It's just like raising children. Even if two children are the same, one is placed in a rich family and the other is placed in a poor family, the children eventually cultivated will certainly be different.

The mages of the supreme sanctuary are like the parents of a poor family.

On weekdays, these mages, even if they are not enough to eat and wear, need to calculate the reasonable use of every trace of magic in magic, not to mention feeding the big family of Argo motorcycle seal.

The original state of Argo motorcycle seal is a super magic net array that can cover the whole solar system.

However, since the success of the construction, except in the age of the ancient magic gods, with the support of three powerful ancient magic gods, Argo motorcycle seal has a real chance to play.

In the rest of the time, the seal of the Argo motorcycle will be maintained around the earth at most, and the additional protection, attack and other functions will be shielded, leaving only the hidden functions, so as to ensure that the earth will not be discovered by the different dimensional creatures and the strong ones in the universe with the least energy consumption.

It's not that you can't fight, it's not that you can't fight, it's just that you are poor.

Until this moment, after the appearance of Tony, the super dog maker who will invent and manufacture, the seal of Argo motorcycle, for the first time in nearly a thousand years, bloomed its own glory.

It's hard to see with the naked eye.

However, in the projection of the temple of New York, Jordan and others can clearly see that the energy index of the seal of the whole Argo motorcycle is surging rapidly. The originally weak defensive cracks are blocked by the powerful magic force at this moment. Even the time and space turbulence around the ball is blocked by a strong and powerful light shield.

The turbulent flow of time and space is surging, which can crush the space. Almost all the roaring waves are the force of crushing and annihilating. But when they hit the seal of the Argo motorcycle, it's like hitting the biggest and most solid mountain, and they can't shake a cent at all.

"Sir, it is detected that the seal of Argo motorcycle still has a lot of spare power to expand, to the maximum extent, covering the entire solar system, which is expected to consume..."

Recently, although Tony is still rubbish in his magic learning, Jarvis has entered a lot of magic theories and magic models.

After the replacement of the seal energy of the Argo motorcycle, Jarvis may not be able to control the seal of the Argo motorcycle, but if he only understands and monitors it, even if guru Yi is here, he may not be able to be more clear than Jarvis.

It's just that even Tony can't handle the amount of energy that Jarvis now reports.

The difference between protecting the earth and the whole solar system is too big.

The diameter of the earth is about 6500 kilometers, and the surface area is about 510 million square kilometers. However, the volume of the sun is 1.3 million times that of the earth, and the sun is just a small star in the solar system.

To protect the earth, the energy source made by Tony can be easily supplied.

If we are to protect the entire solar system, even if we sell the entire stark group, it will only be a drop in the bucket.

That's the difference.

Jordan made a direct decision for Tony, saying: "Jarvis, we need to eat a mouthful. We just need to protect the earth first."

Tony also nodded, said: "Jarvis, to Argo motorcycle seal for living, build triple space ring defense fortress."

This is also one of the defense plans discussed by Jordan, Tony and others.

Although it is not impossible to rely only on the seal defense of Argo motorcycle, some of them are too monotonous and the means are not rich enough. In a sense, they only have the ability to be beaten, but not the ability to fight back.

The triple space ring defense fortress is the second step of the combination of magic and technology.

Agomo seal is a masterpiece of magic that integrates the abilities of mages. In Tony's plan, relying on agomo seal, we will build a triple space ring defense fortress and embed it in the magic system of agomo seal.

The first space ring is responsible for the integration with Argo motorcycle, including transmission, technology and magic conversion, energy transmission, information conversion and other centralized processing operations.

The second space ring is to build a large number of honeycomb war forward fortresses, including manufacturing, training, spaceport and other functions.

The third space ring, that is, the outermost space ring, is the forefront of the war. It is fully mechanized operation, supplemented by magic means, to build a large number of magic guns, energy guns, space machine guns and so on.

Once built, this is the perfect combination of real magic and technology.

This level of Planetary Defense Measures and war potential, even in the universe, is absolutely a handful of the top ranks.

Of course, this is a huge project.

Moreover, in this kind of project, the computer and science and technology of human beings at the present stage can't keep up with each other. Tony needs to study the matrix technology to a certain extent to be able to manipulate this kind of war fortress combined with magic technology. In addition, in the aspect of material science, it also needs the support of wakanda's Zhenjin technology.

This can't be done in a short time, but it doesn't prevent us from building the basic model from now on.

With the completion of the energy replacement of the seal of the Argo motorcycle, a large number of supreme sanctuary mages are also liberated from it and can participate in the experiments of Tony, Dr. Benner and others.

And the stability of the seal of the Argo motorcycle also makes the whole earth temporarily return to peace.

The mages of the original supreme sanctuary did not take care of them properly. There would be a lot of space cracks and dimensional loopholes on the periphery of the seal of the Argo motorcycle, which made those alien creatures come to the earth.

But now, with the abundant energy supply, the seal of the whole Argo motorcycle is extremely strong, and those alien creatures can no longer sneak in.

At the same time, the disappearance of the heterogeneous creatures also makes the Avengers alliance, X-Men, Tianyan organization, etc. gradually relax from the busy.

Of course, this does not mean that the earth is completely peaceful.

The remnants of the nine headed Viper lady, the Aidian organization, the Ten Commandments Gang, and so on, still have reservations all over the world, but they can't create too much chaos under the pressure of global unity.

These are the problems of aegis.

However, this state of leisure did not last long.

Jordan and a few of their own girls just shamelessly live a safe life, not a few days, a tired Tony, but broke into Jordan's home.

For a while, Tony was blown out of the villa with thunder.

When Jordan covered his waist with a cup of medlar water and saw Tony again, Tony was still carrying the curl of smoke.

After grabbing Jordan's Wolfberry water, Tony took two mouthfuls of it and immediately frowned and said, "sheter, what's your drink? Taste... "

Slightly sweet, slightly astringent, and a greasy skew medicine.

The taste is not good, but it's not too bad. It's just that people who try it for the first time will find it a little strange.

Jordan kneaded his waist and said, "this is a secret prescription from China. The important thing is not the taste, but the effect. It nourishes the liver and kidney, relieves the deficiency of blood essence, brightens the eyes, reduces the fire, and treats the soreness of the waist and knees. You know, I have three girlfriends when I'm a little older. This thing is definitely a good helper!"

Tony's eyes brightened, and said: "Jarvis, test the formula and efficacy of this liquid medicine, list it in the secondary experimental project, and prepare some for me. I need to conduct clinical experiments myself!"

Jordan's face was speechless for a while, and said, "what are you looking for in such a hurry? I'm sure you're not looking for wolfberry water?"

Tony fiddled with his straight hair and said, "of course not. This time I'm here to tell you that I've made a breakthrough in matrix technology. After a while, I'll upgrade Veronica and Friday with matrix technology first. If there's no problem, I'll upgrade Jarvis finally."

There was a touch of joy on Jordan's face and he said, "what else?"

Tony said with a smile: "Joe, do you know what this represents? The maturity of matrix technology will be an earth shaking revolution in the field of electronic information. There will be no more obstacles and barriers between magic and technology. Our space environment defense plan can start to act!"

That's OK. Matrix technology will become a bridge between technology and magic, and even a milestone in electronic information technology.

Just like in the 20th century, the emergence of the Internet.

Matrix technology will become one of the most solid backing for mankind to move from the earth to the universe.

For this, Jordan naturally happy, but think about it, Jordan said: "this special what has to do with me, you don't do research, why do you come to me?"

Tony looked excited and said, "I have decided to launch the space ring defense fortress project, but as you know, it's very difficult for the space ring to encircle the earth, whether it's volume, manufacturing, launching, or inlaying and fusing with the seal of Argo motorcycle, so I need your help!"

"Tony, you look up to me so much," he said

Tony waved his hand and said, "no, it's not what you understand, your idiot. I know it very well. I'm here to ask you to do me another favor."

Tony said to himself, but Jordan's face was black.

Knock NIMA, is this the tone of looking for help? I don't know. I'm afraid I don't think you're looking for trouble.

Jordan took a deep breath and said, "what's up?"

Tony said with a smile: "before aegis, there was a Dr. hank PIM. He had a kind of quantum science and technology called PIM particles, which can stretch and contract matter at will by means of quantum manipulation. With the help of PIM particles, we can save at least 90% of our time in space ring manufacturing“

Jordan glanced at Tony and said, "then go straight to him. Isn't he a doctor from aegis? You can't. You can talk to Nick fry

Tony laughed more and more awkwardly, and said: "this Dr. hank PIM and my father are a little contradictory, purely academic, and each other's wife died in an Aegis mission, so..."

"You've already contacted each other, haven't you?" he said

Tony nodded and said, "yes, the other side has a little bad attitude, so I just fought back a little bit, and you know it!"

"What do you want me to do?" he said

"I hope you can get some PIM particles out of hank PIM's lab," Tony said