Before being stabbed into the energy star core by the holy sword, Igor has not tried to condense a small human body to pull out the holy sword, but the holy and artifact in this world, just like the meow hammer of Saul, can not be picked up by anyone.

Jordan came to help pull out the sword in his energy star core, and Igor didn't welcome him, so he would not do anything bad to Jordan at this time.

With the sword being pulled out little by little, Igor's eyes began to show hatred.

Even if Igor was grateful for Jordan's action, it was just a moment.

With the last blade separated from the energy star core, a bright and bright light burst out in the huge energy star core.

"Damn invaders, turn into vermicelli!"

A moment of gratitude is no match for Igor's long-standing hatred and anger.

The terrible light column, in which the energy is highly condensed and burst, with a kind of ferocious destruction of everything, distorts the void. Where it passes, the soil and rocks are evaporated into nothingness, and everything along the way is annihilated.

This wave of attack is abrupt and fierce.

However, in a sense, the other party's attack was completely expected by Jordan. At the first time of the attack, a white shield of holy light appeared on Jordan's left hand, forming a huge barrier. Despite the impact of infinite energy, there was no damage.

The terrifying energy beam soared up into the sky. He had long expected that the other party would not give up. After he separated from the underground space, his wings spread out and he dodged in front of the energy beam.

A cloud was instantly torn apart, and even the atmosphere above the endless sky was ignited by this energy beam. In the chaos boiling, a huge hole was forcibly opened up.

The hateful blow that Igor had planned for a long time was a ferocious mess.

Even Tony and Ronan's fleet, far away from the sky, were startled by this sudden scene.


When everyone was surprised that Igo was mad, he just heard the angry voice from the whole Igo star.

The clouds all over the sky were smashed into the air, and the palaces on the earth's surface crumbled and the vegetation decayed.

It's just a short moment. People can clearly observe that on Igo, a kind of decadent, savage and ferocious breath rises.

Originally on the surface, the super giant confronted with the naronan fleet completely disintegrated at this moment and turned into soil scattered between the heaven and the earth.

Including the many incarnations of Igo, all of them were completely destroyed at this moment.

At this time, Jordan, holding the sword, had already flown into outer space. Not far away was the space fighter where Tony and others were.

"Joe, what did you do to it? Jarvis has detected that Igor's Gaia consciousness is rapidly disappearing! "

"Look, the atmosphere is disappearing, too!"

In the headset came the slightly noisy voices of Tony, Dr. Benner and others.

And with the voice of the crowd, Jordan also looked in the direction of Igo star under him. Sure enough, the atmosphere that originally wrapped and covered Igo star was thinning and weakening at a speed visible to the naked eye, like water stains evaporated by high temperature.

Through the atmosphere that has dissipated, we can clearly see that the original lush and green Igo star, at this moment, like a hair loss patient, the life Qi on the surface of the earth is disappearing at a very fast speed, revealing a piece of decadent and ugly desolation.


It's just a meal. The atmosphere that originally enveloped the surface of Igo completely dissipated. There is no green life on the whole planet. The desolation, desolation, dark holes and gullies are like the two eyes and mouths of the planet.

That originally beautiful life planet, in a very short period of time, the original shape, turned into a round monster head general.

This is the real face of Igo, a desolate, ferocious and ferocious planet.

The huge mouth on the planet opens and closes, making a terrible vibration sound, forming a special sound. Even in the near vacuum space, people can feel the incredible vibration and anger.

Even Jordan is a little confused at this moment. What's hard to come true is that he has done something unforgivable and outrageous to Igor!

Knock NIMA. It doesn't make sense.

All of a sudden, Jordan's heart moved, and his eyes fell on his sword. He saw that the original smooth sword body was covered with layers of strange runes.

On those runes, there is a kind of strange and intimate light flow, which connects the runes to form a water like brilliance, flowing along the sword body and covering Jordan's palm.

Jordan's arm trembled slightly, but it was just a moment of thought. Jordan's palm firmly grasped the handle of the holy sword.

When he saw the water like light again, Jordan could not help but have a strange feeling of closeness and indispensability in his mind.

It was like a very important thing that he had lost a long time ago. When he touched the water like light, Jordan felt that every inch of his body, every cell, was blooming with a kind of heartfelt joy and moving.

Light of life!

This is a kind of power left by God in the universe. Life and light made the whole heaven.

The reason why naigo was able to give birth to Gaia consciousness and have the ability to control all natural changes and evolution is that it obtained the right to life that God once left in the universe.

Nowadays, the power of life power in the core of Igor energy star is extracted by the holy sword. Naturally, Igor loses control of life, and even the Gaia consciousness of its own planet is rapidly dissipating.

Gaia consciousness is like the legendary way of heaven, or a collection of Planetary Information Computing and processing.

Even among the whole universe and billions of planets, there may not be a planet that can really revive Gaia's consciousness and manifest it in the world as a life form.

Although Igo is a celestial being recognized by the life court, he is lucky to be able to control the power on his own planet. He is not qualified to control Gaia consciousness.

However, what makes Jordan feel painful is that after the water like light of life is completely integrated into his body, Jordan just feels as if there is a warm breath in his body, and the whole person has no other reaction.

Originally, Jordan was looking forward to his tiger body shock, and then directly inherited the power left by God to become the top cosmic overlord in the third stage.

This NIMA, is this one of the illusions of life in the legend!

When he was in a daze in space, Tony's anxious voice suddenly came from his headset and said, "Joe, are you stupid? Run away..."

"What are you hiding from... Falk..." he said

In a word, just half said, Jordan has suddenly found that, right below him, the ferocious and round planet essence has been completely exposed, and the big mouth is open, just like a huge crack on the equator of a planet. In the depth of the crack, there is a terrible light gathering, forming a straight light column, The layers of space barriers will be melted and spewed out. The next second, it will directly impact on jordani.

This time, the energy beam attack, nuclear weapons and other things are just like the toys of Pediatrics.

Just the energy focusing on the edge of the energy beam has enough energy response at the level of the nuclear weapon center. It's vast. Even Ronan's Super Space warship can't hold it in front of the energy beam for a second, and it will be completely smashed.

With the energy wings open, Jordan is almost crazy to infuse all the divine power in his body, and play his own speed to the limit. He doesn't even dare to look back. He is crazy to fly towards the distance.

Even Jordan himself didn't notice that the energy wings behind him, infused with the ultimate divine power, and the magical reaction of the light of life in his body, had an extra pair, becoming a four wing level.


It's just a rare energy aftershock. Jordan's whole body is like a thousand or several hundred fists hammered by hawk. His armor is broken and his wings are withered. He floats in the void miserably. Just one breath away, he can go straight to hell.

And in the direction of Jordan's avoidance of the past, the vast column of energy, deep into the universe, did not know how far, hit a star, and then burst apart.

Because the distance is too far, even Ronan's Super Space warship can only capture the intense energy fluctuations in the far space.

The attack that Igor just broke out was more fierce than the Star Destroyer on Ronan Super Space warship.

As a matter of fact, this is the real power that a planet has when it enters the third stage of evolution. It's vast and terrifying. It's not much different from the old man Odin in his heyday and the old man Guyi holding the gem of time.

If it's not for the bondage of the planet itself, Igor can't move freely in the universe, this is a perfect father level cosmic power.