The power of hell licker is far beyond people's imagination, especially Tony. After his attack was swallowed by the other party, he was stunned in mid air for a moment, and then Tony was shot by the dark blue flame on the spot.

But it's strange that Tony didn't feel any burning after he was shot by the dark blue flame. On the contrary, there was a piercing cold air.

In a flash, Tony's whole body was frozen on the spot, frozen into a knot in ice, and fell from the air.


There was a sound explosion in the void, and the hell licker shot out. He was ready to take advantage of Tony's being frozen, and rushed directly to smash him.

"Barrier of light!"

The speed of this hell licker is no less than the peak of jordani. It's too late to intercept. Jordani can only grab it in the air, and a shield of holy light appears on Tony.

At the same time, Jordan's pale gold wings spread out, flashed in the void, holding the sword, and had already cleaved to the neck of the hell licker.


The sword landed, passed through the shadow of the hell licker, and fell directly on the ground.

Jordan's sword failed. His whole heart was tense. He had no time to draw his sword. He could only shake his wings and rushed into the air.


In the place where Jordan was originally located, a claw with a dark blue flame fell down and made a big hole in the ground. In the big hole, there was extremely low temperature frost spreading all around.

Up to this time, sol, Casillas, Damon, Johnny and others have reacted and come to the frozen Tony to confront the hell licker.

And behind the four, Tony's armor, there was a fine energy shock, which soon shattered the ice and flew into the air.

"I hate dogs!"

Tony's voice was full of unhappiness, and a blue light came out of him. There was a matrix Rune flowing in the blue light, covering everyone in an instant.

For a moment, everyone, including Jordan, felt as if they were carrying a mountain.

Jordan was almost not pulled to the ground by this sudden pressure. His face turned black, he looked at Tony and said, "what are you doing, sheter, Tony?"

Tony opened his mouth and said: "this is a position designed by me to deal with this kind of speed monster, combining universal repulsion with the supernatural magic such as tardiness and gravity in magic."

Jordan egg pain, said: "f.. K, you this thing is part of our enemy?"? Now it's time to kill the enemy by 1000 and lose 80000! "

For example, jordani and sol are better, with strong physical quality, and can stand the sudden "blessing" of stance. But cassilias, Damon and Johnny have their own means, but their physical quality is not particularly strong. In this kind of force field environment, they have some difficulties.

Tony was stunned for a moment, and a strange matrix Rune suddenly appeared on his armor, which automatically triggered three energy rays and penetrated into the bodies of Casillas, Damon and Johnny, solving their side effects.

Until this time, Casillas just gave Tony a complicated look.

For a long time, cassilias and other mages think that Tony may not be able to really bury himself in the threshold of magic in his life, but who can think that with the help of matrix rune, Tony not only can exert the power of magic, but also combines science to create a new magic.

There is no doubt that this is a genius. It is a blow to the old mage like Casillas.

Tony naturally won't notice this detail. After being severely attacked by the hell licker for a while, Tony has been holding his breath to give the hell licker a little color.

Under the restraint and influence of the force field environment, the speed of hell licker is greatly reduced.

Tony is in an instant, has rushed to the front of the hell licker, reached out a hand gun, opened a paw of the hell licker, and then the other hand trembled slightly, has launched a small instrument, instantly hit a hind leg of the hell licker, and then burst out, burst out a laser rope, Wrap both hind legs around it.

The hell licker's hind legs were entangled and tightened, and his body was unstable. He fell down on the spot.

At this time, Tony's hands close together, the armor on his two arms quickly deforms, condenses into a super large gun barrel, bursts out a bright blue energy column, and is facing the dog's head of hell licker, blasting it into the pit.


As the smoke just rose, Tony didn't have time to sneer. The hell licker in the pit had broken free from the shackles of the laser rope. There were scorch marks on his two hind legs, emitting blue smoke. With a roar, he jumped out and tore at Tony's neck.


Tony's reaction speed is average, but with the help of Jarvis, at the critical moment, he reaches into the air to block, and an energy shield appears to block the hell licker.

But even so, Tony was hit by the hell licker and flew out like a gourd on the ground.

After the hell licker fell to the ground, he was a little dizzy, his big head was shaking, his eyes were red, and he was about to spray ice again to seal Tony up.


At this time, a thunder fell in the air, pen fell on the dog's head of hell licker.

After the thunder dispersed, sol had appeared in front of the hell licker. The meow hammer in his hand rotated rapidly, and then flew out with a sound of sonic boom, hitting the hell licker heavily on the dog's head.

Whoa, whoa!

Damon, Johnny and cassilias have thrown out the chains of fire and magic respectively to bind the hell licker in mid air.

Bang bang!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the meow hammer in Saul's hand smashed out, retracted, and then smashed out. A series of combined attacks directly blinded the hell licker on the spot.


The hell licker was beaten and forced to react. In a moment of rage, he burst into a roar in the middle of the sky. The rolling blue flame covered his whole body. He was about to break the chains of fire and magic that bound him.

"Bad dog, let your father Tony take care of your fire!"

Just when the hell licker was about to break free, Tony had already flew over the hell licker again. His hands spewed out the fast white fog, and he didn't know what it was. He instantly put out the fire on the hell licker.

Divine power, magic, technology, Hellfire power, a wave of super explosion.

The hell licker was knocked dizzy on the spot, and the whole dog was completely confused.

When the hell licker wakes up from his confusion, sol appears right in front of the hell licker and presses the meow on the dog's head. No matter how hard the hell licker struggles, he can't break free.

Miao'ernier, the artifact of Asgard, has the blessing of big brother Odin on it.

Only with the authorization of Odin, or with the recognition of millnier, can we afford millnier. Otherwise, no matter who is in the third stage of life evolution, we can't get rid of millnier's repression.

Of course, there are exceptions to those who have mastered the power of Asgard, such as little sister Hela.

After completely suppressing the hell licker, Tony, sol and others just stopped attacking. Like tourists in the zoo, they came around the hell licker and looked at the situation of the hell licker.

Jordan wasn't involved in the fight.

One is laziness, and the other is that Jordan also wants to have a look at how far the Avengers alliance has reached in terms of combat power.

This hell licker, at least, has the fighting power of the second stage peak. In the home court of hell, it has almost the same fighting power level as the former king of ice giants louffy.

Once upon a time, Jordan and others needed to go all out and work together to kill Rolfe, the king of ice giants, at the cost of massive serious injuries.

But now, Tony, sol, Casillas and others, just at the beginning, suffered a small loss because they belittled the enemy.

And then they all joined hands, almost in a way of destroying the rotten, and soon settled the hell licker.

If you join Jordan, I'm afraid it won't take a minute. As long as someone curbs the hell licker for a moment, Jordan will be able to cut off the dog's head directly.

In the absence of the third stage of life evolution, the strength of Avengers alliance is almost invincible.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that the Avengers alliance has a large number of people.

However, the tradition of the Avengers alliance has always been that a group of people beat one person, or a group of people beat countless people.

With great relief, Jordan put away his sword, and soon came to the crowd, and said, "about this hell licker, shall we take him back alive? Or do you just kill them? "

Tony was full of interest and said, "I'm very interested in the ice flame on him, but it's not easy to take this big dog back alive. Without the suppression of mulner, ordinary things can't trap him!"

Jordan laughed and said, "I'll take care of this. The power of light has a natural suppression on hell creatures."

After that, Jordan put his hand directly on the forehead of the hell licker. The Runes of Holy Light wrapped the hell licker with a burning force. In a short time, he sealed all his strength.

And the hell licker, after the power disappeared, gradually shrunk into a dog with horns on his head.