Although Eddie Bullock's words are a little rough, in fact, Jordan and hope Dane can see that Dr. PIM is talking about the future.

However, in Jordan's impression, there should be no danger in quantum space.

Looking at the despairing hope Dane and the sensational Dr. PIM, although Jordan was very reluctant to cause trouble, after thinking about it, he still spoke to them and said, "Dr. PIM, if we are worried about not being able to enter quantum space or return from quantum space, maybe we are in the avenger base, I can help you... "

Now the Avengers alliance has this strength.

On the one hand, the Avengers alliance has Tony Stark, a super local tyrant and genius, who has unique advantages in terms of capital and technology.

On the other hand, the Avengers alliance has saved the world many times, and has different degrees of cooperation and friendly relations with Asgard, the supreme sanctuary, the coalition government, aegis and other forces, accumulating huge prestige.

To be arrogant, as long as it is still on this earth, there is nothing that the Avengers alliance can't do.

Dr. PIM is definitely one of the top talents on the earth. He has both legendary secret service experience and profound accumulation of talented scientists. Although he is a little older and his all-round ability has declined, his endless experience accumulated in his life can play a role in many aspects.

If we can bring Dr. PIM to the Avengers alliance, it will be a big help for the whole Avengers alliance.

However, Dr. PIM obviously despised and sighed deeply at Jordan's words, and said: "the problem of going in and out of quantum space, after the battle of New York more than half a year ago, I collected some alien energy cores, and have solved this problem. The real trouble is the problem of quantum space itself, which can't be solved by anyone..."

When he heard Dr. PIM's words, Jordan was stunned. Unexpectedly, Dr. PIM solved the problem of going in and out of quantum space by himself.

However, it's not impossible to imagine carefully. The plots of Marvel world that I know have now deviated from what I don't know.

Many of my previous memories can no longer be applied to the present world.

However, jordani thought that the other party might be able to save him. He continued: "Dr. PIM, although I don't know what you are worried about, I think you can tell the problem. One person is short and many people are long. Maybe after the problem is said, there will be a solution!"

Even if Jordan was so persuasive, Dr. PIM hesitated.

As for the reason why Dr. PIM didn't want to say it, in fact, Jordan can more or less guess it. He is only worried that his daughter will go into quantum space in the future.

If you don't say it, you're breaking your daughter's mind.

Seeing Dr. PIM's hesitation, Jordan said again, "Dr. PIM, human society is changing greatly. New technologies appear every day and every moment. Quantum physics is definitely one of the key directions that human beings need to tackle in the future. Even if you can keep this secret for a while, can you still keep it for a lifetime?"

Dr. PIM's achievements in quantum physics may be a long way beyond the current level of science and technology, but as Jordan said, the distance is constantly shortening.

It's also a subtle reminder from Jordan that you can stop hope Dane for a day, but not for a lifetime.

After hearing what Jordan said, Dr. PIM finally sighed, "in fact, I've entered quantum space and found Janet."

With Dr. PIM's words, both Jordan and hope were shocked.

But just then, Dr. PIM reached out and a faint orange light flashed on his fingertips.

"Space energy and spiritual energy?"

In terms of technology, Jordan is a white neck, but in terms of extraordinary ability, Jordan is the best.

The first time that the orange light on Dr. PIM's fingertips appeared, Jordan had already felt the essence of this power, like a combination of the magic cube of the universe and the gem of the soul.

Certainly not as pure and powerful as the power of the magic cube of the universe and the gem of the soul, but it is also a rather extraordinary ability.

Dr. PIM was a little surprised, and then said: "yes, I have analyzed this kind of energy composition many times. In quantum physics, this kind of energy has the effect of stabilizing space, and this kind of energy can also greatly enhance the spiritual vitality and stability. It should be spiritual energy!"

"If I remember correctly, Dr. PIM, you don't have superpowers, do you?" he said

No matter the information given by Nick Frey or in the memory of Jordan, Dr. PIM certainly has no super power. On the contrary, his wife, after coming out of quantum space, has some energy similar to that in Dr. PIM's hands.

Dr. PIM said: "this is the ability I got in quantum space. Half a year ago, when the robot of otron dominated the world, I hid around New York to do experiments, and detected a strange energy ripple around the world. We can't see or feel this kind of energy ripple at ordinary times, but it's detailed in the micro world, But a very strange change has taken place. "

"Quantum space is also affected by this energy ripple. Janet and I have acquired this ability, but we have to be trapped in quantum space..."

With Dr. PIM's constant narration, Jordan finally understood the cause and effect of the matter.

The energy ripple half a year ago mentioned by Dr. PIM should be the collision between the mind gem and the magic cube of the universe, which led to the energy dissipation of two infinite gems when he removed the mind gem from the mind scepter.

The explosion of space gems and soul gems not only led to the emergence of Autobots and Decepticons, but also had a greater impact on the physical micro world, that is, the dimension boundary.

In the quantum space where Dr. PIM's wife Janet lives, there are some erosions from other dimensional worlds.

The strange energy in the quantum space is the core energy to block the invasion of these other dimensional worlds, which can maintain the stability of the quantum space in which the other is located.

After Dr. PIM found his wife, he could have brought his wife out of that quantum space.

But once we lose Janet's maintenance and let the forces of other quantum spaces extend and erode, Janet's quantum space will gradually collapse and eventually form a space-time gate, or even a black hole.

No one can guarantee what this thing will eventually evolve into, or even directly destroy the whole world.

That's why Janet decided to guard the quantum space by herself.

After finding his wife, Dr. PIM is ready to give up everything in the real world, arrange his affairs, and go into the quantum space to live and die with his wife.

I have to say, it's amazing.

In places and spaces that people don't know, there are unknown people guarding the world.

However, Jordan feels that the more he listens to it, the more familiar he is with it. The more he listens to it, the more he feels like a theory that the forces of hell are eroding the real world on the battlefield of dimensions!

If so, is this quantum space related to dimensional boundaries.

Moreover, the energy Dr. PIM used seems to be very similar to the power exerted by the mages in the supreme sanctuary, but it is more primitive and rough.

Is this the myth that the end of science is the mystery of theology?

Dr. PIM was going to persuade hope Dane again, but Jordan couldn't bear it and said, "Dr. PIM, I think you can wait a moment. Maybe there are some people and plans that can help you and your wife. In fact, we, the mages of the Avengers and the supreme sanctuary, We are jointly carrying out some research on the combination of magic and technology. Maybe the mages know more about the power you show! "

Dr. PIM's face was "you're teasing me." he looked at Jordan in a daze.

Lao Tzu's advanced research in quantum mechanics has something to do with magic. Besides, are you sure that magic is real? You don't want to cheat yourself with magic!

After thinking about it, Dr. PIM didn't want to offend the Avengers alliance too much. He said to Jordan tactfully: "Mr. Jovovich, I'm really old, but I'm not dementia yet..."

Jordani: "it's..."

That's why you don't believe me!

About the combination of magic and technology, this plan, even in the Avengers alliance, is also the top priority. There is not much information circulating outside. Even among the aegis and the coalition government, only some top executives know about it. Everything is being carried out in secret.

Dr. PIM is excused for not believing it.

For this kind of stubborn old man, Jordan has nothing to explain, and the theoretical basis of the combination of magic and technology, Jordan also has no clear explanation.

After giving hope Dane a look in the eye, jordani makes a decisive move, a hand knife, and knocks Dr. PIM out.

"Shet!" In a flash of rage, hope Dane looked at Jordan and said, "what are you going to do?"

Embarrassed, Jordan said, "didn't I give you eyes? Your father just fainted. We need to take him to the Avengers alliance. Only facts can make him believe it! "

"That's what you just looked at," said hope Dane, with a speechless face

"What do you think that means?" said Jordan

"I thought you were trying to seduce me. I've seen so many men like you," said hope Dane, with a proud face

Jordan: "konima..."