On the face of it, the collector seems to be a bullying second generation, but in fact, he has been able to live in the universe for countless years, and he has also accumulated such an old nest as barren land.

How can such people really bully.

Jordan dimly remembers that in the movie "Thor 2", old man Odin thought that the appearance of two infinite gems in Asgard was not a good thing. He specially asked people to send a gem to the collector.

This in itself is Odin's recognition of the collector's ability.

Especially in this barren land, if collectors really want to deal with Jordan, it's not too difficult.

So when the collectors are serious, Jordan and others feel a kind of pressure, not from the oppression of strength, but from the power accumulated by those in power over the years.

In the face of the pressure of the collectors, Jordan was just stunned for a moment, then laughed again and said: "elder of the universe, don't you know that you are interested in the collection of infinite gems?"

Jordan's words made the room stagnate in an instant.

Not only the collectors, but also Tony, Steve, sol and others frowned.

After many events on the earth, Tony, Steve and others are no longer small white. They still have a certain degree of knowledge about infinite gems.

On the other side of the collector, at the moment when Jordan's voice just fell, the whole person was already showing a kind of excited mood.

The collector's background is very mysterious. In fact, he is not very interested in things like power and power.

But the long and incomparable life has made the collectors cultivate their hobby to a degree of distortion, and they have almost morbid enthusiasm for their favorite collections.

There are only six infinite gems in the whole universe, which witness the endless changes after the birth of the universe.

No matter how rare, practical or historical, every infinite gem is the most desired collection for collectors.

However, this kind of craze was only for a moment. The collector soon calmed down and said, "human beings, it's not fun to cheat an elder. You don't look like people with infinite gems!"


A small row of cosmic currency cards in the collector's fiddle issued a clear sound, this time the collector, without any expression, just to maintain a kind of panic calm.

Steve, Tony, Saul, Hobbes and rocky all felt a strong threat at this moment, and even instinctively, they began to be tense and alert.

But Jordan, with a faint smile, said: "elder of the universe, if I really have an infinite gem, I'm afraid you can't afford the price. I'm not the kind of little gangster who is easy to be fooled. The value of infinite gem is the most clear to elder of the universe compared with me?"

The collector stares at Jordan for a long time and laughs with exaggeration again. He says: "I like people like you. If you have the will in the future, you must come to me. I am willing to pay 30 million, no, 50 million, to buy your body as my collection."

"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint the elder of the universe. I'm not ready to sell myself yet. If I don't mind, we can push the topic forward a little bit, OK?" he said

The collector poked the fingers of the cosmic currency and stopped, saying, "of course, what do you want to sell

"A piece of news, a piece of news about the gem of the soul!" he said with a smile

In an instant, the whole room stagnated again. The collector suddenly got up, his face did not show any expression, but his eyes revealed a kind of thrilling brilliance.

Sol kept silent and hid behind rocky, covering the chrysanthemum with his hand.

After a long time, the collector breathed heavily and said: "the soul gem is the most mysterious and legendary one among all the infinite gems. Once there was a group of celestial gods in the universe. In order to find the soul gem, the celestial gods spent tens of thousands of years traveling through most of the universe without any harvest. I don't know if they should believe you!"

The collector's frankness and directness make people speechless.

However, this is normal. Jordan NITTON said with confidence: "the soul gem is orange. It is hidden in the dimensional space. There must be a guardian spirit in the place where it falls. If you want to get the soul gem, you can only exchange the soul for the soul and sacrifice the person you love most, then you can get the recognition of the soul gem!"

"Elder of the universe, you are a wise man with a long life and experience. Whether what I said is true or false, you must have a sufficient accurate judgment."

After that, Jordan stopped talking, just waiting for the collector to decide for himself.

Six infinite gems have been born in the universe for countless years. In the movie Galaxy guard, the collector shows a considerable understanding of infinite gems after he arrives at the power gems.

Jordan does not think that the other party lived for countless years, will not be able to tell the truth of their own words.

Sure enough, after a while, the collector became serious and serious. He looked at Jordan and said, "if I want to get this news, what do I need to pay for it?"

Jordan said: "elder universe, as my partner has said just now, our purpose is just to go back to our hometown, a star map and some help in the transformation of the fighter plane. These things should not be regarded as anything for you?"

The collector burst out laughing quickly, took out a handful of cosmic money and said, "in order to get the cosmic spirit ball, I offered a reward of 4 billion yuan. I can give you a reward of 1 billion yuan, which is enough for you to buy 100 star maps and build 100 best space fighters."

A billion cosmic dollars, which is a pretty good price.

Jordan came with a cheerful smile and said: "wormir planet, where the elder of the universe is bound to get what he wants, but I suggest that the elder of the universe send someone else to get it, otherwise, the elder will lose his favorite soul!"

After the collector got the final information, he readily gave the reward of 1 billion to Jordan and said, "I will send people to vomit as soon as possible. It will only take one month at most, and there will be results. In this month, I hope you can stay in the barren land, and will not make any irrational decisions!"

Jordan nodded and said with a smile, "thank you for your hospitality."

When he got the news he wanted most, the collector seemed very happy. He arranged for people to go to the wormir planet, and at the same time, he entertained Jordan and others in the most luxurious hotel in the barren land.

It's only a month, not too long.

What's more, since they finally came to the depths of the universe once, Jordan and others actually have the meaning of having a good stroll in the barren land and appreciating the flavor of the universe.

A billion cosmic dollars, which is enough to let Jordan and others in a month's time, can be strong spendthrift.

And just when Jordan and others are getting better and better in the barren land, the whole Avengers alliance is gathering again on the earth at this time.

It's not quite what everyone thinks.

The five giants of the Avengers alliance lost four of them in the battle of the zetary invasion six months ago, but the whole Avengers alliance did not recover from it.

In the days when Jordan, stark, Steve, sol and others disappeared, to everyone's surprise, Natasha, Heidi, gizel, peper and others were forced to shoulder the flag of the Avengers alliance.

New York, Avenger base, combat training room.

Peper swept away the old weak woman's appearance. Her blonde hair was tied into a sharp ponytail. She only wore a vest and her hands turned red. She was like a wild female leopard, staring at her front.

On the other side of peper, gizel didn't know that he got a suit of sexy armor with gold and red. He held a round shield in one hand and a sword in the other. It was like a female martial god, forming a confrontation with peper.


When the confrontation between the two reached a certain degree, peper took the lead. The whole person jumped up to a distance of more than ten meters. In the middle of the air, his hands had become as red as lava flame. With the roaring wind, like two swords, he slashed away at gizel's body.

At the same time, there was an electric explosion at gizel's feet. His shield swung forward to block peper's burst attack. Then he turned his hand and swung his sword to chop down peper.

Throughout the room, fire and thunder burst out from time to time.

Two thin tall figures, each layer of collision, the kind of terrorist force, but enough to make anyone startled.

Just as the two honed their fighting skills and fought each other, a Kun style fighter plane with a large number of bullet marks and gunsmoke landed on the apron of the avenger base.

Natasha, Heidi, Betty, Wanda and others walked into the base, only made a little inquiry, and then went to the direction of the combat training room.

And when this group of women gathered in the combat training room, in a lab at Avenger base.

Dr. Benner, Clint, Decker, and Pietro got together with a little sadness.

Nowadays, feminism is prevailing, and life is becoming more and more difficult. Even many actions of the Avengers alliance are not participated by men.