It doesn't matter what the fighter is called, as long as it doesn't go wrong at the critical time.

General konev's signal has not yet come, but in the whole hidden air base, as many as 120 fighters assembled temporarily are ready.

Taking advantage of this moment, Tony quickly placed his huge salute group in the Phoenix fighter, and began to seriously check the condition of the whole fighter.

And watching Tony get on the plane, Jordan doesn't know why. He always feels uneasy.

After hesitating for a while, Jordan found a large number of military compressed biscuits, military cans and edible water from the air base, all of which were stuffed into a corner of the fighter plane.

Tony checked the plane very carefully, and Steve gave Tony another hand.

Sol and Hobbes don't know when they are in a mess. They don't trust the Phoenix fighter and are reporting to the group for warmth.

So when Jordan was carrying a lot of food, only rocky saw what he was doing.

When Jordan was busy, rocky just looked at him strangely and said, "if I remember well, we should go to space to fight, right? Shouldn't you be carrying a lot of combat tools? Don't tell me, are you going to use these biscuits and cans to support the Zetas? "

Jordan NITTON gave a pause and said, "of course not. I'm just going to bribe the leader of zitari with these things. I'm not sure they like them!"

Rocky took a speechless look at Jordan, then shook the handcuffs on his wrist and said, "the battle is going to start soon. Now can you take this thing off for me?"

It's a handcuff with Zhenjin, a good thing for a powerful man like rocky.

Jordan pressed the headset and said, "Tony, you can close the hatch."

As Jordan's voice fell, soon, the lights in the fighter plane became bright, and with a slight hum, the cabin door was closed completely.

It was not until then that Jordan freed Rocky's handcuffs.

After that, Jordan lit a cigar, sat opposite rocky and said, "do you mind if I smoke this?"

Rocky moved his wrists and shrugged to show that he didn't care.

After a while, he suddenly said, "do you know what you mean?"

Rocky was stunned for a moment and said, "what do you know?"

Jordan said casually, "Your Majesty Odin and queen Freya have never regarded you as an outsider. After thousands of years of raising you, even if it's an iron knot, it must be very emotional."

Rocky's face darkened. He just looked into Jordan's eyes. He didn't speak.

Jordan didn't care. He just said to himself, "have you stepped into the second stage of life evolution? When you have time to go to the origin of the universe to accompany your father, in fact, he is also very bitter! "

Rocky's expression slightly moved, silent for a moment, said: "is the mother asked you to advise me?"

Jordan laughed for no reason and said, "if queen Scarlett knew what we were going to do, she would not let you on this plane. I'm an orphan and sensitive to emotion. I can see that Scarlett loves you as much as essel

Rocky was almost uncontrollable. He said, "no way. They're all more in favor of sol, my stupid brother. What else can they do except be as reckless as a bull? What Asgard needs is a king with wisdom... "

Jordan took a puff of smoke and said, "Little Smart is never called wisdom. Do you remember what you have done to destroy yodunheim and the army that brought the tyrant to extinction? Only your own parents will help you clean up these mess without saying a word. Otherwise, do you think Odin is too old to protect Asgard?"

Rocky was stunned.

Jordan patted rocky on the shoulder, ready to get up and leave.

At that moment, rocky suddenly spoke to Jordan and said, "why do you suddenly say this to me?"

Jordan suddenly began to laugh, then kept silent and said, "do you think it's useful for me to say this to Saul? I can have the strength I have now. His majesty Odin has helped me a lot. Now he is old and his strength is declining. From time to time, he will fall into Odin's sleep. If it is consumed like this, how long do you think he can live? "

That's what Jordan really thinks.

People's hearts are long. Since he came to marvel world, old man Odin has almost always been the guide of Jordan, giving a lot, but never asking for any return.

Maybe it has something to do with Jordan's helping Hella get out of the death erosion, but that thing itself has nothing to do with Odin. That's Jordan's own needs.

If the power of history correction is strong enough, then in the next few years, the couple will die in accidents and loneliness.

Jordan doesn't know if these things will happen, but it's hard to get free and be alone with rocky. Jordan thinks it's necessary for him to talk so much, nothing else. It's just his conscience.

After that, with his cigar in his mouth, Jordan walked towards the cockpit.

When Jordan almost reached the hatch, rocky said again, "joovich, do you know something?"

Jordan NITTON took a step, turned his head and said, "Rocky, Asgard is no longer the only one in the universe. His majesty Odin is very powerful, but he is old. Do you understand?"

After that, Jordan left without explaining anything.

In fact, there are some things that Jordan didn't say clearly. The will of the universe deviates. Asgard's accumulated evil debts will all backfire. Odin's power is weakening.

In the conversation between Giordani and Guyi, there was a speculation that the outcome of the twilight of the gods may not change, but erode Asgard in a more gentle way.

Hella will be sol and rocky from Asgard expelled, why Odin big man did not respond.

Even today's Freya has come to the earth, which may be the fact that Odin has noticed something long ago.

Jordan doesn't know if it's true, and there are so many bad things on earth that Jordan doesn't care about Asgard.

To be able to say a few words, it's just that Joe Denny hopes that big brother Odin can enjoy some family happiness even in the worst situation.

That's all I can do.

After walking through the cabin door, Jordan quickly put these things in his mind and came to Tony, Steve, Saul and Hobbes.

Tony is debugging all kinds of functions in the cockpit. Seeing the arrival of Jordan, he suddenly says, "Hey, Joe, are you ready? We are about to embark on an exciting journey in space soon

Jordan was stunned for a moment and said, "is there a signal from general konev?"

Hobbes raised his hand is too laggy and looked at the wrist watch. He looked at it and said, "there are four minutes left. Those people in the tower are already heading towards the military's pockets."

Just then, Hobbes carefully took off the cartoon watch on his wrist and put it into a baffle drawer above the bulkhead.

Looking at each other's actions, Jordan laughed and said: "I seem to have seen this style somewhere. Whose little Gongju is it? Hobbes, what a freshman. His mind is very delicate. You are really enough with your daughter's cartoon watch in couple's style!"

Hobbes strapped on his seat belt and glanced at Jordan contemptuously. He said, "what do you know, you scum man who can only plough but can't sow? When you have children, you will understand!"

Jordan said disdain, looked at sol, said: "our Raytheon big baby, you should call your little rocky baby, this journey is very bumpy."

Speaking, rocky also went into the cockpit, looking a little silent.

Although Saul is a rough and reckless man, he is also a standard Voldemort. He found something wrong with rocky immediately and said, "Rocky, you are not airsick, are you?"

Knock NIMA!

Jordan niben thought sol could say something touching, but he didn't expect such a sentence.

Now it's DUT? It hasn't been ignited. What kind of machine is it.

If it was in the past, rocky would have mocked Saul. But this time, I don't know why, rocky felt that the stupid words in his stupid brother's mouth made people feel a little warm.

So after a pause, Rocky's sarcastic words came to his lips, but they changed and said, "have you said goodbye to your mother?"


When Rocky's voice dropped, Salton hammered his seat and said, "I just said I forgot something. I promised to have a video with Jane. Damn it!"

With Saul's words, rocky was deeply moved and soon faded like the tide. He felt like he wanted to kill Saul.

At this time, Tony had already sent out a voice to his daughter-in-law and children. Then he turned to look at the crowd and said, "guys, send a message to the person he loves. We're going to start soon!"

When Tony spoke, through the front window of the cockpit, he could see that the fighters in the space base had begun to move slowly. When these fighters soared into the sky, the battle of Jordan and others was coming soon.

Although all of them are calm and even in the mood of joking, in fact, at this time, all of them are not at the bottom.

No matter how powerful the individual combat power of jordani and others is, there is a huge gap between the two sides and the fortress like a small city.