On earth, magic and science and technology have a very clear development track and road to check.

In terms of magic, when most human beings were still in the age of ignorance, it actually began to appear. From the legacy and gift of the God era, the Greek gods era and the ASAR Protoss era, it became a complete magic system under the guidance of the three ancient magic gods: agomo, oshutu and HOGGS.

These are recorded in the supreme sanctuary.

The development of science and technology is more obvious than that of magic. An ordinary person who knows something about history can say something about the development of science and technology, such as the four ancient civilizations, the middle ages, the Renaissance, the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution.

I'm afraid no one can imagine that one day, the two roads will meet.

The point where these two roads converge is the new matrix technology.

Strictly speaking, Tony Stark is the initiator and inventor of matrix technology, but like Dr. PIM, Dr. Benner and Stephen, he also has the right of signature.

Even Jordan, though he has no achievements in research, has some achievements only in terms of contribution.

Of course, this is not the time to pay attention to ownership.

Matrix technology, like the Internet and C language that appeared at the end of the 20th century, is a kind of high-tech that is inextricably linked with modern technology, but completely different.

Pure matrix technology, like English letters, Latin numbers and Chinese, is meaningless.

Only by promoting it and making it a new and extensive knowledge of science and technology, can we broaden the way of combining magic with science and technology.

However, it takes a certain amount of time to pave the way, just like the emergence of computer and computer language, people need to accept it bit by bit.

But now it is less than two years away from the integration of hell dimension and reality.

Tony, Dr. PIM, Dr. Benner, Stephen and others have no time to promote this so-called great invention.

So in the ten days after the emergence of matrix technology, Tony and others jointly edited a summary of the basic knowledge of matrix technology that can be summarized at this stage. After they handed it to Nick Frey, they once again devoted themselves to their own research and projects.

Tony has begun to upgrade his armor and is responsible for the overall design of the fortress ring project.

Dr. PIM wants to use this matrix technology to erode the dimensional power in quantum space and incorporate it into the seal of agomo. In addition, Dr. PIM has recruited a new generation of ant man inheritor Scott Lang.

Originally, Scott Lang was a backhand of Dr. PIM's preparation. He wanted to let him inherit the ant man battle suit in the critical period, and perhaps help himself solve some operational problems.

But now Dr. PIM has joined the Avengers alliance project in disguise, and the former backhand has become dispensable.

In this case, Scott Lang and hope Dane became the two men who Dr. PIM started. By the way, they used PIM particles and telescopic technology to assist in the construction of the space ring defense fortress.

It's hard work. Dr. PIM has arranged his daughter and apprentice properly.

On the other hand, Dr. Benner is pinning his hopes on matrix technology, hoping to help himself in solving the hawk problem through some research on the spirit of courage contained in matrix technology.

As for many mages such as Stephen, inspired by matrix technology, except for the occasional appearance of one or two mages to meet the needs of the Avengers alliance, almost all of them are immersed in the study of new ways of practice.

Among all the Avengers, aegis, the supreme sanctuary and so on, almost only jordani seems to have become an idle person.

When it comes to idle people, they are not.

Previously, in the boundary of dimensions, Jordan accidentally met Lucifer, the big man of hell, and with the help of Lucifer, he really opened the seal on the holy sword and got the inheritance from ancient heaven.

It's just that this kind of inheritance doesn't need Jordan to study anything, but with the slow growth of Jordan's strength, it will appear in his own control like instinct.

As for this inheritance from ancient heaven, Jordan doesn't know what kind of attitude he should hold.

Lucifer once hinted that he wanted Jordan to take the power of death and light as the core, go to the paradise of recovery, and inherit the path that God had gone through.

But the evolution of life is not a joke. Any slightest omission or mistake will lead to great changes in human life form, even physical collapse and mental dissipation.

Lucifer, even in heaven