The joint defense plan centering on the seal of Argo motor can be ignored for the time being for the Avengers alliance, the supreme sanctuary, aegis, the eye of heaven and so on.

However, it is urgent to encircle and suppress the alien organisms.

The most surprising thing is the Cavaliers, in this call, the corresponding most positive.

Tony is the black sheep of his family. Pepper has no weakness in spending money. He shakes out almost all of Tony's old savings and gives everyone in the Cavaliers a customized steel armor.

It's not Tony's all wrapped style, but the kind of leaf armour similar to Saul's body. From time to time, he has to show his long legs. It looks more like a group of heroines in ancient war movies, or a chic model show on the runway, rather than going to the battlefield to fight.

But even so, don't worry too much about the danger of these women.

To tell you the truth, the average strength of these women is basically the same as that of the five giants of the Avengers League.

Saifu has inherited the inheritance and equipment of varkiri, the most powerful female martial god of Asgard, and even has such Asgard artifact level treasures as dragon tooth sword.

Although Natasha has not always been good at fighting in the Avengers alliance, her role in intelligence collection, delicate mind, rich experience and so on can not be compared even with Steve and Clint.

Needless to say, like those in the kingdom of Atlantis, gizel inherited the blood of Zeus, the God King of the last universe era. Apart from the lack of equipment such as the lasso of truth, the sword of Vulcan and the corona of starlight, this is a proper marvelous version of marvelous woman.

Heidi, in a sense, is an existence similar to that of a mutant, only a little stronger. Once he is seriously stimulated and explodes, he can easily burn half of the city to ashes.

The female hawk transformed from Betty and the thunder control ability transformed from Jane are also extremely powerful.

Of course, children like Honglong xiaogongju, Mindy and Morgan don't need to be treated as one thing.

What these people lack is never strength, but experience on the battlefield and a fierce and fierce fighting heart.

To tell you the truth, these women are able to do this, and they can come out from behind all the men in the Avengers League. In his heart, Jordan is very pleased.

Now the earth is becoming more and more dangerous.

All kinds of different dimensional creatures, cosmic strongmen, hell demons, etc. will visit the earth from time to time. If these women can really become strong fighters, at least in terms of safety, it is more useful than arranging countless bodyguards for these people, and it will also make Jordan and others feel more at ease when they are fighting outside.

Of course, the acid must be sour.

Moreover, in addition to the strong requirements of these female warrior knights, such as Avengers alliance, X-Men, etc., will participate in the assistance of the supreme sanctuary mages.

Although resisting these creatures of different dimensions has been the work of the supreme sanctuary for the past six months, which seems to be the task of each other, in fact, it is the responsibility of everyone in the world.

Even Casillas did not say, after the Avengers alliance, aegis and others knew, they would spontaneously participate in it.

At the same time, in this global operation, Jordan and Tony are not involved.

Jordan is going to the dimension battlefield in a few days, and Tony is going to carry out a series of surprise learning and understanding in a short time for the knowledge of magic.

There's still some face in the sanctuary.

Although cassilias tactfully rejected Tony's plan to "carry the pot" in his last conversation, he didn't mean to let Tony learn some basic knowledge of magic.

What's more, besides Jordan and Tony, cassilias's apprentice wizard, who was sent to guide Tony, was an unexpected acquaintance, Dr. strange.

Of course, today's Stephen strange is not Dr. strange, at best, a disabled patient who has just touched the magic.

No one invited Stephen to the party, and there was no car accident, but Stephen was still disabled, and could not be cured, a very tragic kind.

In the last battle of New York, Stephen was extremely unlucky. Eating hot pot and singing, he was crushed by a huge stone falling from the sky. In other places, it's OK. Those who need to be repaired and bone grafted can be worthy of the name. With only one hand, the guy who ate Stephen became shivering.

When there is no way for all the people in the world to ask for help, Stephen just like the plot inertia, finds the Kama Taj and goes.

In fact, in the last war in socovia, Jordan and others had just crossed over with Stephen. At that time, Stephen had just changed from an extreme materialist view of science to a qualified idealist magic apprentice. Moreover, because of the local people in New York, Casillas pulled him out.

This time, Tony wants to learn some basic knowledge about magic, so Casillas sends Stephen here.

In a sense, Stephen and Tony are all people who have made great achievements in a certain field of science.

Although such people are smart, they are often extremely firm in heart, which is difficult to change after they have identified the scientific view.

Casillas has seen how difficult it is for Stephen to get started. Before he shows his powerful magic talent, we have to say that Stephen is the worst of all his magic apprentices.

Most of the magicians who were in the same class as Stephen have got rid of the awkward status of apprentices. Even the most stupid people have become the existence of mages.

But Stephen, after a long and arduous struggle, has just begun.

When he was in New York, Jordan got to know Stephen through the memory of his last life, while Tony often held banquets. When he became iron man, he had known the top surgeons in New York and even the United States because of the shrapnel in his heart.

And since you are "Acquaintances", Jordan, you and Tony are both relieved.

This kind of feeling is like "stealing food" in someone's home. Even with the consent of the host's family, when facing Casillas, Jordan and Tony are a little uncomfortable.

Facing Stephen, it's much better.

Jordan calmly took out two cigars from his arms and gave them to Stephen, saying, "would you like to have a couple of mouthfuls and have a good time?"

Steven was stunned by the sudden action and words of Jordan. Since the New York war, no one has said such words with Steven for a long time.

Before Stephen was disabled, there were a lot of such words at vanity fair and banquets.

If it was before he became a wizard apprentice, Stephen would not accept this kind of action, or even become angry, because Stephen once had such a group of "friends", but after he was disabled, he abandoned Stephen and didn't even lend himself any operation expenses.

At that time, Stephen was cynical and thought that the world owed him.

But gradually, with the study of kamataji, he was immersed in the world of magic, until he really became a wizard apprentice and stepped into the world of magic. On the contrary, Stephen's heart became more and more calm.

After lighting himself a cigar, Jordan shook his hand and said, "no?"

Stephen looked back, laughed, took the cigar, skillfully lit it for himself, and said, "no, it's just that I haven't smoked a cigar for a long time!"

Tony raised his eyebrows and said, "is the life of a mage so hard and simple? I'll ask someone to send some boxes here later. Maybe there's anything else I can do for you. You should know my... "

Stephen shook his head and said, "of course I know you, genius, billionaire, philanthropist, playboy. I remember I used to see your comments in TV interviews!"

Toni's old face is very rare. He said, "don't mention these things. They are all past events. They are young and frivolous. I am now a woman's husband and father of a child."

Stephen was a little surprised, then talked about the business, said: "I listen to Cassie said, you want to come here to learn magic?"

Tony nodded and said, "yes, I have a little problem, just a little bit. Maybe I need the help of magic!"

Tony's original intention is not to belittle science and himself.

But Stephen also thought that Tony, like himself, had suffered irreparable damage to some part of his body, and soon looked at him.

In Tony's body, the limbs are sound, the complexion is ruddy, even the sub-health condition does not exist.

Think of Tony said that "a little bit of problem", Stephen immediately understood the smile, noncommittal.

When working in the hospital, Stephen saw too many patients like Tony. He was young and ambitious, frivolous and indulgent. Then when he got older, he would become weak hearted, and he had to consider his reputation, and then he would start to seek medical treatment secretly.

Steven was once a brain expert, but he didn't expect that he would receive such a "patient" after he became a mage after not being a doctor for many years.

Nodded, Stephen said: "don't worry, magic will help you!"