Asgard gave birth to a new king, who deviated from the fate of the gods at dusk. His wife was not dead, his daughter was not dead, and his son was not blind. Even master Guyi, an old friend, came out of the bondage of time.

Asgard and Midgard are all on the bright side.

Old man Odin should have enjoyed his own family life, but at this moment, the terrible power that once belonged to the battlefield of blood and fire was once again united in old man Odin's body.

Even without the blessing of Asgard's power, Odin is still standing on the ceiling of today's space combat power.

The third stage is the peak of the life evolutionist, the father of the universe.

Jordan niben thought that his current strength, has been quite good, but the real face of Odin big brother this level of players, Jordan still felt a kind of their own contempt.

Hidden Dragon and crouching tiger, is the universe really special.

The power of Odin didn't last long. Otherwise, it's not good for Hella to establish her own prestige in the position of king.

However, even if it is the convergence of the vast and violent momentum, at the moment of Odin big man, still like a mighty lion.

At this moment, Haila had to choose a little heart and said, "father!"

Odin suddenly woke up, looked at Hella, turned his eyes to Jordan, and said, "why didn't you go to master Guyi?"

Jordan said with a bitter smile, "I just can't find master Gu Yi, so I have to come to Asgard to disturb him."

The momentum of old man Odin was relaxed, and he said, "since it's master Gu Yi, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Jordan agreed, but cautiously asked, "father Odin, what the hell is that?"

Odin took a look at jordani and Hella, sighed and said, "with your current strength, it's OK to tell you that it's the abyss demon, a powerful enemy from the back of the universe!"

Jordan and Hella were both surprised and said in unison, "the back of the universe?"

Odin nodded and said, "do you know the shape of our universe now?"

Hella frowned, but Jordan nodded and said, "I know something. Taking the origin of the universe as the top, we pour down the endless high-density energy torrent. After the buffer of the origin of the universe, we form the cosmic starry sky, which is similar to the pyramid shape!"

The origin of the universe, the endless high-density energy region, the origin of the universe and the starry sky are stacked layer upon layer.

Hera looked at Jordan with a little surprise. Even if she became the king of Asgard, she only knew a little about the real mystery of the universe.

I didn't expect that Jordan knew better than he knew.

Hella's shock was ignored.

Old man Odin nodded, slightly pleased to see a look at Jordan, said: "you have entered heaven?"

Jordan nodded and took out the sword of Archangel directly.

Old man Odin took a look at it, handed it back to Jordan and said, "as you know, the form of the universe you see is just one side of the real universe. The energy of the origin of the universe doesn't just pour out to our side. In the back of the universe, there is a same world!"

There is nothing wrong with that. The origin of the universe is a singularity in the endless nothingness. Since it is an explosion, it is normal to pour energy up and down at the same time.

That is to say, above the top of the universe in the sense of public understanding, there is an inverted pyramid like world on the back of the universe.

That's a bit of a surprise.

Old man Odin continued to speak and said: "about the back of the universe, in fact, many times ago, among the most powerful people who have been born in the universe for countless years, there have been explorations. It's a world completely different from the Xinghai universe where we live. It's piled up and formed an endless abyss..."

Jordan thought, said: "similar to the abyss of hell world?"

Old man Odin shook his head and said: "the plane of hell is just affected by the universe from the endless abyss. In the depths of hell, there is a crack leading to the abyss world! Jovovich, Lucifer you once saw is the guardian of the abyss world

"Yahweh used to be a very strong wise man in the universe. On the road of life evolution, he almost reached the end of the universe, and established a heaven in the endless high-density energy area closest to the origin of the universe. He wanted to take those really good and noble souls in the universe away from the universe and realize real detachment!"

"He succeeded and he failed! In the endless high-density energy region, it is very close to the origin of the universe, but it is also more vulnerable to the influence from the back of the universe. Hell is the attachment of heaven and the projection of the endless abyss world in our universe through heaven. "

"The Lord separated the most potential angels in heaven and went into hell to watch the endless abyss from the back of the universe. With all the angels and Holy Spirits, he turned into the light of life and made up for the loopholes in the endless high-density energy area..."

Mr. Odin talks with great eloquence, but the information revealed in his words is frightening.

Even the God Yahweh, who once stood on the edge of the origin of the universe, can only choose to take all the angels with him to blend into the will of the universe and turn into the eternal light of life when facing the peeping and erosion of the endless abyss.

Thus we can see how terrible the power of the endless abyss is.

A shivering feeling appeared in the bodies of Jordan and Hella.

With an eager look on his face, Jordan said, "the hell plane is now merging with our cosmic plane..."

"Never mind!" Old man Odin seemed to have anticipated Jordan's worry for a long time. He said: "there was a very powerful existence on the back of the universe, even stronger than the Lord, but it has been assimilated by the will of the endless abyss universe for countless years, and it can never be separated from the back of the universe..."

In terms of a comparative Oriental discourse, some people in the endless abyss world choose the way of harmony.

Although powerful, it is also a kind of bondage.

A living world with independent consciousness, the other side in the back of the universe, has no way forward, want to ascend again, want to continue to become stronger, only to devour other universes.

The Marvel Universe connected with the endless abyss world is the nearest piece of fat.

In the universe where Giordani and others live, those strong men who once stood on the edge of the origin of the universe, such as heaven, world tree, Titan world, ospiling mountain, left their own traces in the endless high-density energy region, and were also felt by the abyss will.

For example, the hell passage opposite heaven and the poisonous dragon at the root of the world tree are all the ways of the abyss will eroding the whole world.

This is also the reason why the will of the universe of Marvel will launch a leading role in the universe every once in a while.

Every protagonist in the universe is a race that will be used to plug the loopholes in the universe.

For example, the will of the universe is an unconscious management system of innumerable information and laws about the operation of the universe. Then the protagonist of the universe is the patch used to plug the loopholes in this system.

The universe will has no real self-consciousness, but it can also detect the system loopholes and spawn patches to make up for them.

Asgard, the last patch, relied on the power of the world tree to guard against the impact from the back of the universe for countless years.

Now that yodunheim is broken and the power of the world tree is severely damaged, Asgard naturally can't assume the responsibility of the leading role in the universe.

In this case, the will of the abyss on the back of the universe will launch the monsters and forces in the endless abyss to attack and erode while the protagonist of the universe in Marvel has not yet grown up.

It is obvious that hell bears the brunt. The five demonic monarchs may have already taken refuge in the abyss world. Otherwise, with the power of the five demonic monarchs alone, they will not be able to build countless empty camps similar to heaven.

Those empty camps are the support from the abyss world.

The reason why Jordan can't find Guyi on earth is that Guyi has noticed this problem early, and I'm afraid he has already gone into hell to solve the problem.

This level of cosmic mystery should not have been told to Jordan and Hella at this time.

According to old man Odin, only when he can play the fighting power of the heavenly father can he be qualified to join the game of this level.

Otherwise, the existence below the heavenly Father level will be easily eroded, captured and drawn by the abyss will.

The Marvel Universe and the abyss universe are two sides of one.

The Marvel Universe is dominated by order, and the abyss universe is naturally endless chaos.

In the nature of power, the closer to the power of chaos, disorder and darkness, the easier it is to be bewitched by the will of the abyss. The five evil lords of hell are obviously the vanguard of the will of the abyss to invade the universe.

The power of the abyss universe has eroded to the level of the third stage of life evolution.

Big brother Odin will tell the truth of the world to Jordan and Hella.

While listening to Odin's words, Jordan fell into a deep self doubt. He thought it was hard enough to live in Marvel world.

I tried my best to improve my strength to the peak of the second stage.

Once we cross this stage and enter the third stage, we can become a real half universe overlord level existence. We can be unrestrained and happy.

Knock NIMA, and suddenly an abyss universe emerges. This is the rhythm to pit the dead.