According to the truth, people can't see the small dimensional world which is free in the dimensional dimension from the earth dimension or hell dimension.

If we say that the latitude of the earth is the sky and the dimension of hell is the land, then the small world like the heterometric space is just a bubble floating between the sky and the earth, which is illusory and disillusioned, and nobody pays attention to it.

But in the hell dimension, hell fire devils are sent to sneak into the earth latitude world, and then from the earth dimension world, they sink into the small dimensional space.

Through the resonance between the energy breath of Hellfire and hell, an illusory channel is formed.

So in this case, in the special location coordinates, Jordan can directly see the scene in the heterometric space. If the angle is appropriate, he can even see the scene of hell directly through the heterometric space.

In the same way, Jordan can see the scene in different space. In different space, he can also see some scenes of the earth's latitude.

Saifu, jizel, Heidi and others, when they came to the bridgehead of hell, were still in the space of the earth dimension.

With the Hellfire's own energy to build an environment similar to hell, the whole hell bridgehead and hell dimension achieve resonance, which is pulled into the dimensional dimension.

It can be said that Saifu and others have been fighting for several days in the bridgehead of hell.

After Saifu and others found that he was watching a movie, Jordan did not delay anything. He took out the holy sword from the backpack space, sensed the traces of energy in the void, and then suddenly slashed with a sword. With a cross sword light, he stood in the void of space, and a channel mixed with a strong smell of sulfur appeared in space.

In a sense, the earth, the bridgehead of hell and hell are actually interconnected.

However, compared with the earth, hell has a greater advantage and strength in this war, so Jordan and others want to destroy the bridgehead of hell.

If the earth is stronger on the other hand, it's time for hell to worry.

After Jordan broke the dimension channel, without the slightest pause, his four wings unfolded, and the whole person had broken into the channel with five colors of glass.

After the return from heaven, the sword of Archangel was completely unsealed, Jordan's divine light was completely completed, and turned into the divine light of life. Even his strength increased a lot, giving birth to two pairs of light wings.

In the age of God, Jordan's strength can basically be called a pure four winged angel of the Holy Spirit.

In the long dimension channel, the terrible energy flowing in time and space is no longer the trouble for Jordan to observe the world around him. A light of life spills from his wings, which makes Jordan feel invincible.

The sulfur smell of hell from the bridgehead of hell seems to be ignited by the most holy flame and burned into nothingness at the first time when he meets Jordan.

The flow of the holy light, the sense of time and space disorder of normal people in this dimensional channel, has been dispelled.

Jordan can even clearly see that the colorful and randomly converged lines around his passage are dimensional lines existing in the infinite world.

In the endless confusion and interweaving of these dimension lines, after countless times of aggregation, occasionally some dimension lines will agglomerate together to form a crystal shape, in which, one by one, is the dimensional space existing in the dimensional dimension.

With constant changes, these crystals will also break up, space will be broken, and they will condense into points again. Then they will turn into dimensional lines and join in the birth and death of infinite polymerization again.

Looking at this scene, Jordan even began to understand the principle of the teleportation of the mages in the sanctuary.

With spirit, soul and will as the main body, the mages are illusory and tiny. They gather the fine energy that is free in the dimensional dimension, wave the dimensional lines in countless spaces, penetrate the nothingness with their will, and open the portal to any place.

It's no wonder that Gu Yi likes the way to talk with people by beating their souls out of their bodies.

Because in a sense, only the endless, constantly changing, birth and death of the space essence is the most true face of the world.

The so-called latitude of the earth and the dimension of hell are just a way of existence after countless dimensional lines are highly condensed and completely solidified.

Just like the crystals in these infinite dimensional dimensions, it is only that the earth's cosmic space-time and Hell's cosmic space-time are all huge, strong and unimaginable superlarge crystals. In the instinct of the will of the universe, these huge dimensional crystals are constantly expanding and improving.


When Jordan was immersed in the strange feeling, it was like passing through a layer of water film. The original colorful infinite dimension disappeared in Jordan's realization.


A hell devil, who is covered with scales and looks like a lion, but has a head of a horned lizard, gives out a deafening roar. He first finds Jordan, who suddenly appears in the bridgehead of hell. Then he jumps across a distance of tens of meters, opens his mouth, reveals his jagged fangs, and swallows Jordan directly.

And at this time, Jordan, the whole person is still immersed in the magnificent and changeable of the infinite dimension, his soul seems to be out of the void, watching the hell devil rush towards him, but his consciousness is calm, like a quiet lake, without any reaction.


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground exploded. Just when the hell devil was about to fall on Jordan's head, a green violent figure appeared, reached out and grabbed one of the hell devil's hind legs, pulled it down from the mid air, and hit it heavily on the ground.


The hell devil was terrified, and his seven scaly legs were frantically struggling on the ground, but he couldn't get rid of the boundless power after Betty turned into a woman hawk.

Bang bang!

Like hawk, Betty has the same factor of violence after she turns into a woman hawk, like carrying a sack, beating the hell devil from side to side, crushing her bones and breaking her muscles.

At the same time, gizel held a shield and a sword, just like the princess of war in Greek mythology. The sword and shield combined, and the light of thunder and fire burst out. Then he chopped with a long sword and killed the hell demons one by one.

Jordan has a strong sense of heaven.

The flickering light of life and the trembling four wings of light are a natural hatred attractor for the demons in hell.

Before ancient times, heaven and hell loved and killed each other for thousands of years.

The breath from God, heaven and angel is the most disgusting existence in almost all the life origins of hell creatures. It is slightly stimulated by the breath released by Jordan. The hell advance army, which was originally of average strength, becomes more and more ferocious as if it had been automatically enchanted with a violent bloodthirsty skill.

Without knowing the pain and fearing death, all the demons spontaneously gathered into a torrent and charged in the direction of Jordan.

Once again after breaking up a demon team, even if Betty is transformed into a female hawk, with infinite physical strength, she can't help gasping.

The fighting for several days and nights in a row, even in physical strength, can persist, but what really makes the female martial arts team a little tired, is the kind of tension from the spirit.

"Damn Jovovich, I suspect he's a spy from hell. Don't stop me, let me smash him!"

It's been a long time since Jordan arrived. Instead of any action or help, it has become a drag. Betty, gizel and others have to surround Jordan and protect him from the demons.

This makes the female martial arts team, even before the circuitous space is no longer available, can only fight hard, hard fight, consumption also suddenly become intense.

Jizel held a shield to block the fierce battle of an eight armed demon, and the long sword pulled out from the bottom to split his head.

After solving a powerful enemy, gizel gasped for a long time, but he became very firm and said, "Betty, if you have time to complain, why don't you do me a favor, OK?"

In her busy schedule, Betty took a look at gizel and instantly understood.

It's been a long time since the women's martial arts team formed a team. What's more, this fierce battle lasted for several days. The women on the scene had already had a tacit understanding.


Seeing that Betty was ready, gizel gave a loud shout, just like a slender tank, holding a shield in front of her and charging fiercely to smash away the demons along the way. Then he came to Betty's front, jumped up and stepped on Betty's hands.

Then, the terrible muscles on Betty's arms began to curl up, and jizel was thrown into the air.



When jizel was shot into the air, Jane dressed in the costume of Thor had cut through the void, gathered the lightning elements all over the sky, let her hand hold jizel, and suddenly turned around in the air.

Then, the infinite lightning elements gathered in the middle of the sky were condensed by gizel, and turned into a thunderbolt. Where they passed, they wiped out the demons, and directly cleared out the blank of hundreds of meters.


Gizel lands on the ground and comes to Jordan's side with a slightly nervous look.

At this time, the hell demons were shocked by the joint release of gizel and Jane. For a moment, no demons came forward to attack.

At the same time, a galloping horse in the sky fell beside gizel.

Saifu was as cool as ever, just glanced at Jordan's body and said: "he has nothing to do. To be exact, he is much luckier than us. He is making out with the blue pool of space will."

Jane and Heidi also fell from the sky.

Half floating in the void, Heidi looked like the queen of fire, with her blonde hair curling around the fire, and her face full of doubts and evil spirit, she said: "which green pool? I will burn her to ashes

Seifer: "I'm not sure."