Inside the fighter, Jordan can actually feel that the Phoenix fighter is extremely powerful.

But only when we really come out of the fighter plane and stand in the space can we really realize how powerful the Phoenix fighter plane is.

The space war fortress of the Zetas is like a huge closed city. Endless fighters emerge from it like swarms of bees. In the vast space, like a dark cloud, they constantly attack the Phoenix fighter that Tony is driving.

And in the rolling black cloud, after the photon energy of the Phoenix fighter dissipated, it was like a real Phoenix, almost always under a lot of energy bullets and light cannons bombardment, where it passed, there was a continuous explosion light, rising up in the universe.

However, the Phoenix fighter is not without shortcomings.

After all, this thing is not a complete version of the surprise captain. Jordan can see that in the inner part of the photon energy protection layer, the steel fuselage on the Phoenix fighter, with constant flight and vibration, is undergoing a very slow vibration. With that vibration, the photon energy protection layer on the periphery of the Phoenix fighter will be illusory and disillusioned in a flash.

The manufacturing materials of the Phoenix fighter are not completely qualified. When the energy reaches the maximum, it will be in the cause of self-protection, and the photon energy will automatically cut off and run again after the engine cools down and the fuselage is stable.

With Tony's behavior, the photon energy of the Phoenix fighter will reach its peak in a short time.

Because the more violent the impact and the more violent the explosion, the more energy output the photon energy protective layer needs.

The Phoenix fighter is different from the marvel leader. The marvel leader is that the whole person's flesh and blood and photon energy have been completely integrated, but the Phoenix fighter is just a carrier of photon energy.

Unless the whole body of the Phoenix fighter is made of Zhenjin, this kind of defect is basically unavoidable.

Jordan soon narrated his discovery to Tony through the communication device in the armor. Sure enough, with Tony's wisdom, he soon discovered the energy operation defects of the Phoenix fighter, and began to converge from reckless dissipation. He speeded up the speed of the Phoenix fighter to hang those enemy planes behind him, It's no longer a rampage.

By this time, Jordan had already sneaked to the surface of the huge war fortress.

The universe is endless.

In fact, Jordan is tall and tall among human beings, but in this space world, he is almost the same as a floating dust.

The Zetas, including the steel rhinoceros on the battlefort, didn't even notice the presence of jordani.

Not far from where Jordan settled down, there was a huge steel rhinoceros.

In fact, it's not a real rhinoceros, but it's similar to the rhinoceros. It's like a huge iron pier, several stories tall. If the eyes are not good, you can't see the existence of Jordan.

Knock NIMA, you look down on me so much!

Seeing that no one cares about him, Jordan first flicks off the mask on his armor, and the eternal coldness, darkness, radiation and silence begin to entwine with him.

There's no oxygen, there's no temperature, and there's a sense of destruction and death everywhere.

No wonder in the movie, once those people are thrown into the universe, they will soon be frozen, twisted and dead.

However, in the space, apart from being a little cold and unable to breathe, other feelings are very comfortable. It's like coming home. The strong breath of eternal death makes Jordan feel immersed in the source of divine power.

In addition, the light in the universe is more direct and fierce. Even the holy sword in Jordan's hand began to spontaneously bloom a layer of fine brilliance.

Whether death or light, in this space, are rich to the extreme.

Jordan even has a feeling that even if he doesn't do anything, he just stays quietly in the space. It won't take too long, and his divine power savings will soon grow to a very high level.

Can't you say that you are more suitable to live in space!

Without feeling the slightest danger, Jordan soon disintegrated the armor and put it into his space backpack. Then Jordan slowly clenched his fist and felt a steady stream of strength gathering in his body.

The strong energy of death and light is no longer as subtle as before, but as substance and as a gurgling stream, flowing into one's own body without limit.

Wave the holy sword in your hand, and the cross sword gas just like the essence comes out and falls on the Battle Fortress.

Well, nothing happened.

Two sword light cut up, the huge and incomparable war fortress without the slightest shaking, not to mention, even a scratch can not appear.

Jordan soon calmed down from the feeling of infinite power. He almost thought he was invincible.

It's impossible to split a hole into the war fortress.

I thought I had become as strong as Captain Marvel. I have to be a little more down-to-earth.

With a single shot, a bullet with strong power of death broke through the air. It didn't make any sound, but its power was unprecedented. In a flash, it had fallen on the eyelids of a steel rhinoceros.

In silence, one of the eyes of the steel rhinoceros was broken, which made it bounce and roar, but there was still no sound.

It's a very strange feeling.

In fact, Jordan knows that there is a voice in all this.

Space is not an absolute vacuum in the true sense, but the medium that can transmit sound is too rare, so the decibel of sound is too low for people to distinguish.

Along with the idea of Jordan's rise, Jordan's body itself, also quickly adapt to the space environment.


A powerful, but like a kitten like growl, gradually appeared in Jordan's ears.

Strong enough body, let Jordan began to adapt, and when Jordan felt strange, the blind steel rhinoceros, under the repulsive force of the war fortress, began to rush towards Jordan with a fast enough speed.

The terrible electric awn converged on the sharp horn of the steel rhinoceros, which could not be spread in space, so it soon converged into a plasma sharp horn.

If hit by this thing, even if it is a mountain, I'm afraid it will be blown up on the spot.

Jordan instinctively wants to move, but at this moment, Jordan himself, but I don't know when he has floated into the air, like a salted fish in the air, kicking around, but he doesn't move at all.

Put away the armor, not enough drive.

Knock NIMA!

In the face of the super steel rhinoceros that had been hit by it, Jordan could only hold his sword in both hands and split towards the other side.


Rolling electric awn in the middle of Jordan's body unbridled through, even if Jordan's body is strong to a considerable extent, still by this terrible electric awn to the whole body twitch unceasingly.

Fortunately, there was no force point in space, and Jordan didn't bear the impact of the steel rhinoceros. His whole body floated thousands of kilometers away.

It's a real knock on NIMA.

Just now, I felt as fierce as a tiger. I didn't expect that something was coming. I had a good record of zero and five.

Soon, behind him, a pair of white wings with pale gold energy spread out, and his wings burst out. Under the unprecedented power, Jordan turned into a light and appeared on the huge steel rhinoceros.

The holy sword splits out, and the light of the cross sword is highly concentrated on the blade. The unprecedented edge is just like a steel knife cutting butter. It makes a cut of tens of meters on the steel rhinoceros.

There is no blood flowing. In the body of the steel rhinoceros, it is a semi mechanical product interwoven with dry flesh and wire.


The steel rhinoceros was injured, and it growled and whined like a baby cat.

These steel rhinoceros, each of which is the size of several floors, are the subsidiary defense measures arranged by the Zetas on the surface of the war fortress, which are specially used to defend the enemy's space fighters and attack machines.

It's too cumbersome and wonderful to use this kind of semi mechanical appendage to deal with a human who is less than two meters.

The Zetas may never have thought that humans would attack a war fortress with their bare hands.

Well, Jordan's not really unarmed. He has a sword and two guns.

So the situation soon became strange. The steel rhinoceros could not attack Jordan, but Jordan could not kill the steel rhinoceros.

Jordan's holy sword, even if it's all pierced in, just can reach the subcutaneous tissue of those steel rhinoceros.

Maybe you should change your attack style?

After several attempts, Jordan stopped and put away his sword. His energy wings turned into a thick black color. Two guns, one black and one white, appeared in Jordan's hands.