to be evacuated in large quantities. Tony, the most irascible, could not bear it. He broke out of the Kun fighter plane and headed for the coastal area where Killian's yacht was driven by the storm.

At this time, no one is against anything.

Coney Island suddenly had stormy weather, this kind of thing, even if it is publicly reported, there is nothing about the Avengers alliance.

Who is to blame for the sudden weather like this.

But Tony's goods go out fast and come back fast.

When jordani and others arrived at the sea by Kunshi fighter plane, they already saw Tony coming out of a storm in mid air.

At the same time, in Tony's rear, a blue figure more than two meters high, driving thunder and lightning to split everything from the storm, pounced on the Kun fighter.


Clint, who was driving the fighter, was startled by the sudden attack. Within a minute, he was driving the fighter to avoid the sweep of a lightning whip.

At this time, people who can fly, such as Jordan and sol, have quickly left the warehouse and pounced on Killian on the sea.

On the contrary, the cabin, such as Steve, Hobbes and others, looked at each other.

Hobbes took a look at the boundless sea and said, "I think it's a wrong choice to put the battlefield on the sea."

Steve also looked embarrassed and said, "Yeah, those waters look unfriendly!"

For Steve, Hobbes and others, it is very difficult to fight at sea.

At this time, on the sea, kirian, who used to control thunder and lightning, has changed another power, controlling the endless sea water, forming a giant water current with a height of more than 100 meters.

Kirian is the origin of X potion. He once absorbed the original power of a considerable number of God corpses, and even integrated the strengthening genes screened out by countless mutation potions in the holy city incident.

In the aspect of powers, other people can control one power at most, and occasionally there are people who can control two powers, which is very rare.

But there are so many powers in this cherion.

For those who can control water flow, the advantage of sea combat is not too great.

After the spread of X fog, Tony specially developed a new armor, which can resist the erosion of X energy to a certain extent. He thought he could hang Killian.

But I didn't expect that the endless weight of sea water alone could make Tony drink a pot.

The 100 meter giant, even if it's a palm, just the weight of the current, has been as heavy as several tons. Even if it doesn't have the addition of X energy, that slap can directly break Tony's armor.

Boom boom!

The giant 100 meter giant, churning in the ocean, gave birth to one palm after another, just like the giant with 100 arms, like an eagle catching a chicken, constantly chasing Tony, who is running away in the sky.

As a last resort, Tony even needs to launch a large number of small missiles to smash the airtight huge waves. Otherwise, once he is entangled by the endless water, the end will not be very wonderful.

"Mortal who steals the power of God, you will be punished by asgardra!"

Just when Tony was more and more embarrassed, the sky, accompanied by the sound of storm and thunder roar, the red cape was surging in the wind, and the meow hammer in Saul's hand rotated rapidly, driving the endless storm, forming a huge tornado, which soon penetrated into the huge waves.

The power of the hurricane, like the sharpest knife, accompanied by Saul's rapid movement in the sky, cut the giant into pieces.

But just as sol was getting more excited, a huge wind blade cut across and cut off the tornado.

A blue figure, rising from the endless waves, holding a spear made of thunder and lightning, cuts into the eye of the hurricane and comes across the sky to kill Saul directly on the spot.

At the peak of the second life leap, kirian was much better than sol in both physical and energy control.

Although sol is the God of thunder and storm, and has a natural control and bonus for these two forces, it is not too difficult for kirian to break the vortex of energy convergence.


Endless thunder exploded, like a huge thunderstorm over the sea.

In the center of the thunderstorm, Jordan appeared in front of Saul at some time. There were endless patterns on the holy sword, and the Holy Light surged, forming a huge spherical barrier, which blocked out the planned attack of kirian.

With the time of entering the second life stage getting longer and longer, Jordan became more skilled in controlling the power of death and light.

Today, even if Jordan doesn't have to pray with the help of piety, and doesn't have to pray with the sword, he can also display the light barrier.

Above the sea, there were big waves, thunder and storms.

At this time, on the Kun fighter in the sky, at the entrance and exit of the engine room, Steve looked at the battle on the sea with a complicated face and said, "to tell you the truth, I miss the World War II. At least, the people we need to deal with at that time are just careerists like red skull, not the careerists who can control the sea and the sea The monster of thunder and lightning

Hobbes was also full of approval, said: "I also miss the days in the FBI and DHS, at that time, I just need to deal with the car thieves like donimic“

Clint didn't know when he came to the cabin and said, "guys, this is not the time for nostalgia and chatting. Are we here to watch?"

Hobbes, speechless, said, "sheter, what do you want to do, swim over and let the blue boy surrender with the white flag?"

Steve's focus is not here. Instead, he looks at Clint strangely and says, "Hey, Clint, shouldn't you be in the cockpit at this time? Don't tell me, you're on autopilot now

Clint slightly shy smile, said: "of course not, our fighter was affected by lightning, the control system has completely failed!"

“F..k!” Hobbes turned pale and said, "you mean, we are..."

Clint nodded and said, "yes, we are going to crash soon. Are you surprised or not?"

Knock NIMA!

In the voice of Steve and Hobbes full of resentment, the entire Kun fighter completely weightless, toward the sea head down.

At this time, Tony also found Steve and others who were crashing. After a little observation on the battlefield, he turned to rescue Steve and others. At least, he had to send them to the beach.

"Sol, we have to lead him to the shore. The other side has too much advantage on the sea!"

In the battle of the sky, with a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, Jordan smashed the water dragons.

At this time, sol was also very embarrassed when he was swept by dozens of hundreds of streams. The meow hammer in his hand rotated to break the water in the sky, glanced at it and threw it out.

Saul's fighting power, before he entered the second stage of life leap, basically had 70% of his strength, all on the hammer in his hand.

Milnier is the inheritance artifact of Asgard.

In the beginning, Odin used it, and later Hella also used it. Even in the third stage of the universe, it is difficult for the strong to cause any damage to Millner.

Only the power of Asgard can break the spell on mulnil.

Raytheon's hammer broke away, broke the infinite water flow, hit kirian's chest, and interrupted his action of controlling the water flow.

"Now, Joe!"