The battle shield was flying in mid air. Steve didn't know why the opponent was so weak that he was hit by his own shield one after another, but as long as the effect was enough.

If you can fight close combat for a whole day, you can throw this kind of flying shield for three days and three nights.

However, this time, when Steve's shield flew to naronan, he saw that Kerry's hammer in naronan's hand beat fiercely, and an invisible force sent out, which fixed Steve's shield in the middle of the air.

Universal weapon, material transfer.

Although there are some rogues who use the power of individual artifact, Ronan can't care so much for the sake of freedom and life. Even as a soldier, he has left behind the glory of fair and holy war.

"I swear, no one will ever hit me on the head with a shield again

Having settled the shield in mid air, Ronan had a feeling of elation in his heart. He put on a cold and deep posture and looked coldly at Steve.

"Are you sure?" Steve said? I will never let anyone take my shield again

With Steve's words, the mark of the holy light broke out in Steve's body, which had a kind of contact with the shield in midair. A pillar of holy light burst out from the shield, which scattered the power of material transfer, hit Ronan's head, and the shield flew back to Steve's hands again.

But this time, the power of the holy light was blocked by Ronan with Kerry's hammer, and did not fly backward.

When Steve rushed to the front, Ronan had already reflected from the rigidity of being hit by the holy light. The hammer in his hand intercepted him again, whistling in mid air, with the ability of material crushing, and roared toward Steve.


Kerry's hammer slammed into Steve's shield. Zhenjin shield itself has the ability to absorb all energy. After it is added with the mark of holy light, it has a higher level of defense.

After being hit by Kerry's hammer, Steve didn't even shake his body. He turned over his hand and punched Ronan directly on his chin. Before his reaction, he flashed to the back of the opponent, kicked him at the knee bend, and elbowed him at the back of the opponent's heart.

A close fight.

Steve is worthy of being a man full of melee skills. Even though his own strength is almost unable to break Ronan's defense, with the increase of shield and symbiotic armor in his hand, he is tough and tied with Ronan holding Kerry's hammer.

"Sure enough, it's five to five!"

Looking at the fierce action battle in the distance, Jordan couldn't help spitting out an old groove.

Tony glanced at Jordan and said, "what did you just say?"

"I mean Steve, he is really talented in battle. He is strong when he is strong. He can fight with Ronan at the same level."

Tony took a look at the battlefield and said, "is that big Smurf you're talking about really that strong?"

Jordan gave a little meal and said: "it's very strong. The opponent's fighting experience is incomparable. His physical fitness is no worse than sol's. The Hammer in his hand has all kinds of magical abilities. To tell you the truth, even if I go up, I don't have to do better than Steve!"

Sol also came over and said: "yes, the other side is a powerful soldier worthy of respect!"

Tony was still a little unconvinced and silent. He flew directly to the battlefield and was blocked by naronan, but he also beat him.

At this time, Tony just opened his mouth to Steve and said: "Hey, old man, your battle is over, let me meet the big man of this Smurf country for a while!"

Steve at this time in fact has fallen behind, just with a tenacity, still fighting with Ronan.

Tony called out "old man" without any hesitation. Steve didn't worry. He just looked at naronan and said, "OK, be careful with his weapons!"

The helmet on Tony's face was not covered, with a touch of frivolity, and said: "old man, you know, genius Tony is the real weapon expert..."


Just when Tony's tongue is poisonous, naronan has become angry. He has a hammer in his hand and a strong shock wave, bombarding Tony in mid air.


At this time, Tony quickly reaction, hand a grip, an energy shield appeared in front of him, the shock wave steady block, toward Ronan mouth and said: "Hey, big Smurfs, sneak attack on others is not a good style!"

Ronan was ridiculed by Tony one after another. In addition, the fight with Steve was in a state of repression in the later stage. His self-confidence returned to him again. His face was cold and he said: "I will tear open the iron cans on you one by one, and then crush your bones inch by inch with the hammer in my hand, Finally, I'll smash your tooth

Tony pick eyebrows, is already in a state of rage, and then turn the two hand artillery.

Bang bang!

The energy light of the handgun was caught by Ronan in the air. At this time, Tony, who had already advanced quickly, came to Ronan's front, kicked Ronan's chest, and then made a brilliant back somersault and landed steadily.

"Hey, big Smurfs, don't you have to pay taxes to brag in the universe? Come on, show Tony dad what you can do! "

"You want you to die miserably!"

Compared with poisonous tongue, Tony's eight hundred year skill, there are few opponents in the whole universe.

Ronan was furious and moved like a shadow. He hit Tony heavily on his shoulder and slid him backward. Then he swung the hammer high in his hand and fell down to Tony with a violent posture of splitting Huashan.


At this moment, a series of mechanical ejections under Tony's feet formed the most stable state of force bearing bracket. At the same time, a hand was raised high, and a golden red solid shield had gathered in the mid air, which blocked naronan's fierce attack.

"Hey, Smurfs, look here!"

To block this violent blow, Tony obviously did not feel well either. There was a flush on his face. On his other arm, there was a matrix Rune flashing by. It turned into a golden red blade. With a high-speed trembling energy light, he swept across Ronan's chest and abdomen.


At the critical moment, naronan felt the extreme danger and jumped to avoid Tony's crosscut, but even so, the super armor between his chest and abdomen was also cut into a visible gap.

Ronan's face became very ugly, and he said: "it's impossible. My armor is one of the strongest individual armor in Kerry empire. There is no metal that can easily break my armor!"

The blade on Tony's right hand dissipated and turned into a palm again. With a trace of pride, he said, "science is to make impossible things possible. Can you imagine the battle of smart people? Or, how can I explain to you, a stupid man with blueberry sauce in his head?"

Ronan's face gloomy to the limit, and on the edge of the battlefield, Jordan and others almost did not laugh.

Tony can't have any achievements. The combination of nano deformation technology and magic energy application technology is really amazing, but it's absolutely not invincible.

But after Tony said that, Ronan was obviously frightened, and his expression was full of fear.

Ronan fought with Steve before. Although he was playing ping-pong a lot of times, Ronan knew that with Steve's strength, it was difficult to really hurt himself, but it was just a little annoying.

But now Tony, showing the kind of powerful attack, has the ability to cause fatal damage to Ronan.


After being bullied by Tony, naronan didn't fight with Tony any more. Instead, he suddenly started the hammer in his hand and the ability of material control. A series of smashed steel ground broke into the air, forming two huge steel chains, like two evil dragons, winding and hoarse towards Tony.

Even Tony's flying speed and agility in mid air were not as powerful as naronan's.


Once again, when he was caught up by two steel chains, Tony suddenly gave a meal in mid air and popped up a cross shaped floating gun behind him.

In the rotation of the cross, the energy rays are more fierce than the Gatling Laser, but in a flash, the steel chain has been broken, melted and exploded.

At the same time, two lasers from Tony's arm armor, sweeping through the void, cut toward Ronan's hammer.


There is a fine energy reaction between the high temperature laser and the hammer, but in the end, even the cluster laser can not cause any damage to the Kerry hammer, but with this extreme destructive power, naronan has to let go and let go of the control of the Kerry hammer.

Without waiting for Ronan's reaction, Tony had already quickly flew over the Kerry hammer. His hands were full of energy and light. The floating gun behind him locked Ronan and said, "Oh! Big man from the Smurf Kingdom, I can give you a chance to raise your hands and surrender if... "


Tony's voice has not yet left, that Ronan's face has shown a sneer, a shock wave broke out on the hammer, which blew Tony away in mid air, reached for a guide, the hammer has fallen into the hands, the rocket boots at the foot of two fires, with no less than Tony's speed to catch up in mid air.

The hammer drags out a terrible gas mark in the void and swings it round. With the power of crushing everything and the ability of material crushing, it will blow Tony out in the air.