Money shortage, poverty and poverty are just like nightmares. Even if you just hear them, you will feel flustered.

So when Jordan proposed to earn extra money, "of course, the foundation of all this is based on enough reward and bonus. After all, interest is the root of everything."

Along with Jordan's words, Tony, Dr. Benner, Steve, Clint and others all fell into silence.

In fact, Jordan's adventurers association suggests that there are some similar organizations in the society, but they are not perfect, and they are not as comprehensive as Jordan's idea.

If it can be implemented, there is no doubt that the association of adventurers can definitely provide enough huge impetus for the development and integration of the earth.

Moreover, as long as the association of adventurers is established, such as jordani, Tony and Dr. Benner, they can also participate in it and take on some high-level tasks, perhaps with enough resources and remuneration, without delaying their growth.

In any case, all kinds of tasks are transparent and open. The greater the ability, the more you pay, and the more rewards you get, it won't cause other people's disgust.