After Jordan said the seven kingdoms and wilderness wolves, stelana and Vic no longer care about Jordan's unreasonable attitude and soon changed their attitude towards him.

Good, from the previous Shouda Shousha, transformed into Hello I Hello everyone.

Stelana and Vic soon welcomed Jordan and Nick fry into a room deep in the palace, just like a VIP.

With Nick Frey's shrewdness, it may not be impossible to guess that there must be something needed by the kingdom of Atlantis in Jordan.

But even so, Nick Frey still has some egg pains after all.

Knock on NIMA, you show so obvious, change so abruptly, don't you seem to be very counselled before?

However, even though he was a little humiliated, Nick Frey was brazen enough to go deep into the palace with Jordan. Nick Frey also wanted to know why a powerful underwater royal family suddenly turned into this dog licking look.

Yes, in Nick Frey's eyes, stelana and Vic are like the legendary licking dogs.

They served tea and water, as if for fear that other people would not know that they were trying to please Jordan.

In fact, stilana and Vic just have a lot of doubts in their hearts and want to know something they want to know from Jordan's mouth.

The kingdom of Atlantis has not been seen for a long time.

As Jordan said, in the memory of many Atlantean kingdoms like stellana and Vic, there were seven kingdoms in the underwater world.

The adherents of the seven kingdoms are all descendants of Poseidon.

After the fall of the once Olympian Protoss, Atlantis, Amazonians and Terrans kept a mother box respectively to fight against the invasion of the powerful tianqixing forces in the universe.

Wilderness wolf, one of the rulers of tianqixing, was once defeated by the leaders of Atlantis, Amazon and Terran on earth, and expelled to the space of otherness.

It's just that it took a turn when stellana was just an adult.

When stellana just came of age and took over the power of the queen of Atlantis, the mother box kept by the sea clan once burst into a powerful force, and then stellana and Vic were in a complete coma.

By the time stellana and Vic woke up, it was 20 years ago.

Among the seven kingdoms in the whole underwater world, only Atlantis and zebel are left. Even the mother box and even the whole world are different.

Stelana and Vic, after waking up, had traveled on land many times.

But it's a pity that she can't find any trace of the world she once lived in. The ancient people and the Amazon have disappeared.

It's like the whole kingdom of Atlantis crossing from the earth of one parallel world to the earth of another.

Listen to the story of stellana and Vic, Jordan is OK, Nick Frey, the whole person, has fallen into a state of extreme loss.

Although it is said that the earth has been plagued with disasters in recent years, with various kinds of superpowers, Protoss and aliens constantly appearing, and even experienced wars with aliens, Nick Frey is still stunned by the story of the Juzu crossing from one parallel universe to another.

This makes Nick Frey's three concepts, which were barely bonded together, completely broken.

Fortunately, on the other side, after hearing the narration of stellana and Vic, Jordan responded quickly. After pondering for a moment, he said, "Your Majesty, I wonder if I can let someone come to the palace?"

At this time, stelana wanted to get the truth of "crossing" from jordani. She didn't refuse jordani's request, so she simply nodded.

With the consent of Queen stellana, Jordan quickly contacted gizel.

In Jordan's opinion, gizel may know the secret better than himself.

Not long after that, gizel shakes his two long legs and appears in Jordan's sight. After greeting Nick Frey, stellana and others, it's natural for him to squeeze into Jordan's arms.

Seeing this scene, Nick Frey and stellana's faces became a little strange.

Knock on NIMA, call jizel, the purpose is to sprinkle their own mouth of dog food!

When Nick Frey and stellana were depressed, Jordan opened his mouth to gizel and said, "honey, you should know the origin of your majesty!"

Gizel's body slightly stiff, then blinked, a smile, said: "Atlantis Kingdom, Poseidon's descendants, the adherents of the last cosmic era?"

With jizel's slightly uncertain voice falling, the atmosphere in the room suddenly stagnated.

A moment later, the doubts in stellana's eyes became more and more intense, and she didn't speak, just a pair of beautiful eyes kept sweeping around Jordan and gizel.

Gizel didn't seem to want to speak much.

At this time, Jordan had confirmed his guess and said, "I don't know what happened in the last cosmic age, but I can be sure that you didn't cross it, and you are not visitors from another world. Just like Steve, you can sleep for a long time!"

Stelana and Vic are OK. Nick Frey is shocked when he hears what Jordan said.

Steve may not be familiar with these people in the kingdom of Atlantis, but Nick Frey is different. Just a few years ago, Steve was frozen in the Arctic. Almost Nick Frey took him out of his deep sleep.

According to Giordani, Steve has only been sleeping for 70 years. How long have these people in Atlantis been sleeping!

An age of the universe?

Who knows exactly what a cosmic age means?

Jordan did not continue to sell the story, continued to speak and said: "this kind of thing, should not be particularly unusual, Nick, still remember the holy city incident that a corpse?"

Nick fry frowned, nodded, but said nothing.

In recent years, the holy city incident is the most tragic one on earth. More than a million people were killed in the disaster.

And the source of that incident is that someone found the body of a God.

Gizel laughed in Jordan's arms and said, "that's Zeus!"

All of a sudden, the whole room was quiet, and there was a strange atmosphere.

Stelana was also stunned for a moment, and then she said, "Zeus has already died, but what does it have to do with what happened to us?"

Jordan smiles and looks at Nick fry.

Nick Frey said: "Your Majesty, in today's society, Zeus is just a character in a fairy tale. We have collected some remains of Zeus around the body in the holy city. After analysis and research, it is proved that it was at least millions of years ago or even more."

To be exact, it was a character of the last cosmic age, or prehistoric civilization.

According to this statement, stellana is a descendant of Poseidon, the God of the sea. Poseidon is the second brother of Zeus. In other words, stellana and others should be human beings millions of years ago.

This NIMA, it's just unacceptable.

Steve has been sleeping for 70 years at most and missed a generation.

Stelana and others, sleeping for millions of years, missed an era of human civilization!

Stelana was stunned for a moment, then a blank face, said: "no, it's impossible, no one can sleep so long, even God can't!"

"It's not impossible, you're not sleeping for millions of years, you're locked in time," he said! The mother box is a treasure of the universe similar to an infinite gem. It is possible for this treasure to break and cause any kind of situation. "

Stillana looked surprised.

Gizel laughed and said, "I once got a drop of Zeus' Divine blood by accident. I have the blood of a demigod. In the blood, I can often see things that happened a long time ago!"

In a sense, including Jordan, are regarded as prehistoric human remains.

It goes without saying that stilana and others, although they don't know why the original mother box broke and imprisoned the kingdom of Atlantis for millions of years, are undoubtedly the most orthodox adherents of the last cosmic era.

Jizel inherited the blood of Zeus, and recently began to transform more and more towards the direction of wonder woman, which can also be regarded as the blood of the ospiline Protoss.

As for jordani, the nature of his crossing is not to say. Among the swords he got, there is the inheritance of heaven.

Compared with gizel, stellana and others, to a certain extent, Jordan can also be said to be the adherent of the last cosmic era and the successor of heaven, which can be regarded as an era of existence at the level of Mephisto.

The earth is very big and has a long history. No one knows when a promising existence will emerge from any corner.