It's not a routine, it's not a stratagem, it's just simple, those higher demons don't treat the lower demons as companions, it's worse than cannon fodder, it's just garbage that can be discarded at any time.

Just when human beings are still struggling to clean up those lower hell creatures, the main force of hell, as soon as it appears, gives a head-on blow to human beings on earth.

The Lich legion of hell is extremely powerful. The terrible night sky covers the sky and blocks out the sun, as if to wrap up the whole earth.

In addition to a part of the area where the seal of the Argo motorcycle is opened, everyone on the earth can look up and see that the original sky has turned into a kind of black like dark clouds.

At the same time, among the hell fire demons, more than hundreds of thousands of large purgatory fire demons began to spit out purple fire beams, converging in the void, forming a purple artificial sun.

The eight armed demon Legion slashes and cuts through the void, and the wood demon Legion begins to scatter the seeds of infinite Hell plants

After the first wave of exploration by the main forces of hell failed to break the defense on the space ring, the higher demons in hell gave up the attack and began to rebuild the hell magic land on the periphery of the earth.

This is also the usual way for hell to invade other worlds. When it comes to hard bones that can't be chewed, it's easy to surround them, transform their surrounding environment, and draw enough hell's will to erode and demonize them.

If the whole earth is really enveloped by the hell environment, the rolling hell atmosphere will be as ubiquitous as the water flow, bit by bit into every inch of the corner.

If people breathe this hellish atmosphere for a long time, even their bodies will gradually grow scales, magic horns and so on.

Even if the Argo motorcycle seal can resist for a while, and the whole earth is besieged and unable to communicate with the outside world, the terrorist consumption of the current space ring defense system will soon drain the resources on the earth.

This is a very serious thing.

At this time, the space tank troops on the second ring were thoroughly mobilized by the coalition government. After opening the portal after portal, a large number of space tanks spewed out strong energy flames and directly rolled into space.

This is also a killer mace of the earth coalition government.

Without the ability to manufacture large space warships, because of the space ring defense system, some military experts on the earth promoted the military to develop the defensive combat readiness weapon of space tank.

Unlike the weak space fighter, this kind of space tank has super armor enough to resist the crushing of hawk, and is equipped with short-range 160 mm energy gun, and can also fire laser blades covering 100 meters.

This is a pure battlefield beast, which is not fast enough to be used for war promotion and space navigation.

However, if we only defend in near earth space, more than 10 space tanks will be able to dominate a small battlefield. Even the high-density bombing of space fighters can not destroy these space tanks.

A total of 140000 space tanks are scattered on the whole space ring, which is actually very sparse.

There is nothing we can do about it. There are only a few resources on the earth. Most of them are used to build the space environment defense system. Such a small number of space tank troops are squeezed out after the Mars and Ronan trade. Otherwise, there is not even such a small number of space tank troops.

The space tank is just a key force. In the rear of the space tank, the real main fighting force of the human side is the adapted terminator T800.

This kind of pure robot fighting force is inherited from the wealth left by aochuang.

It's just that people have removed the intelligent control system of robots and turned to a large number of human soldiers to control these robots on earth with virtual terminal and neural link technology.

Among the military, there are even whimsical super talents who once proposed to develop all kinds of robots, bionic robots, etc., and put them into the folk in the form of virtual games, making use of the power of the folk to form an almost endless fourth disaster army.

It's just that the technology, resources and government control on the earth are far from that level of science and technology.

So the fourth disaster proposal was quickly rejected.

However, the civil society can not stop this kind of network airdrop type fourth day disaster army, but among the military, it is very reasonable to intercept some of the achievements, and transform into the current terminator series army.

Among them, the T800 to T1000 series are all pure human-machine interactive mechanical forces, with the addition of TX series semi mechanical reformed human forces, as well as the original ultimate core forces, etc.

The mechanical army cooperates with the space tank, which is an attack mode proposed by the military to test the hell's main army.

In the space ring area where Jordan and others live, there is a team of more than 40 space tanks, followed by more than 4000 battle robots.

This army did not move towards the core guard zone of the main force of hell at the first time.

But in the way of wanton disturbance and attack, for those scattered members of the main legion of hell, launched a trial.

The first one selected by this army was an eight armed demon development force of 100 men.

Eight armed demons are pioneers in the transformation of hell environment. If we kill a large number of eight armed demons, we can restrain the expansion speed and area of hell environment to a great extent.

The two troops soon met.

Those eight armed demons didn't feel the breath of life among the space tank troops, so they didn't attack the tank troops in the first time.

This gives tanks and battle droids a chance to form formations.

Boom boom!

With the main guns of 40 tanks opened, a series of light artillery bombardment directly exploded among the eight armed demons. More than 20 eight armed demons were torn apart in this wave of artillery bombardment.

But it also angered the remaining eight armed demons.

These main legions of hell, each demon's soul, has a tyrant's soul whip control, not afraid of death, not afraid of pain, but has the tyranny and destruction tendency of hell biological instinct.

Once the war started, the speed of the dozens of eight armed demons was extremely fast, forming a combat mode in twos and threes, waving a fierce knife light, bombarding the space tank.


The laser blade of the tank was activated, and the steel tank with a height of more than 10 meters collided with the eight armed demon with an average height of several meters. The scene was once uncomfortable.

Few of those eight armed demons can resist the laser knife cutting. As soon as they get close to the space tank, they will be cut into flesh and blood, and their intestines will flow all over the ground.

What's more, around the space tank, there are thousands of battle robots to assist in the attack, the torrent of violent bullets and a small number of pulse weapons. Although it is difficult to kill the eight armed demons, its violent impact and continuous large number of attacks can also assist the space tank to annihilate those eight armed demons.

Space tanks kill, battle robots control.

For a moment, on the battlefield around the space ring, the human side began to achieve a certain degree of success one after another, and the situation seemed to tilt towards the human side again.

However, this advantage has not been maintained for a long time.

When a large number of scattered demon teams were annihilated on the side of hell main army, the hell main army soon found a way to restrain this kind of space tank.

A large number of purgatory fire demons and Lich legions appeared on the battlefield.

The purgatory fire devil is different from the lava giant. It is a kind of combat unit that is more inclined to cast magic. The terrible purple fire has a very high temperature. It can easily wrap those space tanks, even if it can't melt them for a while.

But those purgatory fire demons only need to raise the temperature of the space tank to a certain degree, and then those Lich mages will fall with any new Death Star, and the terrible power of death ice will come.

With the expansion of heat and contraction of cold, the internal parts of those space tanks will collapse on the spot and become scrap iron on the battlefield.

At the same time, a large number of eight armed demons, with high mobile speed, kill those battle robots.

Without the control of space tanks, the sword light of those eight armed demons, draped over the weak body of the battle robot, can easily crush it.

The fighting situation took a sharp turn for the worse.

At this time, countless high-ranking generals in the space ring military headquarters were livid. In the huge contact video, there were members of the coalition government and politicians who were spewing about the military's incompetence.

"Send out space fighter units, target local casting units, and cover tank units..."

A moment later.

On the battlefield, a large number of space fighters began to appear, not too close to the core battlefield, but in the periphery, with missiles and machine guns, they formed a raging fire stream, concentrated, and constantly killed those purgatory fire demons and Lich mages.

However, not long after the appearance of the space fighter, the hell side responded quickly.

The huge stone statues, ghosts and demons with wings stretching for more than 20 meters, are far faster and more flexible than the space fighters, and a large area of them begin to converge on the battlefield.

Under the attack of this kind of stone ghost demon, the space fighters on the earth side have no fighting power at all.

In the military.

"Open the cellular portal, launch the third space ring air defense weapon, and wipe out the local stone statues, ghosts and Demons..."

With the military's orders, one by one, like a honeycomb, only a small transmission gate the size of a washbasin forms a fixed window on the wall of the space ring.

Among these fixed windows, a series of anti-aircraft gun tubes stretched out and burst out a strong attack. Through the portal, they bombarded the hell statues, ghosts and demons.

The earth side moves, and the hell Legion quickly reacts.

Soon there was a legion of demons, a large number of demon shields appeared in the sky