Others don't know the risk of going to the dimension battlefield, but cassilias and modu know it all.

But even so, they didn't know how to dissuade Jordan.

Since they couldn't be dissuaded, they didn't say much. Everyone had their own ideas and choices. After helping Joe Denny adjust the fixed portal of the New York temple, they went away again.

Outside Morocco, in a rolling desert.

In the emptiness of the void, a door like opening suddenly opens. Jordan walks out of the fixed portal, spreads his wings, and soon pursues his familiar breath and flies to the deep desert.

Not too far away from the portal, in a rolling desert near the oasis, Natasha, gizel and Heidi are fighting with a monster similar to the alien.

But this monster in front of us is much more powerful than the alien.

On the alien like creature, there are pieces of fine scales like snake scales. Guns and artillery fall on each other's body, just like hitting on a steel plate. At most, a few sparks pop up, which can't cause damage at all.

However, with the cooperation of Natasha, gizel and Heidi, the huge alien monster with more than 10 meters in size was beaten and kept roaring and running around without brain.

Among the three, Natasha wore a special armor and special energy guns. Although she was far inferior to gizel and Heidi in power, strength and speed, she was the best in output, such as an ADC.

Jizel doesn't know where he got a shield and a long sword. Just like the ancient gladiators, the slender figure can burst out the terrible power of demigod. Every time he wants to make a surprise attack on Natasha and Heidi, he will be caught and swung by jizel, Throw out tens of meters away.

Heidi, on the other hand, has become a fireman in his incarnation. Sometimes he becomes a visiting mage and sometimes an assassin. He is extremely flexible. As long as the alien doesn't pay attention, he will be hurt. The power from fire comes quickly and bursts out fiercely.

It's more than enough for three people to deal with this alien creature from different dimensions.

After watching for a while, Jordan's face was a little relieved, and soon flew back to the fixed space door along the same road.

Morocco, Australia, New Zealand

Jordan found that he was on the earth, and unconsciously, he already had so many people to care about.

In front of the fixed portal, Jordan sat down all day.

It wasn't until the next evening that Jordan came back to Tony and Stephen again.

Even though Tony is also a big man in the scientific field, after many extremely unscientific battles, Tony's acceptance of the idealistic power of magic is not too slow.

Under the guidance of Stephen, Tony has been able to initially touch the power of magic. Although he has not been able to manipulate the power from the dimensional dimension as a mage, he has been able to flash several sparks in his hands.

For Tony, that's enough.

Tony himself doesn't mean to abandon his own way of science and technology and turn to magic practice, but to find something in common between magic and science and technology.

It has to be said that Casillas found Tony a good "teacher".

Other apprentices, even mages, may not be able to keep up with Tony's rhythm. On the contrary, Stephen, the apprentice, has a deep foundation in science. Although he can't reach the same level as Tony, he can barely keep up with Tony's rhythm. In all fields of magic, he puts forward quite good inspiration and suggestions for Tony.

Jordan didn't disturb their research. After a while, there was only one person except the temple of New York.

The streets were full of people. Jordan was so calm, like an ordinary person, looking at the scenery of New York. It took him more than half a day to return to his central park building.

It's been a long time since the avenger base was built.

The last battle in New York, fortunately, did not cause too much damage to this building.

Jordan himself does not know what will happen when he goes to the boundary of dimensions, but there is no doubt that Lucifer, a super ancient strongman, has brought heavy pressure on Jordan.

Originally, Jordan wanted to leave a suicide note or something, but after sitting all night, he didn't leave anything.

Two days passed in a flash.

After returning to the temple of New York, Jordan never ruled over any of his relatives and friends, but followed Casillas to a place similar to the altar in the depths of the temple of New York.

This is the opening and closing edge of the seal of the Argo motorcycle.

With the power of Casillas and others, although they can open the portal all over the world, they can't really stir up the space power of the dimensional battlefield. Only with the help of the power of Argo motorcycle seal, can they send Jordan to the dimensional battlefield.

Looking at the orange magic Rune on the top of the altar, cassilias opened his mouth several times to say something to jordani, but he failed to make a sound.

Jordan patted Casillas on the shoulder and strode to the altar.

It's also a very strange place. Outside the altar, nothing can be seen. It's like there's no difference with the ordinary space in the New York temple. But as soon as he steps on the altar, Jordan feels as if he's walking in another world, with big stars under his feet and stars flowing overhead.

Turning around, Casillas and others, who were supposed to be only a few meters away, could not see any sound for a long time. All they could see was a vast starry sky.

However, before Jordan had time to enjoy the beauty of the starry sky, suddenly, Jordan saw a big star, rolling towards him with a kind of speed.

A planet is vast and vast. Under rotation, the power is like a torrent, which can crush everything.

Jordan's instinct is to cry out, hands forward, but at this moment, Jordan is just a flower in front of his eyes, the big star has disappeared, Jordan's whole eyes a dazzling line is changing and touching in an irregular way.

After the big star, it is already the micro world.

In this micro world, Jordan's steps have stopped, but his whole person is still in a very fast speed, carrying on a kind of so-called crossing.

The light source in the void has begun to distort. Jordan can't even capture any scenery by his eyes. Once he opens his eyes, the power of distorting everything will make Jordan feel retched, nauseous, dizzy and headache. This is a spontaneous distortion in the process of dimension travel. Here is the edge of the real and spiritual world.

Jordan has the second stage of super physical, can barely withstand the pressure of this distorted world, but his spirit, is unable to withstand the impact of this distorted world.

If Jordan forced to open his eyes to observe the world, even his soul and divinity would be engulfed by the distorted world.

Fortunately, this kind of strange feeling is not too long, but three or five minutes later, Jordan felt a shock all over. When he opened his eyes again, he had already come to a piece of space.

It's like a piece of space above the earth. At the foot of the earth is water blue and beautiful. When you open your eyes, you can see the moon around the edge of the earth like a baby.

But Jordan in this place, but did not feel the slightest sense of suffocation.

In the space, it was impossible to have air and other things, but Jordan was weird. He could feel that his breathing was not hindered.

However, when Jordan was very curious, right in front of him, something like a glass crack spread. The thick death crisis, just like a needle bayonet cut, made Jordan's scalp explode instantly.

In the battle of wings, Jordan flew hundreds of meters away.

At this time, the place where Giordani was before, beyond the upper white rice, was all broken. The fierce space debris was swept by a gray hurricane, forming a terrible annihilation energy.

The space is broken. Jordan can clearly see that there is an earth and a moon in the cracks and hurricanes of broken space hundreds of meters away.

"Falk, is this the boundary of dimensions?"

The fragmentation of that space crack is like a chain reaction, which makes the whole world and universe begin to vibrate madly.

Jordan can clearly see that the universe in which he lives is like a glass world like a sieve. The gray annihilation energy seems to spread out from the crevice of the ground fire. No one knows when and where it will explode.

The annihilation energy of that level, let alone Jordan's physical fitness in the second stage, even the so-called immortal hawk, with a hundred layers of anger, may not be able to withstand the destruction of that power.

It is the destructive power formed by the entanglement of forces in the process of collision between the universe and the universe, and the interweaving of dimensions.

With a random gray annihilation energy, Mars can directly ignite a planet.