Is science and technology on earth really much worse than that in the universe!

Of course not. Even in some ways, the technology of the earth is not inferior to that of some cosmic powers.

Nick Frey's first place to show Ronan is the stark building in the center of New York City. In terms of technology and magic, the stark group is undoubtedly the top representative of the earth.

Entering the center of stark industrial hall, there is a circular ark reactor with a diameter of several meters.

This is the latest ark reactor specially made by Tony in memory of his father. The energy in this ark reactor alone is enough to supply the energy consumption of the whole new york city and even most of the east coast.

Such a huge amount of energy, even if it is used to supply a Super Space Battleship, there is no problem.

Because of the large size of the ark, Tony used a special method to engrave the matrix rune, forming an abridged version of the mini Argo motorcycle seal, which can not only generate a shield to defend against external attacks, but also automatically absorb energy from all dimensions to supplement the internal consumption of the ark reactor.

As long as the energy consumption level of the ark reactor remains below a certain intensity, the energy inside the ark reactor will never be consumed up.

In addition to some physical injuries, this device is no worse than the top solar energy battery in the universe.

Looking at the arcane 1 ark reactor, Ronan salivated on the spot.

As a general in exile who has been wandering in the universe for more than ten years, ronanta knows the value of this infinite energy.

Ronan once attacked soverin with the army, trying to grab a batch of unlimited energy batteries from soverin's hands. Unfortunately, he was beaten by the inhumane soverin on the spot.

With unlimited energy battery technology, Sauvignon sells energy in the universe and is rich in oil.

Basically, more than half of the whole galaxy's space belt imports energy from Sauvignon, which also leads to Sauvignon's use of unmanned spacecraft and fighter planes when fighting with people, so he is not afraid of consumption.

Among other things, even if there is only one kind of energy technology on earth, in Ronan's view, it is enough for the earth to rise slowly and step into the list of cosmic powers.

Finally pull reluctant Ronan from the hall to leave.

Not long after, Nick Frey and Ronan came to Tony's private armour manufacturing warehouse. More than 80 types of steel armour are just like steel guards. It's pleasant to watch.

Among these armor, except for some of Tony's early works, such as anti hawk armor, anti Thor armor, desperate armor, blood side armor, etc., all have extremely powerful armed ability, which can make an ordinary person become an existence capable of fighting against the strong in the universe in an instant.

Of course, these armor are all Tony's personal treasures.

Nick Frey uses these armor to frighten Ronan.

Sure enough, after seeing this set of startling armor, Ronan's whole life has become calm, and no longer has the pride before.

These armor, let Ronan ring, outside the spaceport, the iron man who severely suppressed himself.

I haven't seen you for 20 years. The earth is really different. It's better to keep a low profile.

After seeing the energy technology and armor technology, Nick Frey also took Ronan to visit the neural link technology and virtual reality technology that Tony is studying in the stark group, which is the kind of inspiration that Tony gets from the ghost.

After leaving stark group, Nick Frey took Ronan to visit Osborne group, aegis Research Institute and other places.

For example, life energy replenishment potion, X potion, mutation potion, hopeless virus, symbiont war a, etc. Although these things are not as amazing as the original arcane 1 reactor, they are also shocking enough.

Once the neural link technology and virtual reality technology are successfully developed and connected to those mutated organisms, an extremely powerful super army can be created every minute.

In addition, wakanda's Zhenjin technology, PIM technology's PIM particles, ant Man Battle clothes and so on.

It has to be said that after integrating the resources of the whole earth, the earth's cutting-edge technology and advanced combat power are not lagging behind even compared with the huge forces in the universe.

What really limits the earth is the basic equipment, the popularization rate of science and technology and sufficient resources on the whole earth.

This is one of the main reasons why Nick Frey tried his best to tie Ronan to the earth, which is about to set sail.

Today's earth, in addition to Mars, Jupiter and other planets in the solar system, has no effective resource import and export channels.

In the short period of time when the earth popularizes the basic equipment, this kind of influence is not big.

But once the earth's basic equipment is upgraded, if you want to go to the universe, whether it's the spaceship used to colonize the alien world or the fleet used to fight into the universe, you need countless resources. Similarly, after the earth's overcapacity, you also need to dump products into the universe.

It is undoubtedly very difficult and time-consuming for the earth to make its own way.

Ronan, a general in exile who was abandoned by the Kerry Empire and the extermination of hegemony, just fell into the sight of all the high-level people on the earth.

Ronan has no background and lacks funds, but he has ambition and ways.

Ronan is a very good choice whether it is to extract resources from the universe or to sell products to the universe.

What's more, with the nature of such a person as eronan and the instigation of the earth's high level, once it becomes strong, it will most likely conflict with Kerry Empire, exterminator and other forces.

If Ronan is involved in the universe, the pressure on the earth in the future will be less.

At the end of the visit, Ronan was sent back to the avenger base by Nick Frey, and asked to think about it for a few days.

Of course, this time back to the avenger base, Jordan, Tony and others, it is not good to treat Ronan as a prisoner and a prisoner.

After settling Ronan, Nick Frey comes to the place where Jordan, Tony and others are.

Tony is acute, directly asked: "director Frey, do you really want to choose to cooperate with Ronan, the damned Smurf?"

Nick Frey nodded and said, "Tony, I know what you think, but it's the best choice for our planet, for all of us."

Steve frowned and said: "director Frey, Ronan is a tiger. Now when he is weak, we can let him go, because the outside world is big enough for Ronan to show his ambition. But if you cooperate with a tiger and feed it strong, don't you worry that the tiger will bite you in turn?"

Nick Frey looked at Steve tit for tat and said: "Captain, I want to correct your point of view. In my opinion, Ronan is more like a vicious dog. In the process of his growth, he will be a very useful hound to help us get more resources, make us strong, bite our potential enemies, and reduce the pressure we face..."