Jordan's uneasiness, of course, is not without reason.

Among the cosmic information collected by the earth, the hell plane has opened up many battlefields in the whole universe, among which the nearest battlefields are the battlefields of Kerry Empire and the king of disease.

This kind of cross plane war is rare in the universe, but every time a war of this level starts, it will be a grand super war that will last for a long time.

Before the Kerry Empire, the HIA Empire and the skoru Empire dominated the universe, there were wars between the universe Empire and other planes, which led to the extinction of power.

The key factor in the final weapon that Jordan and others got from the deep-sea ruins is superman.

The Kryptonian civilization, the forefather of Superman, was destroyed after more than 4000 years of heterotopic war, which exhausted all the potential of the Empire and even damaged its foundation.

No one could have imagined that the king of disease, one of the great hell kings, had colluded with a Cree just at the beginning of the war with the Cree empire.

I'm afraid no one would believe it without the support of the high level of Kerry empire.

The king of disease values the scarlet power of Wanda on the earth, which contains the power of chaos magic.

The Kerry Empire, through the trade between the earth and Ronan, noticed the threat from the earth. The arcane development system of endless energy, Argo motorcycle seal, magic and science, once the earth grows up, will become a huge threat to the Kerry empire.

Just when the king of disease and koras of Kerry colluded with each other, Jordan and others also saw the fleet of the universe slowly moving towards the solar system in the vast space.

"It's the fleet of Kerry empire!"

After seeing the camouflaged space fleet, rocky in the Phoenix fighter recognized the origin of this space fleet at a glance.

There are more than ten huge space carriers, and there are more than 13 floating war fortresses around them.

Vast and mighty, these space fleets are just like a super city sailing in the universe.

"Sheter, this is the main fleet of Kerry empire. Is the war between them and hell over?"

"It's hard to say that our news mainly comes from two trade channels..."

"F.. K, this is a trap. We are surrounded..."

When people are talking about it, unconsciously, groups of space fighters are sneaking around the rear of Jordan and others, encircling several space fighters on the side of the earth.

Boom boom!

A series of roars and fighting sounds suddenly exploded.

Before Jordan and others reacted, there was already a mighty flying fleet on the distant space fleet, attacking Jordan and others.


A space fighter on one side of the earth burst into pieces. Seifer, with Betty, Dr. Benner and others, had rushed out of the fire. Relying on his powerful personal equipment, he rushed into the enemy's flying formation.

It's a trap, but it's too late to leave.

The hatch on the Phoenix opened, and Jordan, Tony, gizel, Heidi, Saul, rocky and others rushed into space. Relying on their own abilities, they made a surprise attack in the direction of the space fleet.

At this time, even if Jordan and others have amazing strength, they have to abandon the space fighter under their seats. Otherwise, they can only become the targets of those enemy flying formations when there are few enemies.

On the contrary, without the space fighter, the speed of the people will be more flexible and the volume will be smaller. On the contrary, they will have a great advantage.

This time, the people on the earth's side are basically strong at the second stage or above. Even without any equipment, they can survive in space.

Of course, a weak chicken like Tony who lives on his brain doesn't count.

After he got out of the cabin, Jordan felt more and more uneasy. But at this point, there was no turning back. At this time, even if he wanted to go back to earth, he had to break this fleet first.

Blessing of the light!

Holy Aura!

Death mark!

Dark sky!

A series of large-scale war magic was first spread out. The blessing of light and the holy aura can at least enhance everyone's overall strength by more than 30%.

Under the death mark, the floating gun controlled by Erika is not too fierce. It can dry explode a space fighter with one shot.

More than 80% of the enemy's line of sight and communications were directly blocked after the dark sky shrouded.

In an instant, with his own strength, Jordan suppressed more than 60% of the enemy's combat power in the whole battlefield.

At the same time, Jordan once again launched the twelve bright wings, let his speed soar to the limit, from the mighty battlefield, directly caught Dr. Benner and Betty, and flew to the space fortress in the space fleet.

After the transformation of Dr. Benner and Betty, their strength in space is limited.

But once they set foot on the Space Fortress, they instantly turned into invincible beasts. Where they passed, a large number of Kerry soldiers died and were seriously injured. Not to mention, the gun barrel base on the space fortress was overturned, and the steel barrier was smashed.

In a down-to-earth situation, there is nothing that can stop the mixed doubles of men and women.

You know, in the normal state, Hawk has been able to superimpose six layers of aura of anger. If it soars to the limit, it can even superimpose the aura of anger to eight layers. That terrible power, even a mountain, will be exploded by hawk.

As strong as Jordan, in the case of the positive force against Biao, they can't compete with the limit state of hawk.

If you give up your control over reason, you will turn into a pure fury beast and go straight to the Ninth level of fury. Even the third stage of the universe gods will be destroyed by hawk.

However, in that case, no one can guarantee that the consciousness of Dr. Benner and Hawke will continue to exist.

Perhaps in time, hawk will become a pure angry Beast, a parasite of this cosmic law of anger.

There's no need for nine layers of anger stack. Six to eight layers of anger stack is enough for hawk and Betty to blow up the Space Fortress group in this fleet.

At the same time, Jordan looked at the space fleet under the protection of the thirteen space fortresses. He wanted to rush into it and blow up the space fighter. But every time this idea rose, his uneasiness would soar.

The real space war is similar to the sea war on earth.

The space carrier, like the aircraft carrier, has the ultimate star annihilation weapon and the high-intensity bullet shower system, but more importantly, it is a kind of bearing function, which can accommodate enough soldiers and enough space fighter formation.

But the space war fortress, is the space carrier's escort, more is one kind of defense function.

The war of the universe star sea is more about the battle between the formation of space fighters. Otherwise, every time the space carrier is blasted, even the three great universe empires can't afford this kind of loss.

It's like there are a lot of Air Force fighters on earth, but there are very few aircraft carriers.

With Jordan's current strength, he has the ability to blow up the space carrier with his own strength. The simplest thing is to protect himself like Captain Marvel. He can smash a space carrier without thinking about it.

But now, as soon as the idea came up, his uneasiness grew rapidly.

In the real universe, Jordan doesn't believe that the existence of Kerry Empire has no means to restrict the third stage of the universe.

Kerry empire is a pure technological Empire without any cosmic gods. Even the supreme leader is also a life computer called supreme wisdom.

In technology, the Kerry empire is the tip of the pyramid of the universe.

Tony's level of science and technology, if not lucky, first built the ark reactor, then got the new element legacy left by his father, and obtained the photon energy application technology of Dr. Laura of Kerry. Finally, with his magic knowledge, he opened up an arcane system.

With Tony's real level of technology, even Kerry's empire can't reach a drop in the bucket.

Facing the Kerry empire's space fleet, Jordan can't really underestimate it.

Even if Jordan became the third stage of the universe God, before the real Kerry Empire, he was at most an ancient bandit level minion.

The battlefield on the edge of the solar system has just begun.

At this time, on the edge of the earth's space ring defense system, in the middle of a hell bridgehead besieged by groups, a corner of the empty camp emerged through the body, breaking a space channel from the endless dimensional dimension.

A large number of hell's main legions, mixed with a whole army of Kerry Empire, appeared in the space battlefield.

"Energy resonance destructor activated, detonating, countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..."


A burst of blazing white light rose from the hell bridgehead and turned into a kind of energy frequency in the mid air, constantly flashing. Just a moment later, it matched with the energy frequency of the human war base besieged around the hell bridgehead, and then it broke out instantly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another human war bases burst apart in an instant. It was not a strong attack from hell, but under the strange energy resonance, the internal energy frequency of the human war bases was disordered and exploded from the inside.

Originally, on the earth side, the blockade and siege of hell bridgehead were completely disintegrated in an instant, and a large number of hell creatures began to spread all over the battlefield again like a torrent.