Andromeda galaxy, M31, Space Battleship accuser.

The whole warship is more than 146000 meters long, like a castle made of steel.

After getting the news from Nick Frey, Jordan and others soon contacted Ronan and xingjue in the universe. Taking the Phoenix fighter, they had already arrived on Ronan's warship without taking too long.

Since the alliance with the earth, Ronan has risen rapidly in the universe relying on the infinite energy reactor on the earth.

This time, however, Ronan absorbed the reasons for his last failure, and did not take in too many of the space looters, vagrant races, etc. no one knows which side of the spies are hidden among these groups. If too many of them wave, they are likely to repeat the same mistake that all the troops left at the beginning.

Build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and become king slowly.

Among the suggestions given by the earth Staff Committee, Ronan chose the development mode of streamlining the administration, preferring to develop slowly, but also to take all the troops in his own hands.

But even so, a lot of money into the universe, Ronan's fleet, still in a very short period of time, in a snowball way to expand.

In the viewing cabin of the battleship, Tony looks at the spaceships and space fighters that surround the battleship, and his face is full of praise.

"Compared with the development mode of our earth, this kind of plundering growth is faster!"

There was a touch of meditation in Tony's expression.

Ronan was able to rise this time. At the beginning, it all depended on the financial support from the earth. However, after Ronan became a little stronger, the other side casually robbed several living planets in the universe, and the overall capital was far beyond the earth.

It has to be said that this explosive growth of strength is really enviable.

Starlord also looked at the fleet outside, shook his head and said: "no one can really grow up by plundering. Ronan's choice is very smart. He just plundered some of the aboriginal planets in the remote places of the universe, and did not violate the power of a real powerful country in the universe. Otherwise, as long as the resources are cut off, Ronan's eyes will be destroyed, It will collapse at a faster rate! "

For example, in ancient times on the earth, the rogue bandits were able to be strong for a while, but they had no foundation. All their strength would be nothing but water and moon in the mirror and castles in the air.

And this kind of development pattern on earth, although the speed is a little slower, is very stable.

With its own foundation and development system, it only takes time to accumulate and accumulate. Once it really enters the universe, it is difficult to be defeated.

Wars and interest disputes in the universe are far more complicated than those on earth. I don't know how many times.

No force can grow up in a peaceful environment without any hardships and hardships. For example, the Kerry Empire, the skuru Empire, the HIA Empire and other cosmic giants, each of them has no idea how many years of bloody battles they have fought, and they have only grown into a powerful cosmic country in constant wars.

Looking at the arrival of star Baron and others, Steve said: "so you sold Igo star to Ronan?"

Jordan and others can easily contact the star Baron, and join in the fight for interests, in which there is no star Baron want to balance Ronan's idea.

It's not difficult to attack a planet. What's really troubling is the distribution of benefits after the attack.

Xingjue and his group are typical vagrants in the universe. They have no idea of settling down. Ronan can help xingjue and others to attack Igor just because xingjue promises to give Ronan the ownership of the whole planet after the event.

The reason for inviting Jordan and others to come here is that xingjue is afraid that Ronan will blackmail his own interests after occupying the whole Igo star. With the check and balance of Jordan and others, Ronan needs to consider the consequences even if he has that idea.

Ronan wants a place of foundation, a whole planet.

What Jordan and others lack is money and resources.

And what star Baron wants, so far, Jordan and others are still unclear about their plans.

Steve's words, in fact, are a kind of test for star baron. The subtext is that you give the whole planet to Ronan, what do you want.

Although xingjue is an interstellar hunk, he is not without brains.

After hearing Steve's words, xingjue laughed funny and said, "you must be very strange. Why should I gather my strength to kill my father, right?"

Saul said: "I know that the gods are old and powerful, and there are few people. Even though the universe has changed for tens of billions of years, there are not many gods. You can't understand them when you do this."

Xingjue's funny face disappeared and said, "do you know the origin of the real God clan?"

The secret is so long hidden that even the protagonists of the previous generation, such as the Athar, don't know the truth.

Xingjue's face became more and more heavy, and said: "when a planet exists and changes in the universe, it is possible to produce Gaia consciousness by chance. With this consciousness becoming more and more active and stronger, a special life form will be formed, which is the source of the God clan."

"Although the Tianshen clan is old and powerful, it also has inherent weaknesses. After the birth of each Tianshen clan, they can only stick to the void of the universe and experience years after years of polishing. In their long life, they have great strength, but they can only wait for death!"

The more xingjue said, the more frowned they were.

Dr. Benner couldn't help saying, "Peter, what are you trying to say?"

Xingjue showed a touch of sadness on his face and said: "if the Tianshen family wants to get rid of this powerful, boring and unchangeable fate, it needs the help of external forces, such as finding another Tianshen family, devouring its origin, life and energy, strengthening its own consciousness and self noumenon."

"But the gods have been very rare since ancient times, so my father came up with a way to use his own power to evolve the biological appearance of countless living planets, spread them into the universe, and through the combination with alien creatures, reproduce the descendants of the gods who have the original power of the two planets, and then devour them one by one, You can steal power from other planets... "

In essence, xingjue's father is a star. He wants to steal the original power of other planets by planting the universe.

When the star Baron father is powerful to a certain extent through this way of stealing, he will be able to gain part of the authority of other planets, so as to extend his power and directly devour other planets.

In the previous period of time, star Baron and others were chased by the army of Sauvignon, and were saved by star Baron's father.

Xingjue's father takes xingjue back to Igor, and is ready to deceive xingjue with his father's and son's affection, and then choose an auspicious day to have a feast for his parents and son.

However, what Igor didn't expect is that after xingjue came to Igor, he contacted Nick Frey on earth. Through Nick Frey's investigation, he became alert.

In the following days, star Baron discovered his father's plot and plan with the help of Carmela.

But this time, star Baron did not choose to fight with his father on Igo. Instead, he contacted Ronan through the earth and secretly rescued himself and his party from Igo.

That's why xingjue is determined to destroy his family.