There are nostalgia, relief, surprise and even reluctance in Winston's words, but there is no confusion.

Jordan was a little surprised.

According to Jordan's understanding of Winston, in terms of the other party's desire for power, the other party lost the mainland Hotel, which should not be such a state.

After a moment's hesitation, Jordan finally asked, "Winston, don't you have a little bit of confusion or something?"

Winston picked up his glass, but did not drink it. Instead, he stopped there and said, "I have been there at the beginning. I spent my whole life in the mainland hotel. It's like my home. Almost every room and every pavilion is my child. After leaving the mainland Hotel, I can't even sleep for three consecutive months!"

Jordan did not say a word, just quietly waiting for Winston's narration.

After all, Winston drank the wine and said, "but you know, I'm so old that I can't even hold a gun. I don't have the ability to protect it, so I have to let go. Nothing is eternal, but it's different here..."

Winston's face was full of nostalgia and he pointed to his head.

Jordan knows that the other person is talking about memories in his mind.

Winston continued: "a glass of wine, a cigar, I often come back here to sit, look up and see it, gradually I understand, I have experienced, I have existed, I have never lost it...."

Sitting at the bar of violet, you can look up through the skylight and see the mainland Hotel standing on the street of fork road in the distance.

Now the mainland hotel has become a stronghold of the adventurers' Association. It is aimed at some killers and extraordinary beings in the underground world. It is still a place for peaceful trading. However, from the original contradictions among human beings, it begins to shift to the contradictions between hell demons and alien creatures.

Since the establishment of the coalition government, it has become more and more powerful, but it has not killed all the underground forces, but has tried every means to transfer the internal contradictions of human beings.

For many people, mainland hotels have changed.

But for Winston, who is sitting on the side of the bar, the mainland hotel is still the mainland Hotel, which is in his heart.

Looking into the memory of Winston, Jordan has no origin, the heart seems to have a layer of diaphragm, also quietly broken.

The original confusion, at this moment was swept clean.

The memory of his last life has almost disappeared. On the contrary, in his whole life, people like father Maximov, Wanda, Pietro, Jonathan, Charon, Mindy, big dad, may, Peter, Cassian, Jennie, Catherine, and so on, all of them are in his mind.

Every figure in Jordan's mind is extremely clear and real.

What bullshit universe truth and falsehood, originally these memories, is oneself.

"Yes, I've experienced it, I've owned it, and it's here!"

Jordan murmured to himself, gradually separated from the memory, the whole person's heart, all of a sudden down.

"Winston, to our charge

"Have a drink..."

Jordan and Winston have a chat in the bar. They don't drink a lot, but unexpectedly, Jordan is a little drunk soon.

This night, Jordan slept soundly.

As soon as he wakes up, Jordan is rare and has no confusion. He makes himself a big breakfast and looks for people from room to room.

Unfortunately, Natasha, gizel and Heidi are all away. Even Pietro doesn't know where to fool around. Only Wanda has been at home recently because the scarlet power is coveted by hell.

At the dinner table, Wanda looks at Jordan in disbelief and shock.

"Joe, you did all this? Sheter, you're not burning your brain with a fever, are you“

Wanda watched as Jordan sat down. She came up with a strange face, and her little hands were touching Jordan's face.

Jordan opened Wanda's little hand and gave a cold hum.

This girl is greedy for her body and pretends to be a doctor.

"Dinner, after dinner, I'll wait for you to visit some old friends!"

Wanda is very depressed to sit back in place, knife and fork to the plate clattering, a face of reluctance.

After breakfast, Wanda's face became more and more strange and went downstairs behind Jordan.

"Joe, do you find that you are very strange today? Do you know what you are doing? You can take the elevator, my God... "

"Shut up

Jordani make complaints about Wanda's Tucao Tucao.

In fact, what Wanda said is true. For a long time, Jordan hasn't taken the elevator. To be exact, he hasn't lived like a normal person.

Since the successful construction of the space environment defense system, Jordan has directly opened the portal to the far places, and flew to the near places.

Now I think of myself, as if I had become a robot, or a program.

What dominates one's actions is no longer one's own thoughts, thoughts and life, but fixed tasks, procedures and the needs of the earth.

All the way down to the street.

Although Wanda is strange about Jordan's performance today, she cherishes the time when she is alone with him. She just follows him, like a lark, delighting and jumping.

Coming to Queens, people in New York are still busy and in a hurry.

Although people at the bottom can often see the space battlefield on the news and Internet, the real ordinary people still live the same life as before.

Wanda looked at the surrounding environment, looked at Jordan strangely and said, "Joe, who are we going to visit? Is there anyone we know in Queens, may? "

"Jennie? Isn't it Catherine

With a black face, Jordan said, "Wanda, I'm in your eyes, just living for the little thing in your crotch?"

Wanda looked puzzled and said, "isn't it? Joe, think for yourself, what else have you done in the past two years besides fighting? You've only done Natasha, gizel and Heidi

Jordani: "it's..."

It's very realistic.

"Wanda, you're a big girl, too. You should pay attention to what you say. I'll forget it. Natasha, I'm afraid they don't want to fight with you when they hear that," he said

Wanda looked disdainful and said, "besides, it's like I'm afraid!"

They walked in the street, as if they had returned to their childhood.

In a short time, they stopped in a low street near the Hamson river. There were shops on both sides of the street, which looked very ordinary and lively.

Jordan looked around and took Wanda to a small supermarket.

"Oh, look who this is, Willis. Where are your father and Cassian? Old friends have come to see them

As soon as Jordan came in, he saw a young man sitting at the bar playing games.

I haven't seen him for a long time. Willis hasn't developed into a bald Professor X. instead, he has gained a lot of weight and is a bit fatter.

When he heard what Jordan said, Willis seemed to be in a daze, and then his face showed an expression of great joy.

"Joe, Shetter, how can you be here? Wait a minute. Damn it, it can't be aliens and hell demons coming. FAK, Shetter, where's my gun, damn it..."

Willis tossed under the bar for a long time, and then hurriedly took out a Glock 17.

"Hey, hey, calm down, Willis, it's me..."

A slap call in the past, face panic Willis just calm down.

A moment later, in the middle of an underground shooting range not far from the street, Willis, blushing with Jordan and Wanda, comes to Cassian and cross, whom Jordan has not seen for a long time.

It's a pleasure to meet old friends.

The rest area of the underground shooting range, a few sofas, a few bottles of beer.

Looking at Cassian and cross, who had worn away a lot of sharpness, Jordan said, "you guys have fallen behind a lot in your marksmanship!"

Cross just said nothing with a smile, and Cassian said: "far away from the killing and fighting, the shooting will naturally fall, and now life is very good..."

The battlefield of the world is shifting, and more and more extraordinary people appear. Weapons like guns have begun to lag behind.

It is even very likely that in the near future, such guns using gunpowder will be completely eliminated.

Like Cassian, cross and Willis, the top killers who used to be powerful, are beginning to come to an end.

Cassian opened a bar, cross became a priest, and Willis became a supermarket owner.

A very plain life is far less exciting than the first half of everyone's life. Although sometimes there will be some insipid loneliness, this kind of life is normal.

Jordan didn't want to bring Cassian, cross and others back to the battlefield. He just wanted to reminisce with his old friends. It was just that Jordan found his long lost heart.

From time to time, I drink, watch a game and brag.

In the rare calm on the earth, Jordan did not deliberately pursue any power, evolution, big plans and so on. However, Jordan's divine personality is constantly improving and growing at a faster speed than before.