Tony, gizel, Atlana and others have explored deep-sea relics before, and more than once.

At the time of the first exploration, almost all the Avengers alliance members entered, but because of the deep-sea environment and the wrong estimation of the number of sea animals, they suffered a great loss and did not go too far, so they were in a dilemma.

In the second exploration, after learning from the experience and lessons, Tony and others reduced the number of people, but they broke the road of sea animal blockade and entered the deep-sea ruins, but it was also very difficult.

Only this time, Jordan opened the way in front of Tony and others. They felt as relaxed as an outing when they entered the deep-sea ruins again.

The fierce moon blade sword light is even more fierce than the strongest electromagnetic railgun on the space defense fortress, and it has a very strong attribute suppression for those sea animals.

Across nearly a hundred miles of distance, the boundless deep sea, the number of those sea animals just became sparse.

At this time, on the top of Jordan and others' heads, a light source like a small sun was floating and shining in all directions. Those sparse sea animals did not dare to get close to Jordan and others at all, but kept crowding along the trench towards the exit.

Jordan and others no longer need to guard against those sea animals, but people are still curious about why these sea animals swarmed towards the exit.

"Tony, the last time you went into this deep-sea relic, didn't you find the cause of these sea animal riots?"

Jordan walked in front of the four, swimming, to be exact.

In the deep-sea trench that everyone stepped into, except for the scope illuminated by the holy light of Giordani, the whole bottom of the sea was already dark.

As deep as tens of thousands of meters, there is no light to fall, and even aquatic plants and animals have become extremely rare.

However, just from the light of the surrounding environment, we can see that some man-made prehistoric buildings have become decadent and broken.

Tony spread out one small deep-sea detector after another, saying: "it can't be said that there is no discovery. The last time I went into the deep-sea ruins, I left some small mechanical detection equipment, but it was soon destroyed. However, in a short time, we collected some very obscure energy fluctuations!"

"The distance is too far. Dr. Benner and I can't analyze the nature of the energy fluctuation. However, Dr. PIM put forward a guess that it may be the volcanic eruption in the deep-sea ruins. This natural disaster has caused the fear of those deep-sea animals..."

Dr. PIM's conjecture is very likely.

But it's not complete. On those sea animals, Jordan felt a kind of familiar and disgusting feeling.

Just this kind of feeling is very light, Jordan also can't distinguish and think of in the end where had such a feeling.

From the surface of the intelligence and information, has been unable to speculate more things, Jordan four, began to speed up, toward the deep-sea ruins deeper.

About 200 li away from entering the defensive light curtain, Jordan and others soon saw a familiar defensive light curtain again.

The defensive light curtain is like a huge inverted bowl. In the wide and deep trench, it forms a kind of existence similar to the city wall, blocking all the way forward.

"This is the end of our last time. In this defensive light curtain, there is a fast sea beast, which can't even capture its moving track. Every time we open the light door, we will be shot out by it!"

Tony first talked about the situation in the light curtain for Giordani, and soon signaled Atlana to come forward and open the passage.

Jordan naturally followed in front of Atlana, ready to be the first to enter it, to meet the so-called extremely fast sea beast.

A moment later, the same light door was opened, and a thin water curtain appeared in front of Giordani and others. Through the transparent water curtain, you can even see one layer after another of small defensive light curtains in the deep-sea ruins. The further you go, the brighter the light curtain is, and there are at least three defensive light curtains.

"This is the water curtain that separates the ocean. After passing through this layer of water curtain, we will enter a land like environment, but we should also pay attention to that once we pass through this water curtain, we will be attacked by the mysterious sea beast!"

Atlana explained to Jordan.

Jordan nodded slightly and stepped out quickly. The water curtain was long, which made people feel itchy and comfortable.

However, at the moment of Jordan's subconscious relaxation, a figure with electric light has appeared in Jordan's sight. The other party's speed is extremely fast. At the moment when Jordan's idea rises, the other party has punched Jordan's face.

Jordan has the heart to avoid, but the idea and speed, is completely unable to keep up with each other's action.


A punch hit, Jordan felt like someone with a big hammer, in his cheek to give a hard, let Jordan's whole body stagger.

Fortunately, there was a reminder from Jordan and Atlantis that Jordan had not been shot out.


At this moment, Jordan's sea of knowledge, the black-and-white God accelerated to rotate, for a moment, the whole world seemed to be static in Jordan's sight.

At this time, Jordan can clearly see that in the light curtain world, a sea beast in almost worn-out and decadent armor, with a speed of almost electric flash, is shooting wildly in the whole open space. In the blink of an eye, he punches Jordan's face again.

This sea animal seems to have no wisdom, even the eyes are dark, just running mechanically, and there is no other means of attack, just one punch after another towards Jordan.

Under the divine rotation, Jordan's whole person seems to fall into a strange static world, and he can avoid the attack of the strange sea beast again and again, but he doesn't do it.

This sea animal made Jordan feel familiar and disgusted again.

But it happened that the sea beast didn't seem to have much malice.

The Holy Light imprison, forget it, or the dark bondage!

These deep sea animals seemed to be afraid of the power of light. Jordan didn't plan to kill this strange sea animal at the first time. He changed his magic power, and a black light twinkled around the sea animal.

Until this time, Jordan and the strange voice just appeared in the sight of Tony, gizel and Atlana.

"Is Shetter, the third stage of life evolution, so powerful? It's moving faster than people's eyes can catch light. It's incredible... "

Tony soon entered the second layer of deep-sea relics world, the head of the armor subsided, a strange look at Joe Denny's body.

"Tony, you'd better focus on the business first, OK?" he said

Tony's eyes moved away from Jordan's body and looked at the strange sea beast that was bound in place by the force of darkness.

The ragged and decadent armor was eroded by time and sea water, but it can be seen that it is a kind of tough material, with streaks of mottled red.

On the body of the sea beast, the main form of human is preserved, but on its body, things like fins and scales do grow.

Tony stepped forward, pop up a few small instruments, projecting light to cover the strange sea beast.

In a short time, with Jarvis's powerful computing power and the clues left on the strange sea beast, Tony quickly restored a human projection image.

This should be a very handsome Asian half breed boy, wearing red armor, showing a fast running posture. In the middle of the chest of the armor, there is a yellow lightning icon.

For Tony and others, this is a mysterious and strange image, even in the global human database, can not find any similar existence.

But for Jordan, this projection image is too familiar.

Knock NIMA, if you remember correctly, this should be the flash of the DC next door.

By this time, Tony's planktonic detector had scanned the whole world of the second layer of light curtain and built a projection model.

Tony frowned and said, "this should be a battlefield. There are many traces of battle, but the time interval is too long. Coupled with the corrosion of the deep sea environment, it is impossible to distinguish more information!"

"As for this strange sea animal, there is not enough information to define it for the time being, but it is more than 80% possible. This is a human on the battlefield at that time. Under the influence of the deep sea environment, some mutation and evolution took place..."

Gizel interrupted, "Tony, are you sure? This deep-sea relic, according to our present time, has at least hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer. What human beings can live so long? "

Tony's voice stopped, his brows tightening.

Jizel is very reasonable. No one can survive in the deep-sea environment. He has lived for hundreds of thousands of years and has undergone some variation and evolution.

But all kinds of clues here show that this strange sea animal was a soldier on the battlefield of this relic.

On the armor of the strange sea beast, some specific and clear battle traces can be restored, which is highly consistent with the battle traces left in the surrounding environment.

Weird, weird.

Atlantis also frowned and said, "it seems that we can't get more information here. We'd better continue to go deep. There are at least two defense mechanisms in it!"