After the balance of divinity, Jordan didn't know how much his power had increased, but he could clearly feel that his use and control of power had increased at least several times.

Originally, when Jordan used the power of a certain attribute, he could only use one kind of power, and other forces would stop.

But now, with a move in his mind, the rolling power in his body can transform the free, fill in a certain attribute, and release it in a compound situation.

At this moment, Jordan turned all the powers in his body into the power of light.

To deal with these demons in hell, the divine power of light is also one of the most effective and destructive forces.

The original four wing energy level was instantly upgraded to the eight wing level.

The power of angels is also hierarchical. For example, the two winged angels can only be regarded as ordinary soldiers. When they reach the second stage of life, they are ordinary and have no weaknesses or strengths.

The four winged angel is the leader level. In the second life stage, it can be regarded as the upper class level.

The six winged angel can barely be regarded as the reserve Archangel. It has reached the peak in the second stage of life. If it is raised again, it will be able to reach the level of twelve wings in the third stage.

However, Jordan's current strength state is extremely strange, exceeding the peak of the second stage, but not reaching the third stage.

Even Jordan himself is a little queer.

Fortunately, the effect is good. A holy light dispels the aura, and at least the locusts and demons within a few hundred meters are swept away.

Seeing this scene, Steve first grasped the fighter plane, reached out and swung the sword to Jordan, then yelled out: "guys, come with me!"

It is not easy to disperse a large number of locust demons, creating a blank area.

Steve's first reaction, of course, is to take the opportunity to quickly withdraw the seal of the Argo motorcycle, otherwise it will be too late to be covered by those locust demons.

Jordan was floating in the middle of the sky, almost surprised by Steve's words.

Steve, Steve, I didn't expect that you are such a big eyed guy. How did you become the captain of the United States.

"Steve, what we're going to do now is kill all these damn insects!"

"Mark of light!"


"Blessing of light!"

"Holy halo!"

It's hard to stabilize his body. Jordan is holding the holy sword in mid air. Raising his hand is the fall of four powerful auxiliary magic of Holy Light war.

This is what Jordan learned spontaneously from the heaven inheritance after he reached the six wings level.

Seraph, even at the peak of heaven, can be regarded as a senior general. This kind of Holy Light war magic must be learned.

The mark of light increases the affinity of light. Pentecost can add light damage to people's attacks. The blessing of light restores physical strength and damage. The aura of light increases strength and speed.

This kind of magic can be released in groups when it is upgraded to war level.

For a moment, everyone in the Avengers League felt a strange and comfortable feeling.

"Hey guys, I'm made of gold now!"

The biggest change is Hobbes. This product itself can be transformed into an iron man. After being infused with the holy light, the whole body becomes golden and looks very eye-catching.

Others, more or less, have all kinds of blessings and gains.

Casillas, with a sore face, roared, "damn Joe, do you want to kill me?"

"I'm sorry," he said! I forgot, you are the dark warlock, dispel! The blessing of darkness, the coming of death... "

Jordan quickly dispels all kinds of light magic on cassilias and adds all kinds of dark magic.

Casillas was stunned for a moment, and then said with a strange face: "Joe, have you become a monster now?"

Jordani: "it's..."

It's too difficult to serve. I'll help you to improve your condition. You even scold me.

If Casillas feels weird, it's Steve who is even more eccentric and embarrassed.

Feeling the recovery of his physical strength and spirit, feeling the enhancement of his strength and speed, Steve kept the gesture of raising his hand to call the people to retreat.

Embarrassed, Steve said, "Joe, you should have told me in advance."

Jordani: "it's..."

I really want to tell you that you are so decisive when you retreat.

While Jordan and Steve were talking in private, Tony looked at the white light on his armor and muttered, "is this the power of the light? Jarvis, record all the information of optical energy, I need to try, this unscientific thing, why even steel can be enhanced! "

After that, looking at the army of locusts and demons that began to gather again, Tony was the first to rush into the locusts and demons in the sky.

With the blessing of light, those locust demons, who can't beat Tony, will be burned and incinerated by a lot of light energy.

There's no need to defend, just to attack.

Tony was full of fire. Although it was the main attack method, it was not very powerful in this scattered army of locusts and demons, but a large number of Arcane Missiles and the jet of frozen nitrogen also caused a lot of damage.

After Tony rushed out, Steve seemed to be in order to save his image. His white fighting burst out, and he directly threw the zhenjindun card out. In the rotation, it bloomed a terrible white light and lethality. Where he passed, patches of locust demons were smashed on the spot.

At this moment, the state almost full of people, also a lively rush into the battle.

In this process, Jordan, who has just gathered his complete divinity, is naturally the most eye-catching one. His eight wings open, and where he passes, the holy light falls in pieces, and the holy sword is cut out in his hand, which is then swept by dozens of meters of sword. In addition, arilia follows behind, like a rotating machine gun, scattering a dense light, each light, Can pierce several locust demons.

If the mighty warship broke the waves, Jordan did not pay attention to the battle on the main battlefield, but tore a blank passage in the locust demon army, and soon came to the corner gate of the demon void camp.

This army of locust demons is the servant God of the demon monarch, the king of disease. As long as the core of the divine power is not destroyed, and as long as the female locust demons are not killed, with unlimited hell power, the other party can produce almost endless locust demons with extremely fast speed.

These locust demons spread pestilence, eat almost everything edible, and the individual growth rate is also extremely fast.

To end this locust plague, Jordan must rush into the void camp and completely destroy the locust mother demon with the divine power core.


As Jordan approached the corner of the void camp, hundreds of thousands of more powerful locust demons swarmed out of the void almost in a flash.

The strong wings and the armor on his body beat and trembled, and hundreds of thousands of locusts vibrated at the same time. The sound wave was like a shock gun, bombarding Jordan in a continuous way.

"Arilia, the node that calculates the source of the sound wave!"

He stretched out his hand to open the shield of the holy light. Jordan gave a command. Under the control of arilia, all of a sudden, there were lights bombarding the important node of the locust army.

Sound wave convergence needs a special arrangement.

As long as the key nodes of the other party are destroyed, this kind of sonic attack is not worth mentioning at all.

Sure enough, under the attack of arilia, the whole army of locust guards, like a pyramid that was not very strong, collapsed in an instant and broke into quicksand.

"Big bright cross“

Jordan's mouth is full of roars, and his holy sword is just chopping out according to the most common cross sword method. At most, the chopping speed is a little faster, forming a series of attacks. After pouring the holy light energy, it forms a series of cross light waves, and sweeps towards the interior along the corner of the void camp.

Under this attack, the swarms of locust guards did not even have the ability to resist. They turned into ashes all over the sky.

Until this time, Jordan just behind the light wing a shock, instantly cut into the void camp.

It is similar to the ordinary structure of hell bridgehead, full of sulfur smell, magma and black earth constitute a black and red dull world.

These demons, even the demonic monarchs, are always in favor of this kind of painful environment.

Without a little novelty, Jordan rushed into a dark gully, followed the large number of locust demons, and soon saw a huge locust mother devil like a hill.

The forehead of the female locust devil is inlaid with a flowing purple gem, which draws endless hell power into her body. Almost no time is beautiful. The female locust devil can produce thousands of locust eggs.

These locust eggs, the smallest have fist size, larger can directly reach the size of the bowl.

As soon as the locust eggs leave the mother, it takes only a short time for young locust demons to climb out of it. They dare not be their brothers and sisters around them. They open their mouths and begin to devour those eggs that have not yet hatched or have lost their vitality.

They devour each other and grow fast. In a short time, these young locust demons will be able to mature quickly, and their wings will vibrate and fly out to the outside world.