It has to be said that the earth is really full of disasters. With the arrival of cassilias, Jordan and other people's mood had been slightly eased and suddenly became nervous again.

Aochuang is hard enough to deal with. After dealing with this guy, there is more ferocious Mephisto.

Gu Yi mage's power, such as Tony, Steve and others have not seen, but Jordan is the most clear.

In terms of pure combat effectiveness, guru Yi may be a little bit lower than Odin, but if the means are magical, guru Yi will be a bit higher than Odin.

Master Gu Yi has been in charge of the earth for hundreds of years, and there has been almost no invasion from the outside world.

Now, even master Gu Yi says that he may need the help of the Avengers alliance in the future. Jordan can't imagine what a terrible opponent he is facing to make master Gu Yi feel powerless.

With the help of Casillas, a portal appeared directly in the territory of vakanda.

It's not that the Avengers alliance and others have a dirty time with Nick Frey. At the beginning, Nick Frey's retreat will not let the Avengers alliance and others be careful to turn against each other.

But Nick Frey is now hiding in the underwater kingdom of Atlantis. Jordan and others do not want to introduce war into the sea. That is not the responsibility of Atlantis.

On the contrary, vakanda, with Eric's involvement, has been involved in the war with aochuang.

The so-called man is innocent and guilty.

Vakanda is really powerful, but it also has a great disadvantage, that is, extremely closed.

Who would have thought that feudalism still prevails in a super city that has been higher than the earth's technology for at least 50 years. Even though it seems that the living standard of the people in vakanda is very high, it is still feudalism.

A lot of power and wealth were concentrated in the hands of the royal family.

It doesn't matter whether they agree or disagree. When the Avengers alliance comes, they won't question and change the social system of vakanda. All they have to do is to resist the coming counterattack of o'chuang.

Meanwhile, Jordan has got the heart jewel.

Tony, Dr. Benner and Su Rui are jointly transforming the defensive measures of vakanda, connecting the defensive shield of the whole vakanda with the spiritual gem. Once the consciousness of aochuang enters the territory of vakanda, it will be able to completely limit and eliminate it.

This plan is easier and less risky than creating a strong body to let aochuang fall into the net.

Of course, for vakanda, it may be a war that he has not experienced in hundreds of years.

Within vakanda, the father of tezara and Surui did not agree with the plan at the beginning, but Eric has not been completely eliminated, and has even taken refuge under the command of o'chuang.

If aochuang can not be eliminated and after digesting the resources of the whole world, no matter how powerful vakanda is, it will not be able to fight against the whole world.

Vakanda has come to the point where he has to stand up.

With the full support of vakanda, the whole plan went smoothly. From the mouth of Tianyan organization, X-Men and others, people also gradually learned that ordovic is gathering super legions to move towards vakanda.

The heart gem is the real treasure of the universe.

Without this treasure, aochuang's potential plan can not continue, nor can it control the high-level management of the world for a long time.

What's more, people like aegis, eye of heaven and X-Men are still constantly active in human society.

Aochuang also needs to grab the spiritual gem back to his own hands and maintain his dominant position in human society.

In fact, after the outbreak of the socovia incident, under the vigorous propaganda of aegis, Tianyan organization, X-Men and others, some people around the world have already known the truth and started to resist the notice of aochuang.

If things drag on, it won't be good for aochuang, Avengers alliance and others.

Vakanda's ultimate battle is already a battle known to both Avengers alliance and aochuang, and neither side dares to underestimate it.

On the seventh day after Giordani and others entered wacanda, Tony, Dr. Benner and Su Rui finally completed the transformation of the super shield around wacanda.

At the same time, in the jungle outside vakanda, people have also detected that a large number of mechanical legions are beginning to appear on the land of Africa.

War mobilization, in fact, is not only the aochuang side in the best operation of the mechanical Legion forces.

In the human camp, aegis, eye of heaven, X-Men, and even secret special operations teams from many countries also secretly enter the territory of vakanda from the side of vakanda on the coast through the sea.

Vakanda, the palace assembly hall.

In the whole vakanda, most of the power now has been completely entrusted to tezara, and the old king has already retired.

Different from the old king, tezara had studied abroad for a long time in the United States.

For the outside world, tezara did not have the deep-rooted exclusion of the old king. Even after the earth's major events, tezara always wanted to find an opportunity to expose vakanda to the world and truly integrate with the outside world.

The earth is experiencing a rapid change in the X-agent event and the zetary invasion event.

Especially after the access to the cosmic civilization, the science and technology and power on the earth are rapidly improving at a rapidly changing speed.

If vakanda is still suffering, even with Zhenjin technology, it will be surpassed by the outside world sooner or later.

As more and more people gathered in the chamber of Parliament, tezara began to become more and more like a qualified king, talking with the high-level officials secretly sent from various countries.

And at this time, Nick Frey also came to Jordan's front.

Facing Jordan and Nick Frey again, I'm still a little nervous. After all, in the previous battle of socovia, Nick Frey chose to give up Jordan and withdraw immediately.

No matter what the reason is, it's an unforgettable problem for Nick Frey and Jordan.


"Needless to say, I know what you want to say."

For Nick Frey, in the bottom of his heart, Jordan's senses are also very complicated.

On the one hand, Jordan is disgusted with Nick Frey's character. He feels that the goods are too unique, too mysterious and too dirty. He acts in a strong and overbearing manner. He seems to have no trust in anyone.

On the other hand, Jordan has some admiration for people like Nick Frey.

No matter how bad the character and style of the other party is, it has to be said that Nick Frey's starting point is for the sake of the earth and human security. Jordan himself can't do this kind of spirit of wholeheartedly serving the public.

Before socovia, there was a secret collaboration between Jordan and Nick fry.

They have secretly assassinated a large number of corrupt politicians all over the world, and they have also cooperated in many aspects to promote the close unity of all human countries.

It has to be said that the socovia incident has had a great impact.

Looking at the expression of jordani, Nick Frey also knows that his previous decision really hurt people.

But a moment later, Nick Frey's heart soon became firm, and he regained his usual calm and composure. He looked at Jordan with one eye and said, "OK, then our cooperation..."

Jordan gave Nick Frey a silent look.

Knock NIMA, this thick skinned, still have the face to say oneself the cooperation between two people.

If you are not happy, Jordan said: "director Frey, things have not been able to use me up to now. With a common enemy like aochuang, I think it is not difficult for you, director Frey, to promote a global closely united organization."

This is a general trend, a trend of close global cooperation.

As a matter of fact, the senior leaders of all countries in the world have realized that if they do not unite together, human beings' ability to cope with external disasters will become increasingly weak.

Otherwise, at this time of the final duel between vakanda and o'chuang, the senior leaders of all countries will not send people to vakanda secretly.

It's not that Nick Frey doesn't understand this, it's just that Nick Frey still wants to fight for Jordan, the top representative of human power on earth.

Looking at Jordan's firm expression, Nick Frey's face became dignified.

Just after a moment's reflection, Nick Frey's eyes became cold and said, "Jovovich, you know, sometimes, some sacrifices are necessary. There are many people, including aegis, eye of heaven, X-Men, who died in unknown Wars..."

Jordan coldly interrupted Nick Frey's words and said, "director Frey, I've been dead twice in the battle of New York and the battle of socovia. If you don't have anything else to say, I'm sorry I won't accompany you!"

Nick Frey's words were stopped in a flash.

There is nothing wrong with what Jordan said. For the sake of the earth, for the sake of all mankind, in a sense, Jordan and the Avengers alliance have "sacrificed" many times.

"Jovovich, you should know that no matter whether the world is united or not, no organization beyond the control or even superior to all human beings is allowed to exist in every political system and power. To a certain extent, you, the Avengers alliance or not, need to be supervised enough!"