The war between earth and hell, to be exact, is the war between human beings and hell creatures, rather than the war between two dimensional wills.

Man has always been fighting for himself, not for the earth, and the earth does not need man to fight for it.

It's a terrible truth, which makes Jordan's back wet with cold sweat.

Gu Yi didn't tell Jordan what was behind the truth. He just asked Jordan to find himself after he was promoted to the third stage.

However, before leaving the mirror space, Jordan couldn't help but ask a question to master Gu Yi.

"Mage, are you guarding the earth or human beings?"

For this question of Jordan, master Gu Yi was stunned for a moment, then came with a smile like a clear wind and bright moon, almost without thinking, and said: "my duty is to protect the earth, but first of all, I am a human!"

This is a very firm positive answer, let Joe Denny heart instantly settled down.

In this answer, at least let Jordan see that although Gu Yi is already a sub heavenly Father, better than a God, he is still a human in his heart.

This also means that Gu Yi is not the kind of super boss who hides deeply.

After coming out of the mirror space, Jordan once again appeared in the temple of New York. As soon as he came out, he saw Casillas who was full of spirit and seemed to be reborn.

Seeing jordani, cassilias put on a friendly smile and said, "I can feel that we are the same kind of people!"

The dark mark on his forehead flickered, a cheap smile on his face, and he said, "that's nature!"

Casillas laughed and said, "let's go together. The passage of hell is about to open. Everyone is already in the space ring, waiting for both of us!"

Jordan was stunned for a moment and said, "don't you still have two days?"

Casillas looked sideways and said, "don't you know that it has been more than 40 hours since I came out of the mirror space?"

Jordan is tongue tied. He didn't expect that he and Gu Yi were separated from each other and wandered around the boundary of dimensions. In the real world, it has been so long.

Don't allow Joe Daniels to think more. Cassilias has opened a black space portal. Opposite the portal is the vast, magnificent and vast space ring defense system.

When he walked out of the portal, Jordan was surprised to find that cassilias didn't wear the magic ring when he opened the portal, but touched the space dimension line empty handed.

Slightly stupefied for a while, Jordan said: "is this the strength of warlocks?"

Casillas showed a touch of confidence and pride on his face and said: "yes, this is the warlock! The power of darkness is flowing in my blood. I can only open the portal to any place with the help of the dark dimension as a transit station! "

Without the help of the power of the seal of the Argo motorcycle, Casillas relied on the power of the whole dark dimension.

Unless one day, Argo motorcycle seal can capture the whole dark dimension, cassilias will be regarded as a creature of the dark dimension in a sense.

"It's cool enough," said Jordan, looking surprised. "Is there any other special ability?"

Cassilias was modest on his face, but his words were not implicit at all, saying: "I can do everything that darkness can do!"

It's beeping, uncle Mai!

In a sense, this is a man who can sit down with the Dark Lord domam.

Jordan didn't want to say any more words to each other. He was a non chieftain, and he hated the emperor of Europe.

The two men's appearance on the space ring soon aroused many people preparing for the prelude to the war on the top of the space ring.

"Hey, Joe, if you'll admit that I'm more handsome, talented and rich than you, I'll give you a gift that you'll love, OK?"

Tony's always been a pain in the neck.

Sure enough, as soon as we meet, the other party's words make Jordan's face black.

"Talent and money are not important at all. If it's just face to face, you can't be more confident than me. With a handsome face, I can deal with Natasha, Heidi and gizel."

"Tony, you can't do a pepper!"

Jordan's impolite acceptance of the past, let Tony's originally cheerful expression, instantly become angry.

Tony was envious and envious when he gave Joe a middle finger: "bah, scum man! I just give all my love to the most important woman in my life. It's love, not fear. OK

"Yes, that's what he said the last time I saw Benner. Well, by the way, when I saw him, he was being rubbed by Betty on the ground!" Jordan said without hesitation

Just at this time, the other members of the Avengers alliance just came over.

Dr. Benner's face was stiff. He looked at Jordan silently, but he didn't speak, which made people feel particularly aggrieved.

"Sheter, see, Tony, in order to expose your lies, you hurt Dr. Benner's heart!" Joe Denny complained about Tony, but was called by Natasha, the whole person will honestly come forward, send the kiss of love.

After a long period of excitement.

Jordani introduces the new magic sect that cassilias is about to open up, including Stephen, Wang, modu and others of the supreme sanctuary. They will soon join this small group.

At this time, Jordan came to Tony again and said, "Hey, Tony, what are you going to give me? First of all, my body and soul belong to my three girlfriends. I can't give you any more! Or Natasha, kizel and Heidi will kill me

Tony disdained, said: "you hurt my heart, I suddenly don't want to give you a gift, maybe to Steve or Clint is also a good choice!"

That said, Tony still snapped his fingers.

In a flash, on Tony's and Jordan's side, a two foot portal opened, and a small black-and-white aircraft controlled by Jarvis flew out.

Looking at the black-and-white round sphere on the aircraft, Jordan said, "is this an egg? And it looks like a panda's egg? "

Tony, with black lines on his face, said, "idiot, this is the white wedding dress and black suit you gave me before. And to add, panda is a mammal. Your basic knowledge is not as good as my baby Morgan!"

Jordan didn't care about Tony's sarcasm at all. He just looked at the black-and-white "egg" with a strange look on his face.

Not long ago, Joe Denny came out of the bridgehead of hell and felt that his white wedding dress and black suit pistols were less and less helpful to him. He handed these two pistols and some precious materials he collected to Tony and asked him to find a way to help him solve the problem.

It's just that Jordan didn't expect Tony to spoil his two old friends into an egg.

After studying for a long time, Jordan really didn't know how to use it. Looking for help, he looked at Tony and said, "how can I use it? Don't you want me to hatch it?"

Tony egg pain, said: "put your hand on, Jarvis will help you identify, bind identity, in addition, in this work, I added some new arcane runes, with your own biological energy input, there will be a surprise!"

According to Tony's instructions, Jordan put his palm on the egg.

"Sir, palmprint has been recognized and bio information has been input. Bio energy in your body is being extracted. Are you sure?"

"Jarvis, I haven't seen you for a few days. You're mentally retarded again!"

"OK, confirmed!"

Obviously, Jordan can feel that Jarvis seems to have some small emotions. After helping Jordan bind, he disappears directly.

At this time, the egg, which was originally placed on the aircraft, hummed gently, and then suddenly floated.

"Wow, this thing can fly!"

Jordan was surprised. With the rotation of Jordan's mind, the round egg kept jumping around him. It seemed that with Jordan's mind, it became a satellite around him.

Tony looked at jordani's surprised face, with a look of pride on his face, and said: "of course it can fly. It's a perfect work that Tony Stark has spent three days. It uses neural connection to connect inspiration, uses arcane rune, and combines with your brain biological wave. To be exact, it's a cross era, soul weapon!"

After a long time of playing, Jordan said, "Tony, this thing is novel, but how to attack it? Can't it be thrown out to hit people?"

Tony said he didn't want to talk to Jordan and gave him a middle finger.

Just then, a slightly mechanical girl voice came out of the ball and said, "Sir, I'm arilia, created by Mr. Tony, the great stark family genius, the founder of arcane series I, and the father of artificial intelligence. He can help you carry out free attack, intelligent attack and other operations. Now there are 43 kinds of intelligent operation modes“

All in all, this is a floating cannon.

Combined with Tony's inspiration in arcane two days ago and a lot of scientific and technological knowledge, it is a floating gun with multiple functions such as communication, attack and assistance.

Similarly, this is also the most suitable shooting method for Jordan, which can bring into play Jordan's once proud super marksmanship without affecting Jordan's holding sword in both hands and any movement.

In addition, Tony specially developed an auxiliary artificial intelligence called arilia for Jordan in this floating cannon.

Of course, if you ignore the shameless flattery that arilia gave Tony when she turned on the computer, Jordan still likes the assistant AI, which is very considerate and interesting.

When Jordan didn't need it, arilia was quiet and didn't want Jarvis's artificial mental retardation at all.