About the kingdom of Atlantis and the United Government, Jordan doesn't want to get involved in anything. Naturally, some big people will take over.

Jordan and others are more concerned about the bad situation that the kingdom of Atlantis needs to face.

Under the control of Tony, a series of projection pictures, which are completely condensed by the water curtain, quickly appear on the platform in the middle of the room. In the picture, you can clearly see that in a dark deep-sea gully, the horrible sea animals, like a school of fish, are crowded together and blocked behind a strange light curtain.

Every once in a while, in the light curtain, ferocious sea animals squeeze out.

These sea animals have human like bodies, but their whole bodies are covered with a layer of fine scales. On their limbs, they grow bone spines like the long beak of swordfish. On their heads, they have shark like mouths and sharp teeth.

This kind of thing doesn't seem to be good.

Tony didn't pay attention to the sea beast squeezed out of the light curtain, but quickly enlarged the projection picture and isolated the light curtain from it. After a while, he had analyzed and deduced the general energy structure diagram.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a way of energy defense that we have never seen before. Preliminary analysis shows that it is a combination of dimensional energy, water energy and solar fission energy. If there is enough water and solar light, its energy intensity can be guaranteed for a long time. But now we all see that this is a deep-sea trench below 10000 meters, The solar light source can't effectively supplement this kind of energy shield at all.... "

The analysis of academic nature is well founded.

But I'm sorry, Jordan said that it's hard to listen with his education level, so when Tony's voice faltered, Jordan said directly: "Tony, please, to be simple, how long do we have?"

Tony glanced at Jordan speechless, operated on the projection screen, and said, "no more than three days, with the power of Atlantis Kingdom, even if we all try our best, we will never be able to resist the attack of this sea beast!"

No one knows how many sea animals exist in the light curtain.

But in the last two months of struggling to defend, Tony and others have a preliminary statistics on this kind of sea beast. This kind of sea beast, even if it is not as endless as hell creatures, is definitely not a small number.

After hearing Giordani's words and analysis results, the face of the next queen of Atlantis showed a pale color.

This is definitely not good news for the kingdom of Atlantis.

In the kingdom of Atlantis, in addition to a very small number of royal members and high nobles, almost more than 90% of the civilians have been living in the underwater world for countless years, and it is difficult to adapt to life on land.

Even with the help of the coalition government, I'm afraid there will be a lot of riots and huge casualties in the next immigration process of the whole kingdom of Atlantis.

What worries the queen of Atlantis even more is that no one knows what kind of arrangement the people on land will have for Atlantis after the whole kingdom of Atlantis has lost its resistance.

It's not a good time for human beings, or for people in the kingdom of Atlantis, to merge at this time.

Even if a large number of navies are invested, there are not enough submarines on both sides to resist the deep-sea environment.

When the crowd was speechless, Jordan suddenly said, "if you add enough energy to this light curtain defense, can you extend this time?"

Tony shook his head and said: "this defensive light curtain is a very special energy structure. Our energy at this stage can not be effectively supplemented. Once the energy input is wrong, the whole energy structure will collapse, unless someone can separate the whole sea and guide the sun to supplement..."

Just then, Tony suddenly stares at Jordan.

With a smug smile on his face, Jordan snapped his fingers. In the middle of the room, a small light source soon appeared, just like a miniature sun. It was amazing.

"Can this energy be used to supplement it?"

With a smile on his mouth and a wave of his hand, the tiny sun turns in the middle of the sky, and a steady stream of light falls on people, even making people feel warm.

Jordan's divinity, which has a quarter of the light attribute, is driven by divine power, and transformed into a pure light source, which is very simple.

The expression on Tony's face soon recovered. He patted his watch on his wrist, and a liquid metal covered his palm, forming a strange position. It was easy to detain the tiny sun in the air. A lot of data flowed on Tony's Tan eyeglasses.

After a while, Tony said: "this is not pure solar fission energy, but the similarity can reach more than 70%. I tried to fuse with dimensional energy and water energy, which can ensure that the energy structure of the light shield will not collapse, but it can only extend for a period of time, and can not effectively end this crisis."

Dr. Benner nodded and said, "yes, it can't solve the crisis from the root, but the extension of time can make us more prepared, even..."

Dr. Benner's words did not finish, but his eyes were very strange. He and Tony looked at each other.

In an instant, Tony's eyes lit up and said, "it shouldn't be too late, my best friend. Now we need to take action. I don't think you have the heart to live in such a beautiful world as Atlantis..."

“Stop!” "What are your plans, Tony?" he said

Tony laughed and said: "Joe, in the depth of this defense light curtain, there is a prehistoric relic, in which there are three energy rings to block, which need three different kinds of energy to unlock: dimensional energy, water energy, and solar fission energy! I think we need to take a great adventure! "

Jordan took a look at the projection picture. The sea animals behind the defensive light curtain were so dense that they could even make the patients with densophobia die on the spot.

Listen to Tony's meaning, is to go through the blockade of these sea animals, into a deeper place to adventure.

I knock you NIMA, is there any moral and bottom line? Even if it's pitching people, you can't always catch yourself pitching alone.

When Jordan was a little angry, the next queen of Atlantis, however, had already recognized the implied meaning of Tony's words. On the spot, she came to Jordan with an ancient and elegant etiquette and said, "Mr. jordani Jovovich, on behalf of all the subjects of the whole kingdom of Atlantis, I beg you to help us. Therefore, I, Atlana and the whole kingdom, are willing to pay all the price for this... "

If she didn't pay attention to it, she had already grasped Jordan's hand and put it on her chest. Her eyes were full of tears.

The other party probably wants to use the beauty trick.

Just as Tony and others are winking at Jordan, Jordan has a keen sense that from Natasha and Heidi, they are coming with extremely fierce murderous spirit.

Grass, what kind of trick is this? It's a special way to die by yourself.

He quickly took back his hand and said, "Your Majesty, don't be so polite. I will do my best, OK?"

What else does queen Atlantis want to say.

"Tony, saving people is like putting out a fire. It's not too late. We'd better start now," he said

In the eyes of Natasha and Heidi, Jordan and Tony quickly walk out of the room.

Deep sea trench.

It is not connected with the territory of the kingdom of Atlantis, but it is not far away. In order to defend against the attack of sea animals fleeing from the deep-sea ruins, there is a deep-sea camp temporarily opened up by the kingdom of Atlantis.

To Jordan's surprise, gizel is in the middle of this camp, always sticking to the front line.

Farewell is better than newlywed, but there is not much privacy for Jordan and gizel to get together.

After arriving at the forefront of the deep-sea camp, Tony, Dr. Benner, Dr. PIM and others quickly developed an instrument to adjust the way of energy input.

Although Jordan's light property energy transformed by divine power is 70% similar to that of natural light, it is not enough to directly supplement the defensive light curtain.

Coming out of the deep-sea camp, the huge deep-sea pressure, like a mountain, is on Jordan.

Slightly adjust the divine power in his body to eliminate this terrible pressure. With the energy input instrument, Jordan soon came to the front of the defense light curtain in the deep trench.

A hissing and roaring sound similar to ultrasonic wave transmits vibration.

With Jordan's approach, the sea animals in the defensive light curtain become more violent and bloodthirsty. More than ten sea animals squeeze out from the light curtain and come to Jordan with broken scales.

Poop, poop!

Inspired by the divine power of death, with the current strength of Jordan, even without the use of guns, he was able to shoot a bullet like beam and annihilate more than ten sea animals on the spot.

Really close to the defensive light curtain, a kind of thick and epic atmosphere is transmitted from the rear of the light curtain.

Even if he had not entered the deep-sea ruins behind the defensive light curtain, Jordan could feel that there was a strong and ancient power wave passing on all the time.