What is called Malthusian trap? In a word, the poorer you are, the more you become a demon.

This sentence is not very appropriate, but many historical imaginations on earth have proved that this Malthusian theory of population can not be stopped by killing in many cases.

After the massive killing, the population will soon usher in a super rebound.

Of course, among all the Avengers, only Tony and Dr. Benner, two freaks, will think of some bullshit scientific theory after hearing about the actions of exterminating hegemony.

Engineering dog is such a strange existence.

Natasha glanced at them with a white eye and said, "please, what we should consider now is not about mieba and the killing of mieba?"

Jizel also said: "that is, mieba will not have a debate with you about the population theory!"

Heidi said by mending the knife: "yes, he will only choose to kill you two engineering dogs!"

Tony: "and

Dr. Benner: --

Arguing with women about right and wrong is the most stupid way. Tony and Dr. Benner are not people without a wife and children. Naturally, they deeply understand this.

After being severely ridiculed by Natasha, Tony and Dr. Benner look at Jordan in silence.

This meaning is very clear, this is the girl of your family, don't you care?

Jordan's helpless face, shrugged, said his love can't reach.

At the same time, Steve stood up and said, "this is not the time for us to discuss this. Look outside, the fight that belongs to us is not over. Let's draw our attention back to the theme."

The theme of this gathering is whether to close the portal or not.

After she appeared in the stark building, she just told the public about the situation in the space war, but she didn't ask them to make any decisions.

The real decision is still in the hands of the Avengers.

Jordan was just silent for a moment, and said, "what do you mean by Nick Frey and the Security Council? For such a long time, the news should have passed? "

"Of course!" Just as Tony's voice fell, the elevator door opened and Nick Frey, dressed in a black windbreaker, walked into the room.

As soon as Nick Frey entered the room, he ignored all the Avengers and went directly to rocky. He showed a kind of extreme strength and said, "more than half of the members of the Security Council think that this is a conspiracy of Asgard and a cost shift from the space war!"

"Shit! Asgard was never afraid of war

Before rocky got angry, sol took the lead in breaking out and went straight ahead to catch Nick Frey and lift him into the air.

"Nick Frey, now take back what you just said, otherwise, I will launch a war against the earth in the name of Prince Asgard, declaring that the glory of Asgard is not allowed to be defiled by anyone!"

With Saul's roar.

Nick Frey didn't give in at this moment. He said, "do you think the earth will be afraid of it? If you want war, you will be given war!"

Sol no longer spoke, but his body was already flashing with lightning.

There's something wrong with the scene.

The crowd came forward one after another and pulled sol and Nick Frey apart, but with a sudden surprise after they separated, they soon regained their composure.

Saul's sudden fury and Nick Frey's explosive fury surprised everyone, and then everyone looked at rocky.

Rocky suddenly showed an expression of egg pain and said: "I promise, this is definitely not me, Joe, you should be able to feel that I did not move any hands and feet!"

For rocky, the trust of the people in the room is obviously not very high.

But at this moment, Jordan suddenly stood up and said, "it's not rocky, it's an old beep from hell!"

With the words of Giordani, I saw Giordani stretch out a hand, clench his fist in the air and jerk down.

A holy light suddenly appeared in the room, forming a mercury like curtain, covering the whole room, breaking out an invisible impact.


Very abrupt, a distorted figure appeared in a corner of the room.

This figure, with silver hair neatly combed and dressed, is more like an old aristocrat from the British era. However, on his face, occasionally, a ferocious and incomparable devil image will flash. In his whole body, under the touch of the holy light, there is a lot of black smoke curling up, which actually corrodes the ground.

The people in the universe who can stimulate the soul gem are not only mieba and rocky.

Jordan looked at the sudden appearance of the figure, his face showed a dignified expression, slowly spit out a name.


Everyone present was shocked. Almost everyone in the Avengers alliance had heard a lot about hell and Mephisto, but it was the first time to see Mephisto.

Mephisto's figure here is just an illusory projection, without too much power attached.

Under the suppression of Giordani's holy light, Mephisto's figure was a little distorted, but his face showed an expression of extraordinary enjoyment, and he said: "the power from heaven! I said, "how could the old man Odin be willing to work so hard? It turns out that the fate of the gods at dusk has really changed."

"The world is becoming more and more interesting."

"What an intoxicating breath of soul, I will be in hell, waiting for your arrival!"


Just as Mephisto was saying something, suddenly there were thunders in the void, which made the whole space distorted.

Through the nearly distorted space, people can even see that in the vast and endless sea of stars in the universe, a great figure with gold armor and Eight Legged heavenly horses, holding a golden spear, sends out a huge thunderbolt light, repelling a figure even more towering than a high mountain.

"Mephisto, you are so arrogant, get back to hell!"

The terrible thunder light, which envelops several kilometers of tall figures and rainbow lights, burst out from old man Odin. Where he passed, some meteorites flying through the universe burst out one after another.

The fierce fighting is just a flash away.

The distorted space in the room soon disappeared, and even the projection of Mephisto completely disappeared.


After seeing this scene, sol and rocky almost at the same time, issued an excited cry.

Jordan glanced at them and said, "it's just a corner of the boundary of the cosmic dimension. I'm afraid there's something wrong with the seal of the Argo motorcycle."

The boundaries of dimensions on earth, protected by the seal of the supreme sanctuary, are always stable.

Mephisto was able to project his power on the earth in silence, and even secretly urged the spiritual scepter to stir up the relationship between the earth and Asgard. It can be seen that the pressure on the other side of the supreme sanctuary may have reached a considerable degree.

In fact, if it wasn't for Odin's urging power, which attracted Jordan's attention, I'm afraid Jordan might not be able to find the projection power hidden in the room.

If we say that before the Avengers alliance, people still have some doubts about the words of Scarlett and rocky.

Now, everyone present is in silence.

Although the fighting scene between old man Odin and Mephisto was just a glimpse, everyone present had already seen the horrible scene of fighting between the real cosmic powers.

The big man of heavenly Father level can shatter the planet with all his actions. His power is earth shaking, which is not what the earth humans can resist.

Nick Frey said, "there are two opinions in the current Security Council: one is to end the war immediately, and the other is to form a Joint Council on cosmic affairs and defense! I will try my best to shape the Joint Council. The battlefield in New York, I can only ask you! "

When he came to the stark building, Nick Frey had a lot to do, including ending the war, acquiring the magic cube and the scepter of the mind, and getting more information from rocky.

But at this moment, after seeing the truth of the space war, Nick Frey came in a hurry, and soon left again.

It's not terrible to look at the sky from the well.

What's terrible is that after seeing the real sky, they still don't want to make progress.

Today's earth is like the frog at the bottom of a well, the ice giant before it, the passage to hell before it, including this time's zetary invasion. Although it seems to have a great impact, it does not pose enough threat to human beings.

Until this moment, a corner of the real sky appeared in front of people.

In the face of the great universe and the cosmic power that can destroy the sky and the earth, the global joint plan discussed by Jordan and Nick Frey has reached the point of urgency.

There are no so-called two opinions in the Security Council.

The so-called Joint Council on cosmic matters and defense is just an excuse made up by Nick Frey.

At this moment, Nick Frey has made up his mind that no matter how much he has to pay, he will use this time's zetary invasion to gather the power of all human beings on the earth and form a clenched fist.

At the same time, the entire stark building, there is no immediate end to the war.

With the spiritual Scepter in hand, the Avengers alliance can close the huge space portal at any time, but now after closing, people will face a more terrible hell army.

The power of Mephisto, even at a glance, was more terrifying than the Zetas in the sky.

Mephisto, in particular, seems to be peeping at the changes on the earth anytime, anywhere.