In the deep, vast and vast space, a ring-shaped super fortress like the Great Wall moat vibrates slightly.

Then, a light blue light came up from the corner of the hundreds of thousands of kilometers fort, like a small blue flame burning under the endless curtain. The whole Fort seemed to light up at the moment when it started.

The dense matrix Rune lights up, blooms clear light, flows along the rune, and spreads from the endless fortress to the void.

Along with the spread of this kind of Rune and energy, the seal of Argo motorcycle, which was originally hidden in the endless dimension, began to emerge in people's sight bit by bit.

It's like a vast blue continent slowly emerging from the endless sea of dimensions.

The matrix Rune can perfectly fit and connect with the magic pattern in the seal of agomo. Originally, the space ring fortress was wrapped in the seal of agomo, and gradually integrated with the seal of agomo.

"The energy response is gentle, and the energy source is continuously outputting..."

"It is detected that the 9527 segment matrix Rune of the first ring is about to collapse, so it needs to be adjusted..."


In the avenger base, Jarvis pops up a series of data on huge projection screens. Even with Jarvis's computing and operation ability, he can't control the integration between the whole space ring fortress and the seal of Argo motorcycle in the first time.

In addition to Jarvis, Tony's other two AI's, Friday and Veronica, are also involved.

Jarvis is responsible for the fusion detection of the whole space ring fortress and the seal of Argo motorcycle, while Friday and Veronica deal with a large number of problems detected. If these two artificial intelligence can not deal with them, they will disperse the information to the mages on the space ring who are waiting to be determined in situ.

With the passage of time, more and more matrix runes are connected with the seal of Argo motorcycle on the space ring which was originally independent in the void.

When this connection degree reached 50%, the whole space ring began to vibrate violently in an instant.

Even tens of thousands of kilometers away, just in the projection screen, people can feel the violent energy fluctuations transmitted in the inner space ring, as well as the terrible oppression like Tianwei.

Modu is the most upright and cautious one among the mages. After seeing this scene, he almost instinctively wanted to stop the whole action.

However, at the critical moment, Jordan is a hold modu.

Modu turned his head and roared: "Joe, it's no joke. More than 80% of the high-level mages in the supreme sanctuary are still in the space ring. We must be responsible for their safety!"

Jordan frowned and turned to Tony.

This whole plan is almost all promoted and designed by Tony. Only Tony knows whether there is a problem with the integration of space ring and Argo motorcycle seal.

At this time, Tony's hands are bouncing fast on the virtual keyboard, and Jarvis points out a calculation ability to assist Tony's operation.

For a moment, Tony just looked up and said, "don't worry, it's all under control!"

Mo Du roared: "you'd better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise, I can only recall all the mages to the earth!"

Tony glanced at modu and said: "before, the seal of Argo motorcycle absorbed energy from other dimensions, and defended enemies from other dimensions, other worlds, and even other universes. Therefore, in a sense, the seal of Argo motorcycle is not something in reality, but between dimensions, It's a strange state of quantum space

"The matrix Rune on the space ring can expand this kind of quantum space to the point of covering the whole defense scope of the space ring, but the space ring is a kind of entity after all, which is just the reaction resonance between matter and energy. I have added reaction measures to the space ring matrix rune, and we only need to wait for a minute..."

Just as Tony was explaining, there was another change in the projection.

With the violent vibration of the space ring, which seemed to disintegrate at any time, a blue ripple broke out on the space ring in a short time.

This time, the space ring seems to have really become the existence of the rings of Saturn, and it instantly spreads for a distance of unknown distance.

It's pure energy gathering at a high level, but oddly enough, the energy monitoring machines of all forces in outer space, including Avengers base, aegis, and the coalition government, can't capture any breath of energy.

The diffusion of this energy ring is not in the real world, but has spread to the infinite dimensions.

What people can see is a projection of the energy response of the space ring in infinite dimensions.

Then, with the energy ripple gradually stabilized, the original space ring and the seal of the Argo motorcycle were stuck in a 50% fusion degree, and began to soar.

Tony's face lit up and he waved his fist.

Until this time, Tony just looked at modu again and said: "I said, this is..."

"Sir, the erosion of a large amount of unknown energy has been detected, and the space ring matrix rune is distorting..."

Tony's words suddenly stopped, his face turned white, his forehead exuded cold sweat, and he began to operate on the virtual keyboard again.

But this time, Tony's action has no effect at all. Even Jarvis has been dragged into an unknown strange state, unable to connect and communicate with the avenger base.

More than ten minutes later, Tony seemed to collapse and fell on the sofa.

The scene on the projection picture is very normal. People are paying attention to the fusion of the whole space ring and the seal of the Argo motorcycle in the projection picture. Few people notice Tony's difference.

And Jordan is one of the few.

Looking at Tony's face, Jordan Nemo came to Tony in silence and whispered, "Tony, what's going on?"

Tony seemed to be awakened from a nightmare by the voice of Jordan, his face tangled, but he soon became firm and said: "Joe, I failed. The space ring is being engulfed by the dimensional dimension. We must terminate the whole plan, now, now!"

On the edge of Tony's finger, on a small piece of virtual console, there is a spring box.

As long as Tony presses the confirmation in the bullet box, the whole plan will be terminated instantly. This is a back door set by Tony and an insurance measure.

What we are afraid of is an irreversible disaster scene.