There are two royal families in vakanda, one is gold and the other is silver. The gold one is the current Prince of vakanda, tezara, and the silver one is Eric.

These two people, one from small to large received the best education, kind-hearted, honest and loyal, and heart-shaped grass base, physical quality is far beyond ordinary people.

On the other hand, he began to roam in society when he was a child. At the age of 19, he went to Afghanistan and became a villain.

When the two men fight, they are not very attractive. They all wear Zhenjin armor and are invulnerable. Once you come down, no one can break anyone's defense and no one will admit defeat.

If it is so let two people fight, I'm afraid it's hard for them to win or lose.

However, during the duel between the two men, unconsciously, they didn't realize that in nasokovia, the army of otron machinery, which had been moving and spreading, was slowly approaching the two men.

“Hi,look! Little Kiki, look what we have found. These days, the earth is really getting more and more chaotic. It's like ghosts and ghosts are running out! "

"Tony Stark, Iam Loki, odinsson, if you call me little Kiki again, I'll kill you!"

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. The important thing is why the Royal Army of vakanda is here. Don't you think it's strange?"

"All I know is that if we don't hurry up, others will die in socovia!"

In the sky, a golden red light flies by. Next to Tony in the golden red armor, rocky is driving a small space motorcycle brought back from Bumao.

Their mission is to solve the space blockade over socovia.

Aochuang has no real way to drive infinite gems. This is the most precious thing in the universe. In the whole universe, only those who are as strong as Odin and master Guyi have the real driving method and ability.

Even if it is as strong as mieba, it can only be driven by creating unlimited gloves.

The reason why rocky and Tony are also involved in this action is that when rocky was in Asgard, he once obtained the driving method of infinite gems in Odin's treasure house. As long as he finds the space node, with the strength of the second stage, rocky can also unlock the space blockade of the cosmic cube.

However, aochuang has established more than 100 space nodes around the whole socovia.

Unless all the space nodes are destroyed, otherwise, the space blockade can not be really untied and can only be weakened to a certain extent.

And this kind of action of Tony and rocky has already attracted the attention of aochuang in socovia.

Behind them now, there are a lot of mechanical flying legions, just like hyenas, chasing them.

Flying through the sky, Tony and rocky did not take part in the fight between the two Panthers, but the mechanical flying legion, at this moment, covered and attacked indiscriminately.

Whew, whew!

The energy spears cover the sky like raindrops. Where they pass, the void burns, the trees are damaged, and the earth and stone fly.

Those mechanical flying legions, like a monster rolling through the sky, are in a mess.

The two Panthers who were fighting with each other were unfortunately implicated.

Bang bang!

A series of energy cannons fell down, and both tezara and Eric were blown away at this moment. If not for the protection of Zhenjin armor, they would be ashes on the spot.

Tezara and Eric are OK, but the vacanda Royal troops who stay over the duel field are bad.

Almost unprepared, four or five Dragonfly fighters were hit in succession and exploded in the air.

Even if vakanda has a whole mountain range of Zhenjin, it is impossible to make the weapons, equipment, aircraft and tanks of the whole vakanda army into Zhenjin.

Under the coverage attack of the mechanical flying legion, the Royal troops brought out by tezara almost lost more than half in an instant.

"No, nagiya!"

Half of the vakanda fighters in the sky exploded, and the tezaraton blasted off the ground gave a very sad roar.

Among the vakanda troops in the sky, the host is tezara's girlfriend, najiya.

This wave of sudden attacks, so that the whole heart and mind of tezara are broken. In a hurry, tezara does not know whether najiya in the sky is able to avoid the killing of the flight Legion.

Seeing the vakanda troops in the sky have no time to fight back, they will be annihilated by a large number of flying legions.

Just at this time, the golden red figure, which had been flying through the sky, appeared in the sky again with a flame. Tony was flying through the large flying Legion very fast, and his body was like a woman in the sky, sprinkling small energy explosion bombs.

Boom boom!

Tony darted through the flying legion, leaving only a series of explosions.

Then, rocky also drove the Astro motorcycle into the mid air, holding a scepter in his hand. He had a heavy meal in the void, and a cold blue halo swept through the sky.

All of a sudden, a large number of flying legions were temporarily frozen and fell from the sky like dumplings.

"Tony, we're running out of time. It's not so wonderful if we're stuck here with o'tran!"

"I know, so we need to speed up and get rid of all these damn locusts!"

Originally, Tony and rocky had been swept away from the sky, but Tony was Tony after all. No matter the pride in his heart or the kindness of human nature in his heart, he was not allowed to bring disaster to the East and implicate innocent people.

Tony's impression of vacanda is not good. He was once captured by vacanda's army.

But this is not Tony's excuse for allowing these wakandas to be raided and annihilated by the flying Legion.

When the flying legions in the sky fell down, there was a sharp black figure with gold thread in the jungle. It flew out like lightning, and its claws broke through the air. With a very fast speed, it caught and exploded all the fallen robots.

The flying legions that urgently pursued Tony and rocky were just a few.

Under the clean-up of Tony, rocky and tezara, it did not take long for this small group of aochuang flying Legion to be completely annihilated.

By this time, Tony had already circled in the air and came to the place where the navacanda plane crashed.


Two mechanical tools popped out of Tony's body and fell into the crashed fighters. They quickly deformed and became small exploration robots. They went to the depths of the fire to save people.

At the same time, Tony was flying in the middle of the air, looking at the wakanda people and tezara who were saving people, and said: "Hey, this is not the jungle of Africa. Those mechanical legions are much more fierce than animals like lions and leopards. They are not your hunting places. Leave as soon as possible!"

It's a piece of good intentions, but it's like a kind of irony to say it from Tony's mouth.

Talent, ridicule!

Sure enough, stimulated by Tony's words, the indignant tezara glared at Tony and said, "it's our vakanda business. Don't worry about it!"

Tony's face armor flicked away and said with disdain and smile: "this little black cat, in fact, if it wasn't for me and little kitty's rescue, you might have been killed now. Is this how you thank the benefactor for saving your life, or is this your etiquette of vacanda?"

Tony's face was black and red because he couldn't say anything.

By this time, rocky had already flown over and said, "Tony Stark, after this battle, I'll kill you son of a bitch. Can I go now?"

After all, he is a partner who lived and died together in space and drifted for more than half a year.

Tony didn't care about Rocky's roar. He once again glanced at natchara's body with pride. His face armor covered quickly, and then his tail flamed out. Together with rocky, he flew to the distant space node.

Compared with this small clean-up and fighting, Tony and rocky have a very heavy task.

The entire sokovia space blockade has more than 100 space energy nodes. Around each space energy node, there are a large number of mechanical legions guarding, and even Decepticons ambushing.

In fact, even Tony and rocky don't know whether they can really open the space blockade over socovia before they run out of energy and energy and are consumed by the army of otron machinery.

What Tony doesn't know is that tezara, who had been repeatedly accused by himself, now has no place to vent his resentment.

He took off a bracelet on his hand, rubbed it slightly, and suddenly a blue projection light curtain appeared in front of tezara.

In the shadow screen is the father of tezara, the current king of vakanda.

"Father, I've found the real culprit who led the invasion of wacan. He's uncle kermungo's son, Eric!"

"Then bring him back, or kill him!"

The struggle for the throne has always been cruel. Although the father of tezara said it in a relatively obscure way, tezara could see the meaning of killing clearly.

If it was in the past, tezara might not have been so cruel.

But now, taking a look at the several fighter planes that crashed not far away, tezara showed a sharp sense of killing on his face and said, "father, I can't do it. Eric and o'chuang are in collusion. I need your help. I need the help of my people!"

"Tezara, you have to be clear that this is not the time for us vakanda to be exposed to the world..."

"Father, you should also know that when the whole world falls into the hands of o'chuang, the next goal of o'chuang will be us!"