Jordan and Atlana did not maintain the final weapon all the time. After destroying all the sea animals, they stopped importing the power of light.

The third stage of Jordan's magic power was also consumed by this movement.

On the contrary, it was Atlana, who gathered a little water from the deep sea. It was easy, without any tired reaction.

After the pause, Jordan's words also caused a strange feeling of the other three people.

I have to say that the final weapon is really similar to the seal of Argo motorcycle.

However, this is obviously not a place to think and discuss. Jordan and gizel picked up a pile of equipment left by wonder woman, and the four soon walked out of the deep-sea ruins and went back to the kingdom of Atlantis.

No one thought that the dilemma and crisis of the whole Atlantis kingdom could be solved simply.

However, the final weapon left in the prehistoric remains still needs to be discussed, which party should be assigned.

There is not much controversy. Atlantis had made up her mind to join the Avengers alliance in the deep-sea ruins before, and slowly moved the whole kingdom of Atlantis to land, integrating with the whole earth.

So Atlantis is very easy and generous, will be the disposal of the final weapons, all to the Jordan and Tony and others.

Jordan has no interest in this new technology, new weapons or anything. Instead, Tony, Dr. Benner, Dr. PIM and other technology houses are very excited for a while.

As for aegis and the coalition government, they were directly ignored by Tony and others.

A group of scum, wait for these people to understand the principle of the final weapon, and then inform the other party.

Next, in the kingdom of Atlantis, there will be no Jordan and other people. Only Tony, Dr. Benner, Dr. PIM and others are left. They begin to take a large number of people into the deep-sea ruins and prepare to carry the whole final weapon to the avenger base.

At this time, Jordan finally got what he wanted and went home with his three girlfriends to test his fighting power.

It turns out that even if he became a god of the universe, Jordan couldn't bear the continuous juicing of the three fairies.

Eight days later, news came from the holy place that master Guyi had returned.

Jordan's face was pale and his eyes were black. He took this as an excuse to escape from the three fairies.

If you have not become a god of the universe and mastered the magic of life, I am afraid that this provocation will not bring about human life.

Color is a steel knife for scraping bones. The ancients did not deceive me!

All the way to escape into the New York sanctuary with sparks and lightning, Jordan shows several life magic to himself one after another, and replenishes his spirit. Then he comes to the residence of master Guyi with cassilias.

His face was pale, his breath was empty, and his skin and bones collapsed.

To Jordan's surprise, the symptoms of master Gu Yi are the same as his own.


Jordan's mind, suddenly more than a strange idea, dare not think.

Master Gu Yi's eyes turned around, and Jordan quickly lowered his head, cleared his mind of the strange ideas, and brushed away the magic of life on master Gu Yi.

Visible to the naked eye, master Guyi's body looks much better.

Life magic, different from other restoration magic, is aimed at the origin of life. Even if it is as strong as Gu Yi mage, it still has effect.

Similarly, life and death are the most difficult basic rules in the whole universe.

Master Gu Yi's face recovered a little. He took a look at Jordan's symptoms which were very similar to his own. With master Gu Yi's mood, he could not help feeling embarrassed and chest pain.

This NIMA!

"Cough!" Master Gu Yi coughed twice to ease the awkward atmosphere and said, "Congratulations, Jovovich, you have entered the third stage of life evolution."

At this time, Jordan was always embarrassed, and instinctively said, "happy together, happy together!"

Master Gu Yi

Konima, I like your sister!

Jordan was swept by master Gu Yi with a dangerous look. He immediately responded and said, "master Gu Yi, I don't mean that. I mean..."

Master Gu Yi waved his hand and said, "needless to say, I heard that before you, you had something very important to ask me?"

Jordan was a little stunned, and then thought that he really wanted to find master Gu Yi because of Wanda's Scarlet power, but master Gu Yi was not there at that time. Jordan went to Asgard.

Although the question has been answered, Jordan can't be too ignorant.

Soon, Jordan said, "yes, it's about Wanda's Scarlet power and wandagra in hell. But later I went to Asgard and got the answer from his majesty Odin?"

Master Gu Yi nodded, with a slightly dignified look, and said, "then you should know something about the back of the universe and the Lord of the abyss, right?"

Jordan's face also dignified, said: "yes, not only that, not long ago, in a trench near Atlantis kingdom in the South Pacific, we also found a prehistoric relic..."

Jordan soon told us what he had learned from the ruins of the deep sea.

In the whole room, there was a kind of silence.

For a long time, master Gu Yi said: "the origin of the seal of agomoto has something to do with the final weapon of prehistoric civilization. My teacher agomoto, once saw some relevant records in the Socratic academy, combined with the other two magic gods, according to some ideas in the final weapon plan, Design and manufacture of the Argo motorcycle seal

Jordani nodded and was soon relieved.

There are indeed many similarities between the seal of Argo motor and the final weapons plan, but in fact, the essential principles are not the same.

The final weapon plan is based on the energy sources of Superman, steel bone and Atlantis Kingdom, and is a kind of thing mixed and piled up under the real situation of emergency.

The seal of Argo motorcycle is a kind of protective barrier based on magic Rune and dimensional energy.

Seeing the expression on Jordan's face, master Gu Yi said, "now that you have reached the third stage of life evolution, you should also tell us some secrets about our world."

"The secret?" "What's the secret?" he said

Master Gu Yi opened his mouth and said, "what god Odin told you about the back of the universe is not complete. In fact, this secret can only be known initially after he has really become a god of the universe."

The expression on Jordan's face is a Su, didn't utter a word, just quietly waiting for Gu Yi's opening.

Master Gu Yi didn't procrastinate. After a little thought, he asked, "do you know what the ultimate goal of our evolution is?"

Joe Danielle was stunned.

It has to be said that Jordan has not really thought about this issue seriously.

To protect? For immortality? For immortality?

Yes, but it doesn't seem so.

It's just like the existence of Guyi, who has already achieved immortality in soul. Even if Guyi wants to, the other party can never die, but the other party still keeps evolving or practicing. What's the purpose of this.

What's the reason for God's existence, which has even reached the level of opening up a world, but still has to move forward, and even does not hesitate to be thoroughly moralized into the rules of the universe.

Resisting the erosion of the abyss is certainly not the ultimate reason.

Even if the existence of big brother Gu Yi and big brother Odin is not enough to resist the erosion of the Lord of the abyss, what about Lucifer, the stronger God than Lucifer.

Lucifer's presence in the depths of hell is enough to resist the invasion of the Lord of the abyss, let alone God.

Now that we have achieved immortality and invincible power, what is the ultimate goal of continuous evolution and practice.

Thinking about it, Jordan felt that he was even a little confused.

Money? Power? Great freedom? Detached?

If you think about it carefully, none of them are. With the power of Jordan, money is easy to get and power is just a floating cloud. In the whole earth and even the whole universe, Jordan can be regarded as a small group among the pyramids. Isn't that comfortable?

Finally, Jordan can only look at the other side of the ancient one mage.