There are tens of thousands of meters of huge space warships start to move in the starry sky, the terrible flame spews from the tail, even the most fine particles of the universe will be completely burned into nothingness.

This is an active space warship that Ronan ordered from the emerging HIA empire in the depths of the universe after he got out of trouble on the earth and took out all his previous accumulation, worked hard as a second dealer and realized all his assets.

Even among the three major cosmopolitan empires, such super space warships of active service level are rare.

If Ronan had not completely turned against the Kerry Empire and the two sides of exterminating hegemony, the high level of the HIA Empire would not have sold such a class of space warships to Ronan, even if they were crazy.

Even the third stage of the universe, if not necessary, will never fight against such a hegemonic class of space warships.

In the hands of Jordan, Ronan and others, the only force that can positively contain Igor is such a space warship.

The majestic ship is wrapped in a thick energy shield, crushing every inch of the void. Around it are dense space fighters like bees, tearing apart the atmosphere of Nago like a sword.

In order to get a unique base, Ronan is also fighting hard.

"First fleet, barrage, first wave!"

Boom boom!

The space fighters scattered all over the sky, spraying infinite energy shields on each other, forming a huge barrier connecting the sky and the earth in the void, connecting with the whole space warship.

In the rear of the huge barrier, a ferocious super naval gun pops up, making a deafening roar.

Shells in the form of substance or energy burst out from behind the barrier, like meteorite swarms from the depths of the universe.

The flames were all over the void, and the smoke obscured the light of the sun.

After a few minutes, the whole surface of Igo star, visible to the naked eye, suddenly sputtered earth waves of thousands of meters.

The earth was torn apart in an instant, and the trees and rocks were torn like pieces of paper in the roar.

Gullies are like forests, caves are like stars.

The boiling earth waves are surging like mountain torrents and tsunamis. The earth trembles and the sky mourns for them. The energy of destroying the sky and the earth is raging on Igo.

This level of attack, naturally, at the first time, startled Igor who had just been silent for a short time.

In the raging of the endless earth waves, the boundless dust is penetrated by a vast force, suddenly becomes quiet and slows down, and a huge and ferocious face appears in the boundless and endless chaos.

It's like a face on the surface of Igor.

"Outsider, you are challenging God's dignity!"

The huge face on the earth's surface is ferocious, and the mouth like the abyss black hole is drinking. The sound it makes is like the roar of mountain gods in the jungle, which makes all the forests and plants around the energy coverage wildly dance for it.

This is a riot of the will of a planet. The sky and the earth lose color. There are rolling thunder flashes in the void, converging into a chain, whistling toward the fleet in the atmosphere.


It's just a wave of thunder attack. At least one third of the space fleet like a swarm of bees in the sky burst into pieces in an instant, lighting up the whole sky, reflecting hundreds of miles and thousands of miles of red light.


At this moment, on the space warship, a large number of steel warships moved and deformed. At a very fast speed, they piled up into a super platform with a total length of more than 1000 meters. The above energy rays converged in the center, condensing a kind of shocking terrorist energy.

The star annihilation weapon, with this gun light, can tear and penetrate the whole earth of Igo star, and directly blow up the core of the planet.

Under the threat of this kind of weapon light, the endless lightning controlled by Igor soon stopped and then dissipated.

Then, the huge face on the surface disappeared, and the energy veins were pulled out from the bottom of the earth. They were together, mixed with endless rocks, and condensed into a giant once again.

"From the fleet in the deep universe, let your commander talk to me. I am the God of the universe conferred by the life court. If you destroy the life planet without permission, you will be judged by the life court!"

Under the threat of star annihilation weapons, even if Igor has the third stage of life evolution, he is still a counsellor.

When Igo and Ronan fleet confront each other, on the back of Igo star, a space fighter wrapped in strange energy quietly comes to the sky of Igo star.

Inside the fighter, Jordan and others, even across most of the planet, still heard Igor's angry roar.

Tony had put on his armour now. He was stunned and said, "life court? What is this? "

It's not just Tony who is curious, but Jordan, Dr. Benner, Steve and others all show great interest.

Only sol, with a look of indifference on his face, said, "it's just an arrogant guy who is out of the control of the will of the universe. He doesn't care at all!"

Jordan, Tony and others did not say a word, just silently looking at sol.

Saul's face ached and said, "well, I also heard from my father that at the beginning of the birth of the life court, it was the embodiment of the will of the universe. At that time, the universe was still very weak, chaotic and disordered. In order to ensure that the whole universe grew in the right direction, the will of the universe embodied an omnipotent cosmic judge, which was used to judge the living and judge the good and evil of cosmic creatures, Give the meritorious a divine name, and give the destroyer death! "

"Just a long time ago, after the universe gradually became stronger, the so-called life court has been forgotten, and the life court, which has lost the will power of the universe, is just a powerful life in the universe. It is doomed to be abandoned by the pace of the progress of the universe because it is still holding the glory and glory of the past and refuses to move forward."

Jordan was stunned for a moment and said, "I remember that my father Odin once gave me the name of death. Does this have anything to do with the life court?"

Solton laughed and said: "the strong always go forward, the weak always cling to the weak. My father, Odin, is the God of the gods. At his peak, he once defeated the court of life and seized the authority granted by the name belonging to Asgard. In fact, not only my father, but also the once Olympians, Titans, hell, heaven and so on, have the power to grant the name, That's why I say that life court doesn't care at all. "

Sol did not say too directly, but everyone understood.

The ASAS and Titans in the universe probably once robbed the power of the life court.

The court of life, an extremely glorious person abandoned by the times.

In the whole universe, only the God like Igor, who is weak and hiding for fear of being targeted by powerful forces, will kneel down and lick the life court. In a critical time, he will use some prestige of the life court to save himself.

As for Asgard, hell, the three empires, and even those who are strong at the level of exterminating hegemony, they all despise the life court.

Just as the crowd was talking, the whole sky fighter plane trembled slightly and came to the surface of the earth.

After getting off the plane, they found that there was a cliff in front of them. At the bottom of the cliff, there was a green leaf plain like a dream fairyland, covered with strange flowers and trees. In the center, there was a strange castle of western style.

Star Baron continued to bloom with a strange bright light, which enveloped all the people.

On the edge of the cliff, the star Baron looked at the direction of the castle. His eyes showed a complex look. After a long time, he said, "that's where Igo's consciousness has lived for a long time. Mantis lady and Drax are there! I don't have enough energy to support the whole space fighter into there. Igor's sensing ability will be stronger there! "

In fact, everyone can understand the depressed will of xingjue.

After all, this trip is for the sake of killing xingjue's father. If you step into this area, you can say that you are completely on the road of Patricide and can't turn back.

Tony was the first to rise from the sky, standing three feet, and came to the void above the cliff. He said, "the mantis girl you're talking about..."

"Yes, she can hypnotize and control Igor's consciousness and emotion for a short time. I can testify," Carmela interrupted

Sol laughed, picked up the star Baron, flew into the air and said, "what are you waiting for?"

There are three people who can fly, Jordan, sol and Tony. They don't have any delay on the way. They quickly break through the air from the cliff and fly to the castle below.

"Sir, life trace is detected..."

In fact, they didn't really enter the castle. On the lawn near the castle, jordani and others soon found Drax and Mantis girl who seemed to have no guess.

Bang bang!

With the landing of jordani and others, Drax and Mantis woman, who were originally muttering, were surprised one after another, and then looked at jordani and others.

The mantis woman was the first to speak and said excitedly, "Carmela, are you back?"

Carmela nodded, and soon chatted with the simple and surprising Mantis girl. On the contrary, Jordan and others seemed to be ignored.

Jordan, Tony, Steve and others look at each other, do not know what this is.

The star Jue awkwardly smiles, way: "mantis female is very simple, as for Drax, should still be angry!"

When Drax heard his name, he finally said, "yes, I'm very angry, very angry."

Compared with normal people, Drax seems to be a little slower. It feels like his brain is not enough.

In fact, before his arrival, star Baron also said something about Drax and the mantis girl's personality and racial characteristics, but he was still a little confused to see or experience this feeling of being ignored.

At this time, the star Baron has opened his mouth to Drax and said: "Hey, Drax, we are a team, OK? Now that I need your help, you won't refuse, will you? "

Drax seems to be a little hesitant, said: "no, we are no longer a team, you are Ronan's running dog!"

Star Jue face not red heart don't jump of direct flicker way: "no, I do that is to inquire about the strength of Ronan, I just undercover past, etc. finished the present affair, we will help you to avenge Ronan, OK?"

For this kind of performance of star Baron, Jordan and others directly despise it.

This kind of lies, even the earth's three-year-old children can't cheat, don't take it out to shame.

However, to the astonishment of Jordan and others, nadrax looked at the star Baron for a long time. Suddenly, akacheng laughed happily and said, "yes, I know we are a team. I know what undercover is, I know it!"

Then, in the eyes of Jordan and others, Drax soon made up with xingjue and hugged each other heavily.

Jordani: "it's..."

Tony: "and

All of you: --