The reality is much more serious than Joe Denny, Steve, Nick Frey and others predicted.

Steve, Hobbes and other secret Avengers aim at the problems among the underground forces that have no evidence and cannot be solved quickly, while Jordan aims at the backstage of those underground forces among the officials of various countries.

This solid, let Jordan, Steve and others, appreciate the darkness of the world.

Sometimes, the reality is even more exaggerated than the movies and TV shows. Jordan even has a feeling that these underground forces and dirty politicians are more disgusting than the demons in hell.

Similarly, this two pronged attack has also made the whole world, in just a few days, begin to become extremely turbulent.

Fortunately, in the underground world, a large number of gang leaders were washed away, and more people began to go up.

Under the tip of Giordani, Jinbing's power, in just a few days, directly defeated the hell Angel chariot party, and even went out of the United States and expanded globally.

Originally, Kim was worried that his fierce expansion would attract the attention and suppression of the official forces.

No one expected that in these short days, even among the officials of various countries, high-level politicians have been assassinated frequently. After these assassinated politicians died, a lot of evidence of collusion with underground gangs has been exposed.

If it's a case committed by a person with extraordinary ability, the high-level officials of various countries and the Security Council may also find trouble with aegis and Avengers alliance.

However, in the course of the operation, Jordan did not use any magic power, but only used his strong physical fitness and all kinds of guns and knives to carry out the task. The incident was quickly identified as an ordinary assassination.

Public opinion, official pressure, and almost the whole world's top officials are in danger.

There is no great man with complete light in the world. There is darkness everywhere, but the difference is more or less.

In this case, the officials of various countries have not even noticed that behind this, there is an invisible big hand manipulating all this, and everyone is trying to wipe his dirty skin.

And in this kind of almost weird, eccentric trend, a lot of information, intelligence, was gathered into the hands of Nick Frey.

With the help of countless intelligence analysts, the unclear clues about the dimension anchor are gradually emerging in the sight of aegis and Avengers alliance.

In the avenger base.

In a huge projection picture, countless names and clues gather to form a dense cobweb.

And in this huge cobweb, there are lines that are weighted and thickened, which are marked, combined vertically and horizontally, and finally all converge under one name.

Baron Strack!

Tony obviously couldn't accept the result and said excitedly, "are you kidding me, director Frey? In the battle of the destruction of the snake shield Bureau, a lost dog who escaped, don't tell me that Strack did all this behind his back! "

Baron strucker, if it had not been for the information given by Nick Frey, I'm afraid that Jordan, Tony and others would have forgotten this man long ago.

It can be said that Baron Strack is almost the first one to be eliminated from the hydra.

As early as Natasha had just joined the aegis, Strack castle had been brought clean under the design of seifer. Even Baron Strack had become a lost dog, constantly running back and forth under each branch of Hydra, begging for protection.

When the snake shield Bureau was destroyed, Baron stracker hid in the hammer industry. When he saw something, he couldn't do it. He rolled up a lot of money and disappeared without a trace.

In fact, from that time on, the Avengers and aegis have not regarded each other as a threat.

Now Nick Frey suddenly jumped out and told everyone that the great turbulence that affected the whole world, even the earth and hell, was manipulated by Baron Strack.

This kind of feeling, like some people say "Avengers 5" will take the eagle eye as the absolute protagonist, people can't believe it, but also a little funny.

It's true, too, in the experience and enemies of Jordan and others.

Baron Strack's position in the villain is just like Clint in the Avengers League, who is embarrassed and easily ignored.

Nick Frey's acting, and it's weird.

But when everyone was quiet, Nick Frey finally said, "it's hard to believe this result, but this is the truth. Strack is the elder of the hydra, familiar with everything about the hydra, whether it's the NATO alliance, or the Eastern European belt, or the Asian Hydra, including the underground world, They all have traces of Strack! "

"Starak has such ability, which is also the closest enemy to the truth that we have got in more than ten days. We have enough intelligence to speculate that as long as we catch Strack, we will be infinitely close to the dimensional anchor point!"

Aidian, Jidao, Shijie Gang, Guangrong society, Leviathan, these forces are certainly huge, but they are also on the surface. In fact, every move is hard to escape from the attention of the intelligence organizations of aegis, CIA, MI6, etc.

On the contrary, Baron Strack, an "invisible man" who has almost disappeared from everyone's sight, can push things to such a degree in silence.

This is the incredible truth.

If you think about it carefully, it's just reasonable. After all, there are still three catties of nails in a rotten boat. Baron Strack has nine headed snakes on his back. If he can give full play to his contacts, he can also contribute to such a situation.

As Nick Frey's voice fell, everyone in the room was shocked and talked.

And at this time, inadvertently, Jordan and Nick Frey look at each other, a mistake.

Baron Strack really made great efforts in the whole matter. Even if all the information, information and intelligence were broken up, the cover thrown by the Hydra was absolutely Strack.

But in fact, there is some information about what Jordan and Nick Frey do in secret, which has not been disclosed.

This is a game set up by jordani and Nick Frey. On the surface, it pushes Baron Strack out to be a scapegoat. The dimension anchor hidden behind can't be destroyed at this time.

As Jordan said, if the hell passage is well used, it is a sword of Damocles hanging on all heads of the earth, which is enough to enable governments around the world to unite their strength to a great extent.

The appearance of hell demon army may cause countless casualties of troops and soldiers.

However, both Jordan and Nick Frey think that this is an acceptable price. There is no selfish intention in both of them, just for the sake that human beings on earth can better deal with the crisis from the deep universe in the future.

Similarly, the plans of Jordan and Nick Frey can never be seen.

After a long period of discussion, the room was finally quiet.

After more than ten days of secret operation, Steve's whole body was filled with a kind of grim color and said: "whether Strack is behind the scenes or not, I just want to know if we can find the dimension anchor through him?"

What Steve said is also what everyone wants to know.

In the course of more than ten days, many mages, such as Casillas and modu, have sensed that the enemy has completed the bloody sacrifice again. If we still can't find the dimension anchor this time, when the final bloody sacrifice is completed, the passage of hell will become unchangeable.

Hearing Steve's words, there was a touch on Jordan's face.

This is also what makes Jordan hesitant all the time. If he wants to implement the plan he and Nick Frey have made, the last bloody sacrifice will be inevitable.

If we say that many soldiers will be sacrificed in the battle with hell devil, Jordan will not be moved, because in Jordan's view, it is the honor of soldiers to die in battle.

But if it's bloody sacrifice, 90% of them are civilians.

Seeing those civilians being slaughtered and not going to rescue, Jordan didn't know whether he would have psychological obstacles or even regret for half his life.

Nick Frey is obviously involved in this as well.

For a long time, Nick Frey's eyes swept over Jordan, without any expression on his face, and said: "Novosibirsk, this is our only clue. It's a secret base abandoned by Hydra. Where is Strack hiding? The last bloody sacrifice will also be held there!"

According to the plan of Jordan and Nick Frey, this last clue should have been exposed a day later.

By then, the last bloody sacrifice will have been completed.

However, it seems that Nick Frey has not been able to make the tough decision in the end, and in the process, Jordan also has no objection.

This last clue and intelligence, Jordan and Nick Frey are also just got.

It's a human choice.

Jordan gave the final decision to Nick Frey, and now it seems that Nick Frey is not ruthless enough to ignore the lives of many innocent people.

There's no reason. On the contrary, there seems to be a big stone disappearing in Jordan's heart.

At the same time, Nick Frey's eyes, looking in the direction of Jordan, after the eyes crossed, their faces were showing a calm smile.

One is a killer and the other is a spy chief.

Although they can't do justice like Steve, they can't ignore countless lives.

Ready to go, all the Avengers are ready to attack.

At this time, Jordan also sighed.

Ma De, now of oneself, should also be regarded as a qualified virgin whore.