In order to collude with hell without any bottom line, in addition to the scum of Hydra and Shijie Gang, Jordan and others can't think of any other personnel.

After all, on earth, the collusion between Hydra and hell is not unprecedented.

However, to the shock of Jordan and others, Nick Frey frowned and shook his head when they mentioned Hydra.

After a deep sigh, Nick Frey said: "it's hard to believe it, but this time our internal enemies are not Hydra and Shijie gang. In fact, if it's not from Hydra and Lady viper's surrender and tips, we may not be able to catch the clues of those human spies now!"

With Nick Frey's words, all the people in the room gasped and their eyes narrowed slightly.

The amount of information revealed in Nick Frey's words is a little too large. It sounds as if the Viper lady of the nine headed snake discovered the human spy and then defected to the aegis to expose the news.

If it wasn't for the gene comparison and self-test function set by Tony inside the seal of Argo motorcycle, jordani and others would even doubt whether the nick Frey in front of them has been switched, or even the soul has been controlled by the devil.

Steve has always been extremely disgusted with Hydra. He first spoke to Nick Frey and said, "director Frey, do you mean that the aegis has accepted lady Viper from the remaining Hydra?"

Tony also said sarcastically, "maybe our director Frey wants to repeat the story of the snake shield agency again. Maybe this time he wants to destroy the space ring defense system?"

In the final World War I, even the aegis space carrier and Trident headquarters were all occupied.

This has become an impassable situation, and it is the permanent black spot on the aegis.

After being satirized by Steve, Tony and others, Nick Frey just turned a cold face and finally said, "ladies and gentlemen, this is not the time to expose each other's scars. Hydra will never enter the interior of aegis again. Lady viper is now being held in a secret prison on earth, no matter what kind of attention lady viper and others are paying, The appearance of Terran spies is a fact. What we have to do is to be prepared for all the accidents in the war. "

Seeing Nick Frey's violent appearance, Jordan stopped Steve, Tony and others and said, "Hey, Nick, apart from Lady viper, who are the human spies we are dealing with now?"

"I don't know!" Nick Frey shook his head and went on, "but I've sent the best intelligence agents to infiltrate the human spies, and there should be intelligence coming soon!"

"The best intelligence agent?" he hesitated

Nick Frey said, "yes, Natasha, accompanied by Mindy and Peter. Among the human spies inside the earth, most of them are teenagers, which is also a task."

Joe Denny just stopped Steve and Tony. In a flash, he was furious. He drew out his sword and was about to chop Nick fry. He growled, "Nick fry, you bloody nigger, Mindy and Peter? They're just kids. Get out of the way. Don't stop me. I'm going to chop this damn black stewed egg! "

Nick fry sneered and said, "really? Your two children, because of playing truant, injured 17 of my agents in just two days, and you call me a nigger, can I sue you for racial discrimination? "

Obviously, Nick Frey's mood at this time is also trying to suppress.

Not long ago, the main forces of the Avengers alliance all went to the depths of the universe to earn extra money, such as the emergence of Hydra, the surrender of viper lady, the appearance of human spies, and the appearance of Hellfire demon. Nick Frey has not had a good sleep for a long time.

And the continuous satire of Jordan and others makes Nick Frey angry.

Finally, under the persuasion of Tony and Steve, Jordan just managed to calm down. He just looked at Nick Frey in the eyes, which was still very uncomfortable.

Natasha is an experienced super spy, and Mindy and Peter are actually quite capable.

Although Jordan is a little worried, today's earth has a space defense system, which can open the portal all over the world anytime and anywhere. Once there is danger, Jordan and others can quickly find Natasha and others.

So this kind of worry is not too urgent.

After barely calming down, Jordan glared at Nick Frey and said, "what about Hellfire? What's going on there?"

Nick Frey said with no expression: "Hellfire's strength is very strong. On average, every Hellfire's strength is at the peak of the first stage of life evolution, and there are some second stages. We have sent more than hundreds of space fighters to investigate, but we can't get close to Hellfire's space camp at all!"

Jordan and others frowned again and said, "that's all the information?"

Nick Frey hesitated for a moment and said, "we can't find much higher combat power now, so not long ago, we sent the female warrior Corps headed by Saifu, Heidi and gizel to explore the hell fire devil's Space Camp..."

As soon as Nick Frey's voice fell, Jordan had drawn out his sword again.

Knock on NIMA, there is no one else in such a big world. What's wrong with Laozi's family?

Tony, Steve and others had to work harder to stop Jordan.

At this time, Nick Frey was slightly embarrassed and said, "Mr. Jovovich, I'm sorry I recruited your family, but you need to understand that the current situation on earth is not stable..."

Nick Frey tried to reassure Jordan with great principles.

Jordan's magic power is weak. He is stopped by Tony and Steve. He can only struggle to match a middle finger and yell: "f.. Kyou!"

One after another, Nick Frey's face changed again and again. After all, he still couldn't help it. He just lifted his windbreaker and growled, "f.. KME? OK, do you want me to pull my pants down? If you can get up, I'll lose

All of a sudden, everyone was staring at the dog.

Even Jordan was stunned by Nick Frey's extremely unlimited operation.

Don't stir up, don't stir up!

Just when Jordan was in a daze, Nick Frey also realized that his action was a bit destructive.

He who knocks on Nimah kills eight hundred enemies and injures himself ten thousand. It's too hard for him.

The scene was a little silent and awkward. Fortunately, a communication sign jumped up on the next display screen. Nick Frey coughed and connected the communication as if nothing had happened.

Boom boom!

The first time the communication was connected, a series of explosions sounded in the video, and then Natasha with a little smoke on her face appeared in the video.

"Hey, honey, have you come back from the depths of the universe?"

In the ruins of a broken battlefield, Natasha saw the video side of Jordan, and immediately showed a happy smile on her face.

At this time, behind Natasha, a series of swift and incomparable figures appeared. All teenagers were transformed into cyborgs. Their arms were deformed and sent out a series of energy cannons, which burst out a series of flames on the battlefield.

"Mindy, no, we have the information we need. It's time to evacuate. Don't get involved with them!"

"Yes, Peter, bring Mindy back. We're leaving!"

In the roaring explosion, Natasha can vaguely see that in the ruins of the battlefield, Mindy's hands pop up like Wolverine's claws, and violently rush into a group of pursuers. Between the waving of her hands, a scene of blood piercing is shocking.

And above the battlefield, among the damaged buildings, Peter dressed as spider man, leaped and leaped flexibly. From time to time, he shot spider silk from his hands, binding the pursuers.

When Mingdi and Peter were reprimanded, Natasha's attention turned to video again.

With a smile at Jordan, Natasha said, "honey, is there any fun in the universe?"

With a strange look on his face, Jordan said, "it should be fun. Maybe we can have a star tour or something later."

"Cough!" Nick Frey, with a black face, interrupted Jordan's words and said, "Natasha, what's the situation like now?"

Natasha ran wildly in the video. She twisted a pursuer's neck and said, "director Frey, you should see. Maybe we need some support. Socovia can't open the portal here!"

Socovia is one of the few places on earth that can't be covered by the seal power of agomo.

In the original decisive battle with aochuang, aochuang used the power of the magic cube of the universe in a large area in sokovia, and banned the whole space of sokovia. Up to now, the residual energy of the magic cube of the universe is still affecting the whole sokovia.

However, after the fall of ordovich, socovia turned into ruins, and the coalition government did not pay much attention to this area.

No one thought that those human spies actually took the ruins of socovia as their base camp.

With Natasha, Mindy and Peter's strength, it doesn't seem to be a big problem to deal with the pursuers of human spies. Now that we have the positioning, Nick Frey quickly orders us to mobilize the rapid reaction forces, open the portal and go directly to the edge of socovia city to meet them.