In order to deceive aochuang into the trap, each of the forces, such as vakanda, aegis and Avengers alliance, has paid a great price.

But even so, in a sense, the price is worth it.

Tony can be completely sure that naochuang has entered the territory of vakanda, but after the protective energy shield of vakanda is completely closed, naochuang will soon disappear completely.

To be exact, aochuang is hidden in the tens of thousands of mechanical forces in navacanda.

The sudden change makes aochuang aware of the crisis and something wrong.

But it's too late. The whole protective energy shield of vakanda, under the joint change of Tony and Surui, has been connected with the soul gem.

Since the war with aochuang, vakanda has not used the power of spiritual gem.

But at this moment, vakanda did not hesitate to launch the last mace. With the super energy shield closed, a pale yellow light appeared in everyone's sight instead of the original blue energy light.

This level of energy shield, not only has an indestructible defense force, more importantly, in this energy, contains a kind of power that can affect the mind and consciousness.

With this kind of energy, aochuang can't escape from the whole energy shield at all, and its ability to divide into thousands of thousands and spread all over the world is completely abandoned.

It's OK to divide a lot, but o'chuang can only transfer consciousness within the scope of vakanda.

Although aochuang still has tens of thousands of options, for Jordan, Nick Frey, vacanda and others, the scope of the enemy has been reduced by countless times. As long as all the robots in vacanda are completely eliminated, aochuang can't escape.

When the beast entered the urn, the fierce battle on the vacanda battlefield reached a white hot level.

It's not just aegis, Avengers alliance and vakanda that break out all their forces. When he is locked up in the battlefield of vakanda, he also feels extremely dangerous at this moment. Under the orders, those robots begin to become more and more violent.

At this time, Jordan, Tony, sol and others have also been flying from the east side of vacanda to the battlefield of vacanda by a Kun fighter.

Jordan and Nick Frey have been planning this battle for a long time.

Jordan, Tony, sol and others all have specially made vibrating gold detectors, which can sense the special frequency of vibrating gold on vakanda energy shield. In a short time, Jordan, Tony, sol and others also appear on the battlefield.

Tony has always been a more grand one, this moment is no exception, the golden red figure, dragging a long flame, flying over the long battlefield line, a series of light bombs sliding down from the armor, scattered in the dense mechanical Corps.

Boom boom!

A series of explosions spread over thousands of square meters. The terrible flame and energy interweaved to form a more explosive killing force. Within the scope of the explosion, at least thousands of mechanical soldiers were blown apart.


In the most fierce part of the battlefield, Tony flew around and landed in front of a super Decepticon with a height of more than ten meters, suspended in the void.

"Aochuang, your end day has come..."


Tony was about to say something to the Decepticon. Who knows that the Decepticon is extremely fierce. He raised his hand and waved a huge axe with a high-speed energy light blade, and came to Tony fiercely.

The appearance is handsome, and the posture of being swept out is more handsome.

In less than three minutes, Tony only had time to clench his fist and pop up an energy defense shield, and the whole person had been blasted hundreds of meters by the boundless force on the huge axe, like a rolling gourd, and fell into a large number of mechanical soldier positions.


At the moment Tony was shot away, a figure in a big red cape in the sky, with a hammer in both hands and a thunderbolt, bombarded the Decepticon.

The terrible thunder came down directly, like a spear to destroy everything, melting and breaking the layers of steel armor on the Decepticon.

However, when Sol's hammer fell on the Decepticon's head, the Decepticon's body was mechanically changed, and a series of steel spare armor popped out to protect its head.

Let Saul's hammer hit him on the head. Most of the steel armor was broken. However, the Decepticon doubled its ferocity. One hand popped out quickly to lock Saul firmly. Then with boundless power, he fell heavily on the ground. He had more than ten meters of huge steel feet and ran over Saul.

Tony and sol, two beepers.

As soon as Fang appeared on the stage, they all thought of a big show to wipe out the super Decepticon controlled by Nachuang consciousness, but they were killed back in an instant.

Hiding in the crowd of rocky disdained smile, secretly scold these two goods stupid.

At the same time, rocky had already come to the side of the super Decepticon not far away, and his antler helmet came out, and he said to the super Decepticon: "Hey, big man..."


Rocky's voice has not yet fallen, the Decepticon backhand has a huge muzzle shaped, burst out a dazzling energy ray, completely smashed Rocky's figure.

However, at this time, Rocky's real figure, but unconsciously, appeared over the other side of the Decepticon, with a strong sneer on his face, one after another magic burst out, and with the power of ice, the Decepticon's knees, ankles, elbows and other joints were frozen.


A crisp finger pops up, and the ice force on the Decepticon suddenly breaks. At this moment, the Decepticon, which used to be more than ten meters tall, suddenly breaks. Its arms and legs are all blown to tens of meters away.

It was only at this time that rocky floated in the air with the power of ice, and a huge ice spear with a length of more than 10 meters was formed in his hands, penetrating the Decepticon's energy core.

"Father, mother, see, I'm your proudest son!"


In fact, it's not only Tony and sol who are beepers, but rocky is also a typical performance personality. Unfortunately, there is one kind of problem with these people, which is arrogance.

Rocky only saw that he had split the Decepticons, but he didn't see that at the moment when the Decepticons were defeated, there were more Decepticons around rocky.

The super Decepticon can show great fighting power, and it's just that the consciousness of aochuang enters its body to control.

Aochuang can enter the body of the super Decepticon, and naturally it can easily enter other Decepticons.

Before rocky could completely destroy the super Decepticon, dozens of Decepticons had instantly gathered fire and blasted rocky to hundreds of meters away.

After flying rocky, a large number of Decepticons gathered together, and the steel armor on their bodies was constantly deformed. They were mainly the remains of the super Decepticons, and quickly piled up into a giant robot over 100 meters.

"Rubbish is rubbish. Your weak resistance will eventually be recorded on the monument of my ruling throne!"

"Iam ULTRON, I will be everywhere, I will rule everything, I will purify this decadent world!"

Along with the formation of the super giant over 100 meters, dozens of Decepticons speak at the same time and gather together to form a rolling thunder throughout the whole battlefield.

Then, the super giant's gun muzzles were open, and the bullets burst out.

In the core of the super giant's body, the real power supply core is the magic cube of the universe. There is no end to the energy consumption.

Terrible energy shells, as if really become a blanket of rain.

Boom boom!

The continuous falling of artillery light overturned the land. Even the soldiers in vakanda united as a whole and piled up a super strong energy shield, they could not stop this kind of artillery rain coverage attack.

Seeing this, Jordani could not help feeling a desire to make complaints about it.

These technological developments in vakanda are really incomprehensible. With the highly developed technology of Zhenjin, is it difficult to produce energy guns or energy field shields.

Weapons and shields must be made into long spears and bed sheets.

To make complaints about Tucao make complaints about the battle.

After entering the battlefield, Jordan has been quietly cleaning up the soldiers on the battlefield, not directly exposed in front of o'chuang's eyes, just waiting for o'chuang's big move.

When he was in socovia, Jordan was fed up with the Ordovician move.

It has to be said that before the development of science and technology, at this stage, if the muzzle is big enough, the power is big enough. If there are enough muzzles, the lethality is strong enough.


In the face of the super giant who killed in all directions on the battlefield, Jordan roared and leaped forward. The extreme light in his hand flowed, forming a six pointed star array, slapping Steve's Zhenjin shield.

With the power of the light pouring into his body, Steve couldn't help but excite himself. He felt like he was in a passive state.

"Joe? What's this? "

Steve had a good time, but he quickly reflected that a shield shot was aimed at a mechanical soldier. However, at this moment, a terrible holy light shield appeared, covering a distance of more than ten meters, smashing all the mechanical soldiers.

Powerful and aggressive, Steve felt like he was at the top of his life.

But fortunately, Steve didn't feel so elated. The human design created over the years forced him to hold on and looked in the direction of Joe Denny.

At this time, Jordan, with a sword in one hand and a gun in the other, swept out a blank.

Turning his head, Jordan said: "this is the mark from heaven. The more noble the soul, the more indomitable the will, the more true, the good and the beautiful the character, the more the power of heaven can be exerted."