Three days passed in a flash.

In these three days, with the joint authorization of Nick Frey and President Rupert, Tony Jean Jarvis invaded the internal networks of more than 600 big and small forces in the world and carried out close surveillance.

Those spies and traitors, after they got the news, all of them couldn't help but start to connect with the outside world and want to use the news to get benefits from the Kerry empire.

The progress of the plan is much smoother than expected.

It's only three days. Those traitors don't have much time to think about it. Just buying news, connecting all parties, opening up the defensive joint of the space ring over the Pacific Ocean and so on are enough for these traitors.

Three days later, under the deliberate information leaked by the coalition government and aegis, countless forces watched as a spaceship taking off from the earth's secret base came to the defensive area of the space ring over the Pacific Ocean.

Under the deliberate exposure, Wanda is full of crimson power. In the middle of the spaceport, Wanda has a quarrel with the aegis.

But in the end, Wanda, pitero and a small group of people had to set foot on the space fighter.

News after news, at this moment, in a variety of covert ways, toward the outside of the earth.

At this time, the inside of the space fighter had been in the fighter for a long time, and master modu opened a portal secretly. Wanda, Pietro and others all went back to the New York sanctuary on earth through the portal.

In fact, there was no one inside the whole space fighter, which was completely controlled by Jarvis, and soon started.

At the same time, hundreds of mages, such as cassilias and Stephen, gathered together and broke out a vast wave of magic, slowly opening a gap in the seal of Argo motorcycle.


At the moment when the "gap" on the seal of the Argo motorcycle was opened, a whole group of Kerry space-time soldiers with more than 300 people appeared in the spaceport, shuttling through space with powerful technology armour.

As the waves of energy and light burst, the Kerry space-time soldiers quickly cleaned up the surrounding environment and placed energy field stabilizers. In a short time, they stabilized the seal "gap" of the whole Argo motorcycle.

At this time, mages such as cassilias and Stephen opened their magic defense shield and showed their magic in a fury, and the Kerries roared at each other.

The whole process only lasted less than ten minutes.

Just when the Kerry soldiers were more than half destroyed, a terrible demon breath finally appeared in the whole spaceport.

A terrible demon with a height of more than 10 meters directly tore up the space and appeared in the spaceport with terrible pestilence smoke and hellfire.

"It's the king of disease, withdraw, abandon the spaceport, send the alarm!"

Casillas and Stephen's acting skills are so bad that they don't even have the slightest resistance. With a roar, they directly open the portal and take all the people on the earth to disappear.

At the same time, the whole space ring inside, also overwhelming the sound of the alarm.

The huge energy fluctuation blooms on the whole space ring defense system, the whole space ring is fully activated, and the amazing energy light bursts out on the seal of Argo motorcycle, which seems to be trying to block the gap.

It was only at this time that a Kerry fleet, which had been hidden in the void for a long time, emerged from the void and launched a large number of energy stabilizers to stabilize the crumbling "gap".

A large number of Kerry troops burst into the "gap", the huge energy field solidified, and a steady stream of Kerry soldiers, including some elite high hell demons, poured into the spaceport.

At this time, among the seals of the Argo motorcycle, Jordan, master Guyi, Carol, Tony, Steve, sol, the female warrior team, and basically all the earth's advanced combat power have come together.

Looking at more and more Kerry people and hell demons in the spaceport, Jordan finally said, "master Guyi, let's start our action, too."

Master Gu Yi nodded with a smile, cooperating with all the mages who had retreated from the spaceport to cast their spells together.

All of a sudden, the things in the original spaceport, like being erased by an eraser, all the ports, space fighters, all kinds of defense guns and so on, disappeared.

Even the gap on the seal of the Argo motorcycle disappeared completely.

From the beginning, the whole seal of Argo motorcycle has never been opened. Everything here is a super large mirror space that has been set up three days ago.

The first time the three returned to the earth, master Gu Yi had gathered a large number of high-level mages, with the help of the power of Argo motorcycle seal and the magic cube of the universe, to set up this mirror space here.

Otherwise, there is not enough space and strength to support, and it is impossible to deceive the king of disease in the third stage. What's more, if we want to kill all these people here, the whole mirror space, without the support of the seal of Argo motorcycle and the magic cube of the universe, will not be able to withstand the huge aftereffects of the battle.

At this time, those hell demons and Kerry people in the mirror space also found this situation.

The first one to get angry was the king of disease, who was only ten meters tall. A huge force broke out on him. When he realized that something was wrong, the king of disease wanted to tear up the space for the first time and escape from here.

But at this time, with the blessing of the power of Argo motorcycle seal, the whole mirror space is like an iron wall. Despite the outbreak of the great power of the king of disease, it is extremely stable without any turbulence.

A high-ranking official of the Kerry Empire also found out the truth of the trap and directly ordered a terrifying space warship to launch the strongest attack. However, the terrifying cannon light seemed to be like a bull in the water, without even a ripple.

"It's time. Let's do it too!"

In the connected mirror space, Jordan opened his mouth, and the people who had already been unable to restrain rushed into the ultimate large mirror space, just like the tigers down the mountain.

The fastest one is Tony, who is dressed in gold and red armor.

For this action, Tony has already prepared a lot of means, behind him, a super large golden red floating device, along with Tony's flight path, falling down a lot of steel instruments.


A lot of steel cone objects like pointed armour piercing bullets fall to the ground, but there is no explosion. On the contrary, a lot of arcane energy runes are scattered, forming a huge arcane Rune array on the ground.

Boom boom!

Wave after wave of light with technology and arcane power burst out on the arcane Rune array. It was like a continuous super seismic wave. In an instant, a large number of Kerry soldiers and Kerry warships were destroyed.

This is a closed high explosive arcane attack designed by Tony for this plan.

This kind of attack may not be able to deal with the high demons with extraordinary power, but it is a sharp weapon to deal with the Kerry forces with low evolution and relying on science and technology.

This kind of arcane array, the kind of shock wave that broke out at the first time, completely blocked the energy transmission and signal transmission of the science and technology system.

It's like the forbidden magic field. It's a forbidden technology field designed by Tony.

To block the transmission of energy and signal, almost 90% of the scientific and technological means of the Kerry people have been directly discarded. All kinds of Shipborne guns that are extremely harmful are no different from scrap iron without fire control system.

In the hands of the Crees, there are only some energy guns and other things that can be used.

Tony is in the limelight at this moment, such as Saul, Dr. Benner and others, all firepower, towards those high demons in hell, straight away.

The female warrior corps, the X-Men, the Avengers alliance mecha corps and so on, all entered the battlefield.

The most conspicuous ones are Steve, Hobbes and Clint.

In the past wars in space, Steve was better. For example, Hobbes, Clint and others had not participated in the wars for a long time, and even felt like retirement.

This time, in this closed mirror space, such as Hobbes, Clint, Bucky, panther and so on, we finally have room to play.

In the first time, the battle has already reached the stage of white heat.

And with the advance arrangement and plan, in this battlefield, even in the face of hell's high demons and the elite of Kerry Empire, the earth soon gained the upper hand.

If there is no accident, nine times out of ten, this battle will wipe out all the hell demons and the elite of Kerry empire in no more than one day.

At the same time, jordani, master Guyi and Carol took a triangle offensive to encircle the king of disease.

Jordan is nothing more than that. He has just entered the third stage. Although he has strong fighting power, his whole breath can't compare with the king of disease.

But Carol and Guyi are different.

Obviously, the king of disease didn't know much about Carol, but he was cautious and defensive about the energy intensity released from Carol.

But master Gu Yi is an old opponent of hell.

Among the seven demonic monarchs in hell, except for Lucifer, who hardly ever made a move, the remaining six demonic monarchs almost all had a fight with master Gu Yi.

The king of disease was very clear that he was not the opponent of master Guyi, and only Mephisto was able to fight against him.