The conversation with Jinbing is not so smooth, but there are some unexpected gains for Jordan and Natasha.

Up to now, everyone in the Avengers alliance, including Jordan and Natasha, is not sure who holds the dimensional anchor.

However, from the mouth of Jinbing, it is already a preliminary target.

Shouhe society, Jidao organization, Shijie Gang, Leviathan, Guangrong society and Aidian organization have been secretly united to form a huge alliance of forces.

If it's just a Raider meeting, it may not be able to really find the dimension anchor, but it will scare the snake.

So after leaving Fisk building, Jordan and Natasha did not continue to move in hell kitchen, but went back to Avenger base.

The passage through hell can not be formed in one or two days.

But unexpectedly, it's not long before Jordan and Natasha return to the avenger base. A portal soon appears in the avenger base. Tony, Steve, including Dr. Benner, and others are all in a mess and come out of the portal.

Looking at the battle marks on everyone's body, Jordan and Natasha are both surprised.

"Have you found the passage to hell? Doesn't it mean that those demons can't appear on the earth before the passage of hell is connected? "

Seeing the crowd back, Jordan got up quickly.

Back to the Avengers alliance, there are more or less traces left by fierce fighting. For example, Tony's body, which was originally made of steel armor, has scratches like the tearing of beasts.

This kind of scratch, also let a person involuntarily, can associate with devil this kind of creature.

However, in the face of Jordan and Natasha's concern, Tony and others face is all faltering, a strange expression.

Natasha is also a face of ignorant force, then joked: "Hey, boys, should not be taught by the savages of the primitive tribes in the African jungle?"

Natasha is just a joke.

But when Tony and others heard Natasha's words, their faces were obviously embarrassed.

This is basically a tacit attitude. Natasha's face was shocked. How could she have thought that she casually made a joke and said it so accurately.

After a moment, Natasha said seriously, "guys, this must be your joke, right?"

Tony and other people's faces became more painful. Finally, Steve said, "it's not a joke. We were going to go directly to the dense forest lake detected by the satellite, but we were caught off guard when we just arrived near wakanda..."

In fact, what Steve said was very euphemistic.

Tony and others were not just defeated, but had no fighting power at all and were captured alive on the spot.

The hell passage is not a trivial matter. The Avengers have never thought that in the dense forest of Africa, there will be people who will ambush themselves and others.

Not long after Tony, Steve and others rushed into the dense forest of the vacanda mountains, thousands of black people with spears, swords, or even a sheet appeared in the dense forest, completely surrounded them.

At the beginning, Tony and others thought that they were surrounded by some aboriginal tribes living in the dense forest of Africa, and they didn't pay attention to those people.

However, when Tony and others failed to communicate with the aborigines and were ready to break through the encirclement by force, the aborigines' spear weapons, which looked very primitive, actually sent out extremely advanced energy attack.

Tony and other people's counterattack is to attack the aborigines, but the aborigines use the sheets to shake, and then disappear.

Even after Dr. Benner turned into hawk, he was soon bound by the silver iron rings fired by the primitive aborigines. He could not break the silver iron rings with all his strength.

Tony can be regarded as the most flexible one, but in the dense forest, Tony was not even able to take off, so he was attacked by a human shaped panther. After three or two attacks, his ion ejector was destroyed on the spot.

Whether it's a surprise or a loss in numbers.

Anyway, in those African aborigines, Tony and others don't have the ability to resist at all. They are pushed by others.

Until Tony and others were captured alive, they were soon brought into a super science fiction City hidden in endless forests.

In the real world, even Tony's high-tech gadgets are very popular in that secret city.

Even the energy weapons that Tony is still studying have already been popularized in that city.

Fortunately, among the wakanda people, it seems that they have retained the most primitive African Aboriginal customs, but in fact, they have a high degree of civilization. After catching Tony and others, they did not treat them harshly.

It turns out that since the appearance of hell passage, more than 4000 people have been missing among the five tribes of vakanda.

In order to find out the truth about the disappearance of the clansmen and catch those hateful human traffickers, the five tribes had to go out of wakanda and disperse, constantly monitoring and searching the surrounding areas of wakanda.

Before Tony and others, vakanda has swept more than ten wave of human trafficking organizations one after another.

Originally, vakanda wanted to find the whereabouts of his own people from those traffickers, but he didn't expect that all of them were extremely fierce. Once they were caught, they would commit suicide on the spot.

So after meeting Tony and others, vakanda will launch a surprise attack without saying a word and capture Tony and others alive.

Originally, it was not so easy for Tony and others to get away. Fortunately, as soon as Tony and others were arrested, Casillas, with some of the mages, had already arrived at vakanda, and solved the misunderstanding between the two sides.

In fact, there is a connection between the supreme sanctuary and vakanda.

It is said that long ago, the last supreme mage of the supreme sanctuary had a good friendship with the patron saint of vakanda.

That's what happened next. Casillas and other mages opened the portal and went straight back to the avenger base.

Natasha was shocked to the point that she could not be further shocked when she listened to the people's narration.

Among the primitive tribes, there is a super technology city. In the city, there are energy weapons, countless Zhenjin, Panther king and Panther patron saint.

This kind of words, if it is not for Tony and others who have a lot of traces of fighting, Natasha would even think that this is a collective story.

In real society, although most people do not admit it, in fact, most people's cognition is that Africa is recognized as a poor, backward, barbaric and chaotic region in the world.

Vakanda, in particular, is very famous all over the world. Of course, it is famously poor.

Who would have thought that within the real vakanda, there is technology far beyond the whole world and wealth that can buy most of the world.

On the contrary, it's Jordan, not too shocked by this.

Before Tony said that he would buy the mountain outside of vacanda, Jordan had already wanted to remind people of the existence of vacanda, and wondered if Tony and others would see vacanda's people in action.

But Tony did not expect that the meeting between the two sides would be in such a form.

Fortunately, the result is not too bad. At least, although some disputes broke out between the two sides, there were no casualties.

Looking at the frustrated Tony, Joe said with a smile: "Hey, Tony, how does it feel to be crushed in wealth and technology?"

Tony was just dejected at first. He was insulted by Jordan. He was immediately angry and said, "I will surpass them. If it is not for their unique Zhenjin resources, they will not be as good as stark group even if they are developing for 100 years!"

Although this is a bit ugly, in fact, Tony is qualified to say so.

In Giordani's view, vakanda is a typical person who goes begging with Jinshan. He clearly has a very strong and unique Zhenjin technology system, but he has no imagination. In terms of weapon manufacturing, vakanda is a rough mess.

Zhenjin can be sold for as much as ten thousand dollars a gram on the market, but it's not a blow.

Zhenjin is second only to Alderman alloy in hardness, and its molecular structure is very special, almost in a relatively static state, which makes Zhenjin have the characteristics of absorbing heat, energy, kinetic energy and so on.

In the field of physical science and technology, the value of this metal is even more prominent.

Materials science itself is one of the biggest foundations for promoting the development of science and technology. If there are enough materials like Zhenjin in circulation on the market, the development of science and technology of the whole earth can be improved several times or even dozens of times.

But it is this kind of precious material that falls into the hands of vakanda and is used to make spears and bed sheets.

Even the so-called spear and sheet are considered as high-tech weapons of energy, and their shape and function are enough to make complaints about human beings.

Seeing Tony's almost furious outburst, Jordan stopped challenging Tony.

With an embarrassed smile, after a few words of flattery, Jordan changed the subject and told the audience what she and Natasha got from Jinbing, and informed Nick Frey.

More than half of the super forces in the underground world are united, and there is a hydra stirring the wind and the rain.

It's not something that Jordan and Natasha can handle, and even the Avengers league can't help.

Only a large official force like the aegis can make enough response to the huge underground alliance in the shortest time.


PS: sorry, there are a lot of work at the end of the month, and there are some adjustments in the work, so the update time in these two days is not stable, and the number of updates is not much. The adjustment will be started tomorrow, and it is guaranteed that ten thousand words three shifts will be restored every day.