What is the most terrible thing about this technology is not how strong a single replicator is, but its replicability. Once there is a breakthrough from zero to one, it will flood like a flood.

Among a series of explosions, Tony soon cleans up all the sudden zitari soldiers and comes to Jordan's side.

"It looks like we're in trouble!"

"Yeah, Tony, I'll deal with this big guy. You..."


Just before Jordan's voice fell, a missile on Tony's body had been ejected and directly connected to the Obsidian clone.

Unexpectedly, when the missile fell on the Obsidian clone, it did not explode directly. Instead, it ejected metal supports from it, forming a strange steel bracket, wrapping the obsidian in a strange posture.

Jordan can see that this posture is absolutely uncomfortable. Those metal scaffolds are all filled with the force nodes of the organism. Once they are formed, they will make people exert force, and the muscles and joints will be restrained, so they can't exert force.

Jordan looked at all feel uncomfortable, turned to Tony and said: "this damn thing, how do you think of it?"

Wrapped in huge armor, Tony said in the middle of the communication channel, "repulsion control. It's a high school physics course. Don't you know that?"

Jordan's egg aches. He ignores Tony's poisonous tongue. He passes the Obsidian clone quickly. His holy sword makes a sharp cross sword light and cuts a huge hole on the last door.

Enter the main control room.

To Jordan's surprise, there was no ambush of guns and soldiers. More than a dozen chitarans, who were not covered with armor, formed a very neat queue and appeared in Jordan's sight.

Then, Tony, like a giant, stormed into the room.

"It looks like these Zetas are welcoming us!"

Tony's mouth is easy to say, but his hand is very alert. In the sound of mechanical bouncing, a large number of weapons pop up from the armor, all aiming at a group of Zetas in front of him.

"I don't think they're going to welcome us!" he said

Tony smiles. The energy cannon in his palm starts to gather energy.

At this time, the first of the Zetas came forward slightly with a special communication equipment and said, "Mr. chodani Jovovich, on behalf of the great cosmic monarch mieba, I extend my most sincere greetings to you!"

Abruptly, from the leading population of zitari, he spoke a series of English.

Jordan or Tony, at this moment all Leng for a moment.

But Jordan responded quickly and said, "it's a real honor. Am I so famous now? Even mieba knows my name? "

The naziri opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Jovovich, you brought back Princess asgardhela from the hands of death, avoiding the fate of Asgard gods at dusk. Moreover, the Mephisto king in hell once wanted you in the universe, and your name has spread to every corner of the universe!"

Knock NIMA!

Jordan's face a black, the original himself is wanted in the way, famous in the universe!

With a black face, Jordan said again, "so, do you want to leave any last words now?"

Nazitari humanity: "in fact, if you choose to turn from the dark to the light, our monarch the other can recommend to Lord mieba for you. Lord mieba will give you eternal protection and let you stay away from the power of hell from now on..."

Jordan's face was so blue that he couldn't let the zetatarians finish. He shot him and killed him on the spot.

Then, Jordan said, "this man's speech is not very nice. I don't like it very much. Do you have any other last words?"

If you don't agree, you kill.

Jordan's ferocity, however, did not frighten the Zetas. On the contrary, it made the other Zetas angry.

One of them, who looked more robust, said angrily, "Mr. Jovovich, can we think that this is your provocation and declaration of war against us? If so, you will pay for it!"


Another shot, which directly killed the clamorous zitari.

Jordan's face was as cold as a piece of ice, and said, "when you stepped into the earth, the war between us had already begun. Now tell me this, when I was scared?"

Killing two people in a row, the group of zitari were obviously shocked.

After a long time, another zitari spoke and said, "Mr. Jovovich, maybe you don't know much about it. We don't intend to have a war with the earth people. We are just a part of the immune system of the universe. The wanton development of the planet by the earth people has affected the ecological balance. Our task is to cut off part of it..."

In the words of these Zetas, aggression is not aggression, and killing is not killing, but making contributions to the balance of the earth and the whole universe.

Knocking on NIMA, this slogan is more shameless than fadongs in World War II.

Jordan laughed angrily and said, "well, I didn't kill you because of hatred or anger. I just wanted to send you to God for your good. There's everything in heaven. What do you think“

After that, Jordan winked at Tony. Tony turned his head and a series of missiles and shaped charge guns blew up the control console in the main control room.

"Mr. Jovovich, you have to think clearly that our failure this time is just because we belittled the enemy's carelessness. With the technology of the earth, we can never resist the attack of our real strength. Under the command of mieba, there are still..."


Jordan looked at the rest of the Zetas with a blank face and said, "say something nice and what I want to hear. Otherwise, our conversation should be over."

There was a moment of silence among the Zetas, followed by an air of fearlessness.

"The earth will eventually be destroyed. The so-called free will is the biggest sin in the universe. Even if our actions fail, there will be more powerful planet devours in the distant depths of the universe, and the world will usher in the end“

It's like a group of crazy believers. They don't even have to do it again. This group of zitari, like chanting, lie on the ground one after another after reading a strange passage.

Tony didn't care whether the Zetas were dead or not. After losing the threat, he quickly came out of the anti hawk armor and walked around the main control room curiously.

A moment later, Tony spoke to Jordan and said, "Joe, what do you say we get this big guy back on earth?"

Jordan is still immersed in the last words of the Zetas.

Maybe Tony doesn't know much about it, but Jordan knows something about the memory and information of the planet devourer. Compared with the planet devourer, mieba or something seems to be a small role.

What do these Zetas really mean?

Just when Jordan is in a daze, Tony has come to Jordan and called for several times before he wakes him up from his wandering state and says, "Hey, man, what are you thinking about?"

Jordan was stunned for a moment, and soon put the matter of planet devourer in his heart, and said: "nothing! Is there anything you can control about this space fortress? "

Referring to the Space Fortress, Tony was obviously interested, and said: "it's hard to say that the systems and characters used by these Zetas are quite different from our civilization, but these Zetas are not separated from the carbon based life form. Mathematics is the common language of all carbon based civilizations. If you give me enough time, I think I should be able to gain some control of the Space Fortress!"

Jordan frowned slightly and said, "is it going to take long? Tony, the battle in New York City is not over. If we can't find the means to control those replicators, we'll have to destroy this big guy! "

Tony is now completely immersed in the rest of the console, trying his best to download some information.

At the same time, Saul's excited voice came from the communicator and said, "guys, rocky and I have found the core energy source of the spacefort. We should start to get ready to run!"

Tony responded quickly and said, "no, I need a little more time. Here are some..."

Just as Tony was about to continue to say something, Steve's tired voice came from the communication channel, saying, "Tony, whatever you find, we have to start running right away."

“F..k!” Hobbes's voice also came, saying: "guys, guess what Steve and I found, a large group of obsidians, if we don't run away, we'll be finished!"

The real Zetas, who had talked to Jordan and Tony before, didn't mean anything.

Apart from threats and threats to a certain extent, there may not be any idea of delaying time. There are a large number of gene breeding rooms. In a short time, there will be enough for these Zetas to reproduce a large number of obsidian clones.

Jordan pulls Tony away with his sword and destroys the main control room.

At the same time, Jordan yelled in the communication channel: "sol, destroy that energy core. We'll meet at Phoenix in five minutes!"