Jordan originally thought that coming to the boundary of dimensions was a matter of near death.

But no one could have imagined that the sword that Jordan got from the battle of the holy city was actually the sword of the archangel in legend and the sword of Lucifer, the first Archangel.

With such a connection, Lucifer is no longer the greatest danger for Jordan to come to this dimensional boundary.

On the contrary, when Jordan was most dangerous, Lucifer sensed the appearance of the holy sword. From the boundless turbulence of time and space, he appeared in the bubble world where Jordan was, and saved Jordan from the hands of domam projection.

This is probably the good man in the legend has a good reward. Anyway, he is also a man who has saved the world several times.

The ancients did not deceive me!

Just when Jordan is complacent, big brother Odin and big brother Guyi have talked about a series of things with Lucifer, and Lucifer has quickly disappeared in the turbulence of time and space.

Until this time, Jordan nifang just looked at old man Odin and said, "my father Odin, has Mr. Lucifer left?"

This world is too dangerous. I don't want to talk about the turbulence of time and space outside the bubble world. When I first arrived, I was targeted by domam. If I didn't have an old relationship with Lucifer, I'm afraid I would die this time.

It's better to have more relatives in this kind of place than face.

Looking at the shameless look of Jordan, the face of Odin was wonderful.

In the outside world, even when Jordan went to Asgard for the first time, although he acquiesced in the fact of becoming his own godfather, he never called him Godfather.

Now that he knew the danger, he immediately licked his face and called "my father Odin" so intimately.

Knock NIMA, I've never seen such a shameless person!

Odin was very upset with Jordan, but there was Gu Yi looking at him. Odin paused and said, "Sir Lucifer, you can't stay in hell for a long time."

The words from Odin's mouth don't seem to agree with the myths and legends spread on the earth.

In the myths and legends on the earth, Lucifer betrayed God because of his arrogance, so he became a fallen angel, known as Satan, and became the greatest enemy of God in the fairy tales.

But in Odin's tone, there seems to be something hidden.

If Lucifer was really Satan, or betrayed God, Odin would not use words like "guarding hell" to describe Lucifer.

Even master Gu Yi didn't know much about this aspect of knowledge.

Because the age of God is so far away from today's age that human beings don't know how many times of reincarnation they have experienced on the earth, from extreme prosperity to extinction, then prosperity and extinction.

For a long time, it has even experienced several times of leading role in the universe.

Only the protagonist of the previous generation, like Mr Odin, can understand some of the truth in the endless history.

Jordani and goody are all staring at Odin.

Odin didn't mean to hide it. He said, "in fact, there are many places where myths can't be trusted. Among the strong in the universe, it is said that God has come to an end on the road of light and life, and has no further step. Therefore, he has created hell and wants to stimulate himself by using the completely opposite power of darkness and death, which leads to the mistakes on the road of evolution and the end of Tao! "

"But in fact, if there is a mistake in the evolution of God's ability to create the world, we will be able to realize at the first time that the creation and existence of hell is to guard the abyss world."

"According to the secret records of our ASAR Protoss, there are many extremely powerful worlds outside our universe, such as the endless abyss, which is more powerful than any existence in our imagination. In the era of God, the Lord of the abyss discovered our world, opened the abyss channel, and wanted to drag the whole world into the abyss. God fought against it, which was the battlefield between them, It's the hell of today

This is the secret of ancient times, which is related to the safety of the universe. Only among the top cosmic powerful races can it be recorded.

Jordan and master Guyi felt like they were listening to the book of heaven, and their faces showed an incredible feeling.

But old man Odin did not stop, saying: "no one knows the outcome of the war between God and the Lord of the abyss. Only after that war, God called Lucifer, the first Archangel in heaven. Soon afterwards, Lucifer took a large number of angels into hell. At the beginning, they were not fallen angels, But the guardian of the abyss passage. "

"It's said that the abyss world is endless, and it's an absolutely chaotic and disordered world, in which demons are rampant and are eroding our universe all the time. That's why God has sealed up that battlefield and made it an independent world. Because Lucifer and other people have been guarding there for many years, even the attribute of power has been destroyed, Become a fallen angel. "

With Odin's words, the faces of Jordan and master Guyi soon became ugly.

Lucifer's strength may have come to the fourth stage of life evolution, or not.

But jordani and master Guyi both knew that the three of them, even if they were together, were definitely not hit by Lucifer with one hand.

Even the big guys of this level can be eroded by the power of the abyss. Even master Gu Yi can't imagine how powerful the power of the abyss is.

Jordan's mind was more flexible, his mind was whirling, his face suddenly changed, and he said, "the power of the contract mentioned by Lucifer has something to do with guarding hell and guarding the abyss?"

Odin sighed and said: "yes, there has been a secret spread among the royal family of ASAR. In the past, the death of God was inextricably related to the abyss world. The most reliable saying is that God sacrificed himself and turned into the laws of the universe. With the help of the power of the whole universe, he sealed the abyss passage in hell."

"The seven demons of hell have some powers in hell. The power of contract held by Mephisto is one of the core powers. Once Mephisto dies and the power of contract is destroyed, it will have a very serious impact on the abyss passage in the depths of hell."

The power of hell is terrible, but even more terrible is the threat from the abyss.

Otherwise, in addition to Lucifer, the real big man, the seven demons in hell, such as Mephisto, have just stepped into the third stage of their strength. They think about the souls of the universe all day long. If they are not afraid of affecting the power of sealing the abyss passage in hell, they are the six demons, I've been killed countless times by the most powerful people in the universe.

After the age of God, there is no one in heaven, but hell is increasingly prosperous, which is not without reason.

With his own death, God even coerced the power of the whole heaven into the laws of the universe, led the power of the laws of the universe, and blocked the passage of the abyss. However, as a place carrying the evil gas of the abyss, no one dares to destroy and destroy it excessively, so that the demons can flourish more and more.

One is the power of cosmic law, which forbids the passage of the abyss, the other is Lucifer, the most powerful angel in heaven, who falls into hell and suppresses the demons inside hell.

Double backhand, this is also the final sharing that God made for the universe after he decided to sacrifice himself.

It is not without reason that the will of the universe favors God and makes him the leading role of the universe in an era.

Thinking of this, Jordan feels as if he has touched a little bit of the will of the universe, the protagonist of the universe, and so on, the core truth.

Looking at Odin furtively for several times, Jordan could not help but ask: "Odin, my father, what, God has become the leading role in the universe and made such a great contribution to the universe, we Asgard and ASAR Protoss?"

Madder, this is to pry the core secret of the Athar at home.

Big brother Odin glared at Jordan, but he seemed to think of something again, sighed heavily, and said: "the Athar, Asgard, and even the whole nine countries all originated from the world tree, gathering the power of infinite galaxies to suppress the most powerful demon pet, the despairing Black Dragon niederhogg, once under the command of the master of the abyss."

"Our origin and the world tree are born Protoss, but no matter what stage we evolve to, our life span is always limited to 5000 years. The rest of our life origins are connected with the world tree, and they are eaten by the desperate Black Dragon nidhog."

This is the biggest pain in Odin's heart.

The evolution of life is wonderful. As long as you can enter the first stage, you can have hundreds of years of life. It's normal to enter the second stage and easily live for thousands of years. Once you enter the third stage, life is like endless.

If master Gu Yi doesn't want to die, he can live like this all the time.

For example, Mephisto may not have lived for hundreds of thousands or millions of years.

Another example is Lucifer, the strong man, who has lived from the time of God to the present, and it seems that he will live for a long time.

However, the leader in the third stage, like Mr Odin, can soar to the highest level of heavenly Father in the third stage with the help of Asgard, but his life span is less than 5000 years.

The world tree gave birth to the ASAR Protoss, and the will of the universe made it the protagonist of the universe.

What the ASAR Protoss has to pay for is the future of each people, using the source of life to support the world tree, so that it can suppress the abyss creatures for a long time, despairing the black dragon niederhogg.

There is gain, there is pay.

Even if it's as strong as Odin, it can't jump out of it.