The steel cage falling from the sky. To tell you the truth, this scene makes Jordan look familiar. Most of the time, this is Tony's giant armor specially prepared for Fu Haoke in the movie world.

Indeed, with Toni's Tucao, two flare flames make complaints about the direction of Toni's flight.

But at this time, the steel cage in front of Jordan and Tony, under the hard blow of obsidian, has begun to crumble, and seems to be breaking apart at any time.

Jordan got up hard, took off his shackles, spoke to Tony and said: "it seems that your armor is going to be late. Obsidian's hard time can't be too long. Why don't we leave first? When it's weak, deal with it? "

Tony looked at the armor that was flying in the air, but still a distance away. He showed an embarrassed smile on his face and said: "Friday's computing power is average, just a little mistake. Joe, you're right. We don't have to fight with this dying guy..."


Just when Tony and Jordan feel that the momentum is not right and are ready to avoid the wind, they see that the original steel cage in the middle of the road is broken.

The ferocious Obsidian star, at this moment, looks like a real monster, no longer has the slightest human shape. Seeing Tony and Jordan want to escape, the sharp axe in Obsidian star's hand suddenly comes out, whirling and dancing in the mid air with a terrible roar. In the blink of an eye, it has come to the front of Tony.

With Tony's weak armor, he couldn't resist such a terrible blow.


At the critical moment, the energy wings behind him suddenly burst apart and gathered into a huge and thick white light shield, inlaid with gold-plated patterns, and the front hard blocked the flying axe.


The light shield was broken instantly, and Jordan spewed out a mouthful of blood on the spot. The whole person was smashed away like a rag bag, and crashed into a piece of house, buried by the ruins.

All of a sudden, I can't even run.

"Well, that's what you're looking for!"

Tony was stimulated by this sudden scene, just at this time, after a delay, the armor in the sky has come to Tony.

Clang clang!

At first, a piece of leg armor hit Tony, which made Tony's whole body suddenly shake. Then, with the sound of mechanical clasps, the huge armor began to deform rapidly, but in a twinkling of an eye, it had covered Tony's right leg. With Tony's strong step, it formed a huge steel support.

At the same time, another huge armor also hit Tony's body, spreading on his left chest and arm.

At this time, the Obsidian star had already rushed in front of Tony, jumped up, and rushed towards Tony in the air.


In an instant, on Tony's body, there were four ark reactors exploding at high altitude. Under a powerful driving force, Tony fell to the ground with a huge leg, standing on the ground like an old tree. His left arm rose from the sky like a deformed Popeye. He hit obsidian in the face with a faster and fiercer speed.


Obsidian comes fast and goes back faster.

Tony's super armor is ready for a blow, and the explosive force of four ark reactors can be driven by even a large airliner, let alone a Obsidian who is only three meters tall.

Clang, clang, clang!

A blow blew the Obsidian star, and the rest of the armor in the sky had also flown to Tony's side. In Tony's classic open arms posture, it quickly combined on Tony's body in a dazzling way.


The Obsidian was not seriously injured by Tony's blow. After a roar, he would rush towards Tony again.

But at this time, Tony's armor has not been really assembled.

Whew, whew!

In the face of obsidian's charge, Tony was very calm. During the war armor assembly, one after another of the pocket missiles flew out of his body. Almost in the blink of an eye, he locked the obsidian and burst out a series of terrible roars, enveloping it in a flame.

This level of weapon may not cause any real damage to obsidian, but it is enough if it is only used to block for some time.

When the Obsidian star rushed out of the fire, Tony had completed the combination of armor.

With the approaching of obsidian, Tony makes a slight bow step. The mecha on his body makes a clear mechanical deformation sound. His hands open, and his right arm bursts out like a ready arrow.


Two fists collide, Tony's huge armor, when it collides with Obsidian's fist, a large piece of armor breaks apart.

However, Tony didn't change his expression. The mechanical bouncing on Tony's broken fist suddenly formed a huge sleeve, which enveloped and bound Obsidian's fist.

Obsidian's fist is really fierce, but after the fist is covered, it can't work at all.

On the contrary, Tony's armor is driven by mechanical force, and he has no weakness. He flies up in an instant and presses the Obsidian star on the ground. Hundreds of meters away, his other fist is like a high-speed driving piston. In a high-frequency way, he hits the Obsidian star's head.


Even if an immortal is pressed on the ground and his head is pounded, he can't bear it. There is always a moment of dizziness, and then comes the crazy struggle and counterattack like a wild animal.

One of obsidian's fists was bound, but the other fists and soles of his feet were torn and scratched on Tony's armor, scratching a lot of mechanical parts.

This is the strength of the strong in the second stage. The flesh is harder than steel, and the strength is more fierce than machinery.

No matter how thick Tony's mecha is, it can't withstand Obsidian's long-term tearing.

At this moment, Tony almost didn't want to think about it. He got up quickly, fell over his shoulder, smashed Obsidian's backhand directly on the ground, and then launched his fist to take obsidian into mid air.

Clang clang!

Obsidian was knocked dizzy and flew in the air. Instinctively, he was about to break free and stretch out his hand to tear the mechanical sleeve on his arm. At this time, Tony on the ground was forced by his feet to form a huge steel support, and his armor was spread and assembled to form a super muzzle that was more than three meters long and watermelon thick.

Tony himself, wearing his personal armor and holding his hands, aimed the super gun at obsidian in the sky.

Boom boom!

The super strong energy light quickly condenses on the muzzle, but in the muzzle, what spurts out is not the energy shell, but the electromagnetic steel shot after the energy is highly compressed.

This thing is a super electromagnetic railgun.

In an instant, the Obsidian star in the middle of the sky was directly screened out. After the last energy shell hit, it was more directly blasted into pieces.

However, after the series of attacks, Tony's super armor has been destroyed by the powerful energy. More than one third of his body has been completely melted, and more than half of his armor has been completely damaged.

Electromagnetic railguns, which are only semi experimental objects in the official laboratories of many countries on earth.

It's not that the theory is not enough, but that the materials can't be made. Not everyone can be like Tony, who has more than hundreds of billions of dollars of assets to squander.

Like laser weapons, this level of weapons is not mature enough, or the cost is too high.

For example, Zhenjin can absolutely withstand any level of energy output and transmission, but it costs tens of thousands of dollars per gram. Even Tony can't afford to spend it. He can only cover and smear the surface of the armor after it is successfully manufactured, and not every suit of armor can do so.

And at this time, Jordan is also very difficult to climb out of the ruins.

It's just an obsidian star. It's so hard to make it. Those strong people who can cross the universe are really not brag.

Coming out of the ruins and in front of Tony, Jordan said, "this thing looks really exciting! It reminds me of the transformers in the cartoon. Is the gun just now the legendary electromagnetic railgun? "

Tony is speechless and disdains to explain anything to Jordan. The crystallization of his wisdom is not understood by the other party's technological idiot.

If we just look at the power and dynamism, wouldn't nuclear weapons be more sensational?

It's very difficult to build a small covered exoskeleton combat armor. This kind of large-scale combat armor should take into account both deformation and weapon combination. It's the greatest invention in the 21st century.

Looking at nearly half of the super armor destroyed by him, Tony quickly turned his attention and looked at the expanding space portal over New York. His face became heavy for no reason.

"Joe, we've found a way to close the portal, but..."

"What you want to say is that the news about the war in the nine realms and Asgard is true or false, right?"

Jordan and Tony can be regarded as the best basic friends, just look at Tony, Jordan has understood what Tony is thinking now.

It's just that Tony doesn't have full trust in Scarlett, rocky and others from Asgard. He is afraid that Asgard will use the wrong information to transfer the war to the earth.

This is not impossible. The United States often plays such a game of transferring the cost of war on earth.

It is also human nature to be on guard against and distrust aliens.