Although there are some minor problems in the integration between the first ring space defense fortress and the seal of Argo motorcycle, generally speaking, the result is very gratifying.

In less than two months, a large number of space equipment, Mars transport vehicles, mining vehicles and so on, through the super giant portal in the space ring, began to frantically travel between Mars and the earth.

A lot of resources have been brought back to the earth, and the second ring and the third ring of the Space Fortress have been smoothly put on the agenda.

In the avenger base, Tony was just locked up in the mirror space for less than three days. After Tony was released, he was stable for a while.

Everything seems to be in an orderly way.

However, after Dimon and Johnny, who had disappeared for a long time, suddenly appeared, the whole Avenger alliance and the supreme sanctuary were in chaos again.

Damon and Johnny have been on earth for almost two years.

Since the European vampire incident, Dimon entrusted Mindy to Jordan, the whole person began to become haunted, and then not long after, Dimon and his cousin Johnny had no news at all.

As if the world evaporated, after the two disappeared, Jordan did not look for the trace of the two.

Two huge organizations, including aegis and Tianyan, have been investigating and searching for them for a long time, but they still have no news.

No one thought that Damon and Johnny would suddenly appear in space.

Through the portal of the space ring, the first time after they return to the avenger base, Jordan takes Mindy to the avenger base.

Big dad and chaoshanv meet again after two years, which is naturally sensational for a long time.

It's not easy to wait until Mindy's emotion of two years is released, and the whole person is asleep. Jordan, Dimon, Tony, Steve and other people just come to the bar of Avenger base.

After a bottle of beer, Dimon's face was full of nostalgia.

"Ma jaafak, this is the taste of my hometown. I thought I would never drink this damn beer in my life!"

"Well, can I have another one? Three grams of oil

Being treated as a waiter, Natasha went to the bar, took a dozen beers and threw them in front of Damon. Then she sat back in Jordan's arms again.

Damon was stunned for a moment. He looked at Jordan suspiciously and said, "who is this?"

Jordan nodded calmly and said, "as you think, it's my girlfriend. That's not the point. Damon, where are you in the last two years? What happened? "

Damon's memory, Jordan's girlfriend should be Jane, or may.

Of course, it's impossible for Jordan to let Damon expose himself in front of Natasha. Naturally, the topic will be changed.

At the mention of this topic, Dimon's face suddenly became dignified.

After another gulp of beer, Dimon said, "Johnny and I went to hell."

For a moment, everyone in the bar looked serious.

Dimon, with a trace of emotion on his face, said: "about two years ago, I can't remember clearly. I just vaguely remember that after turning into a Demon Knight at night, he chased a disgusting little horned devil in London, which is a very cunning devil. He tricked the Demon Knight into a very secret space of otherness, which is a one-way road to hell."

"In fact, there is no so-called concept of time in hell. Killing, being chased by demons, then killing demons, and then being chased by big demons. On that impressive day, I met Johnny. Like me, Johnny was also cheated into hell by a little horned demon..."

Purple sky, black clouds, red river of magma flowing on the earth.

The endless soul is decayed, and the devil insect decays from the decayed soul, then devours each other, and grows into the little devil, the big devil and the upper devil.

Maybe it's because I haven't communicated with people in hell for a long time. Damon, who was originally a very dull man, was talking about what he had seen and heard in hell at this moment.

After a long time, Tony said, "why? Why are you in space? "

Damon was stunned for a moment, and he was also a little confused. He said: "I don't know. I just remember that half a year ago, Mephisto was seriously injured and fell into a deep sleep. Mephisto sent out to chase me and Johnny. There was a war between the upper demons and the big demons. In the pursuit of some small demons, Johnny and I wandered in hell for a long time, Constantly looking for the way to the upper level, and then in a fog shrouded void, step out, then come to space

Jordan, Tony and others are thinking about Dimon's words.

At this time, Steve was the first time to notice something wrong. He looked at Damon and asked seriously, "do you mean that you and Johnny came to space through the void in the process of being chased by the devil?"

Damon nodded and said, "yes, among those damned demons, there is a creature called hellhound. The dog's nose is very sensitive. It can always find me and Johnny in a very short time, FAK..."

Just then, Damon realized something wrong.

If there are demons in hell who can track their own tracks, the passage of the void to outer space will not be hidden.

Not only Damon, but everyone in the room thought of it at the same time.

Steve got up and said, "we have to get to the space ring now and inform Nick fry and the coalition government..."

“No!” Tony was stunned for a moment, then popped up a projection and said: "it's too late!"

Sure enough, on Tony's pop-up projection, it's the space ring over the northern hemisphere, a long purple River rolling in the space, crazy in the direction of the space ring.

If you enlarge the projection, you can see that the so-called Purple River is formed by endless demons.

Some of those demons have the ability to fly, and some have the ability to survive in the void. They are connected with each other, forming a huge impact potential, and have infinitely approached the defense range of the space ring.


New year's day, new year's greetings to all readers. Kowtow, can you hear me?