In New York City, the attack of the Zetas has already stopped completely, but the straight column of energy still does not stop. The original space portal of only a few hundred square meters has expanded to nearly half the size of New York City.

This terrible space portal has even begun to affect the oxygen content of the air over New York.

For a full two days, almost everyone has lost hope for the return of Jordan and others. Even with the promotion of people who want to do something, Jordan, Tony, Steve, Saul and Hobbes have begun to be regarded as the dead heroes on the earth. Even rocky, the culprit, seems to be no longer hated by people.

The contribution of Giordani and other six people to the invasion of the Zetas is almost indelible.

Even if some officials on the earth don't like the Avengers alliance, they don't even think it's too dark about the final action of Jordan and the other six people. Most of New York has suffered for such a big thing, and the truth of the matter can't be concealed at all.

What's more, in the eyes of these people, there is nothing to worry about with a few dead people.

Although many people, such as Natasha, Heidi, gizel and pepper, are reluctant to admit that Jordan and others have died, in fact, more than 80% of the people on earth do not think Jordan and others can come back alive.

The space portal over New York will be closed sooner or later, and it won't be long.

Otherwise, if the space portal is expanded to a certain extent, it will affect the ecological balance of the earth. Not to mention, if the whole earth is accidentally transmitted, who knows what environment is opposite the portal.

An unimaginable but doomed beheading.

Even if Jordan and others did not die in the battle, but left in the space, the boundless environment, sooner or later is also a dead word.

In fact, as many people on earth expected.

Jordan, Tony, Steve, Saul, rocky, Hobbes six people, really lost in the universe, and even gradually fell into a desperate situation.

The universe is vast. Except for the bright stars, which occasionally shine a few rays of light, almost 90% of the whole universe is dark.

In this nearly infinite space, even if Jordan and others roam for 1000 or 10000 years, if they are not lucky, they may not be able to meet any turning point.

What's more, Jordan and others don't know what they can do in the vast universe.

If there is only one thing to be thankful for, that is, when Jordan was preparing for the air force base, he carried a lot of military food and water on the fighter plane because of his bad luck.

The huge reserves of food and water were enough for six people, such as Jordan, to eat, and it was no problem for the first half of the year.

At the beginning, Jordan, Tony and others were still in the mood for chatting and bullshit. Half a month later, they became a lot more boring.

A month later, in the middle of the fighter plane, often most of the time, people can not hear a word.

Tony, like a magic barrier, is involved in the study of photon engine. Hobbes often takes out his daughter's photos for three or four hours.

Steve, Saul, rocky three people's will is still relatively firm some, but also can only face the infinite darkness outside the fighter in a daze.

Compared with five people, Jordan is much better.

On the one hand, in this space, there is infinite silence and light. This kind of environment is of great help to the development and accumulation of Jordan's two kinds of divine power, which can make him immersed in the process of evolution.

Besides, compared with the five people, there is another way for Jordan to enjoy himself, that is, to go to the origin of the universe.

But it doesn't make Jordan any better.

The endless drifting of the universe, but if it is not the emperor of Europe, I am afraid that the end of everyone is no different. It is just a matter of early death and late death.

In this silence and stillness, even time seems to become blurred.

Boom! Boom!

It could be morning, it could be afternoon, it could be evening.

Almost when the six men of Jordan fell into numbness, there were bursts of distance tremors from the whole fighter plane, as if something had hit the Phoenix fighter plane where everyone was.

And this change, almost at the first time, attracted the attention of Jordan and others.

It's just less than two minutes. Six of them, I don't know how long later, gathered together again and came to the cockpit of the Phoenix fighter.

The cockpit of the Phoenix fighter is also the best viewing place of the whole fighter.

Through the clear glass, Jordan and others can clearly see that a small circle of meteorite belt, densely gathered into a vast ocean, full of Jordan and others can see in any direction.

Jordan's mouth opened and closed twice. It seemed that he was getting used to it. After a long time, he said, "Tony, have you set the driving route and direction?"

Tony was a bit dirty and haggard. He wanted to say something, but he just shook his head.

This is a long time without speaking, which leads to some sluggish reactions on the opposite side, such as their mouths and emotions. The impact is not great. We only need to make some adjustments to recover.

I thought there was a savior, but I was just happy for nothing.

After seeing the outside world, Saul hammered the wall hard and said, "I'm really fed up with this kind of bird atmosphere. How can there be so many damned broken meteorites here?"

Sol himself is a little irritable, and it's normal to be a little furious in this situation.

Not only sol, but also Steve, Hobbes and rocky showed a strong sense of disappointment.

But just then, Tony frowned. After a moment of silence, he said, "guys, I have a suggestion. Maybe we should stop the plane!"

At the end of Tony's voice, everyone looked at Tony.

This kind of suggestion makes everyone feel strange, just like Tony has given up and is ready to commit suicide.

There is something wrong with the Phoenix fighter. In the process of flight, almost every few days, there will be a flameout situation. But even so, after the flameout, the Phoenix fighter can still fly in the universe at an extremely fast speed.

This kind of aimless flight may be very unreliable, but after all, it's a chance.

Tony means you don't even want to take a chance now?

When people were wondering, Tony said: "guys, how did the meteorite belt come from? It's a big meteorite in the universe, or even a meteor or comet, that collides with a planet, but the planet has not been completely destroyed, so under the gravitational pull of the planet, there is a chance to form a huge meteorite belt. "

Steve took a look at Tony and said, "Tony, that's not an excuse for us to stay here and die!"

“No! No! No!” Tony waved his hand and continued: "I mean, this kind of meteorite belt is almost the best mineral deposit in the universe. In the solar system, there is an asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Countries on earth have tried dozens of mineral recovery for that meteorite belt, and more than 90% of the meteorite resources on the earth, It's from this asteroid belt... "

With Tony's words, Rocky's eyes lit up and said, "you mean, we're here to wait for the starfish?"

Hobbes a face of ignorant force, said: "what star salvage?"

Rocky's face was also excited, and he said: "in the universe, all creatures are divided into three, six and nine classes. The top class is like my father, mieba and other cosmic powers, followed by the star empire with a stable territory like the three empires, followed by the star pirates and star Wanderers, and at the bottom, there are some coolies, It's like a long-distance fisherman... "

Tony doesn't really know what a Starcatcher is.

But at this moment, Tony and rocky have the same opinion.

The whole universe is too huge. If you really sail aimlessly in the universe, no one knows how long it will take for you and others to meet the turning point.

It's impossible to say that when Jordan and others become mummies, they may not be able to meet any intelligent creatures.

But staying in this meteorite belt with rich mineral resources is like a lost man in the ocean. Staying in the sea area with rich resources has more opportunities to wait for people who come to salvage resources unexpectedly.

One is drifting aimlessly, the other is waiting for the dead.

Jordan and others, in fact, can not say which of the two options is better, but if there is any chance, Jordan and others are absolutely not willing to give up.

Without much discussion, Jordan and others have decided to stay on the meteorite belt for a period of time.

Similarly, this choice is the most powerless and helpless one.

The fact also proves that Tony's proposal really saved the lives of Jordan and others. Almost when Jordan and others' food was almost consumed, some unusual news finally appeared in the originally silent meteorite belt.

Whether it's the aura of the protagonist or the real possession of the emperor.

Before the arrival of real despair, a large closed spaceship as big as more than 20 space carriers appeared in the sight of Jordan and others.