It's not a fluke to be able to rise and stand firm in hell.

The king of disease, even if he fell into the trap, still kept his hand hidden. If it wasn't for Jordan and the other side, he had enough advantages and forced him to a dead corner, I'm afraid that the encirclement and suppression of the king of disease would have some unexpected and mistakes.

The bottom card is the most threatening thing only when it doesn't light up. It's better to be unprepared when it's used to hit people. But if you really want to take the bottom card as the foundation of victory or defeat, it's life gambling.

If you let the king of disease hold master Gu Yi in the middle of the battle, and then suddenly take out the war horn, maybe the other party's trick will really have a chance to succeed.

Unfortunately, the other side was a little too anxious.

At the first time when the king of epidemic disease took out the war horn, master Gu Yi had made a lot of adjustments in the seal of agomo.

The whole huge mirror space began to separate. It was like a large world, manipulated by an invisible hand, and turned into a small world of different sizes, which drifted around in the seal of the Argo motorcycle.

But in a moment, where the king of disease is, there is only one person left, and a small mirror space.

Moreover, outside this small piece of mirror space, the energy layer in the seal of Argo motorcycle starts to roll ceaselessly, just like a huge flower is closing up, layer upon layer, wrapping the whole mirror space tightly.

At the same time, the king of disease also thoroughly summoned an ultimate meteorite, making a deafening roar in the mirror space. With a hand, the ultimate meteorite bombarded Jordan, Guyi mage and Carol in the mirror space with tremendous energy.

Meteorites came into the world, carrying smoke and fire, and even the void was melted.

In the place where the meteorite passed, the original solid and incomparable mirror space was burned out into a glass like channel, boundless, and everything became extremely fragile.

Even the three figures, Jordan, Guyi and Carol, seemed to be stupefied and stood still.

Seeing this kind of scene, the king of epidemic disease laughs more and more wildly. The war horn pulls away the mighty hell power from his body and makes his body collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the twinkling of an eye, the king of disease, who had looked very powerful, had his sharp horns falling off and his bone armor smashed. It seemed that the whole person had degenerated into a lower hell creature.

In the seal of Argo motorcycle, it is impossible to extract the energy from the outer universe. If you want to use the war horn, you can only rely on the king of disease to drive it.

It's a great fluke that a strong man in the third stage has not been drawn on the spot.

However, in the view of the king of disease, all this is worth it. As long as you hit the ultimate meteorite, you can eliminate the three biggest threats of Jordan, master Guyi, and Carol. With your third stage information, as long as you can escape from this mirror space, whether it is to devour the vitality of your own hell demons, Or draw strength from hell, and soon you will be able to recover.

Moreover, on this earth, without the obstacles of guru Yi, Carol and Jordan, we can easily catch the human beings with chaotic magic.

When you get the chaos magic, sneak back to hell, go to wandag mountain and take out the legacy of the once great devil king, you can become the most powerful devil in hell.

The more you think about it, the more excited the king of disease is.

However, if Mephisto and domam were here, they would tell the king of disease that if they were so easy to deal with, the earth would not know how many times they had been fooled by them.

The mighty meteorite, with its terrifying confinement and killing power, has completely come to the top of the heads of Jordan, Carol and master Guyi.

The king of disease is on the verge of madness.

At this time, in addition to the layers of seals of Argo motorcycle, the real guru, Carol and Jordan looked at the dancing king of epidemic with strange faces.

Carol was a little surprised and said, "is the devil in hell always so stupid“

Life is critical, even mole ants have to struggle, not to mention the existence of two sub heavenly Father level and a strong third stage.

In the mirror space, the three figures of master Gu Yi, Carol, and Jordan had no movement from the beginning to the end, even no expression. The king of epidemic didn't find any abnormality.

Jordan also looked strange, and said: "almost. Anyway, most of the hell creatures I have seen, except Mephisto, have no brains. In their brains, they are probably hellfire and magma!"

Master Gu Yi shook his head and laughed.

It's not that the king of epidemic disease is stupid, but that the king of epidemic disease is too confident about the war horn.

The war horn was once one of the highest artifact of Greek gods. Even if the king of disease was only the strength of the third stage, holding the war horn, he could break out the sub heavenly Father level peak, or even close to the strength of the heavenly Father level strong.

But the king of disease didn't know that the seal of Argo motorcycle was the super earth Guardian that the mages of the supreme sanctuary had been transforming and building for thousands of years.

Fighting a mage in the seal of agomo is like fighting someone else in hell with the king of disease.

Naturally, this is the main venue of master Gu Yi. Quietly, master Gu Yi left the mirror space with Jordan and Carol, and left three mirror figures to confuse the king of epidemic disease.

The mighty ultimate meteorite finally fell.


In the blazing light, the mirror images of Jordan, Carol and master Guyi were destroyed to pieces without even a moment's resistance.

At the same time, the terrifying energy smashes the whole mirror space, and the boundless power opposes the energy layer of the seal of Argo motorcycle.

One, two, ten, twenty.

The power of the ultimate meteorite explosion, even a planet, will be destroyed directly. However, under the control of master Gu Yi, the seal of the Argo motorcycle is stacked one after another, like a never withering flower, constantly producing brand-new petals to offset the power of the explosion.

A mighty explosion ended in the end.

Under the protection of the bugle of war, the king of disease was safe and sound. When he reacted, he looked at the empty world around him and burst out with wild laughter.

But just as the king of disease was smiling, three figures appeared quietly in front of each other.

The world that originally turned into nothingness, at this moment, just like being manipulated by the invisible magic pen, began to condense pieces of creation again.

At the end of the explosion, master Gu Yi once again created a mirror world and wrapped up the whole battlefield for fear that the king of epidemic disease would take the opportunity to escape.

Even if the king of disease can't escape the seal of Argo motorcycle, if the other party hides, it will cause great casualties on earth.

Looking at the appearance of Jordan, master Guyi and Carol, the king of disease, who was still laughing wildly, suddenly gave out a few ugly dry coughs like a duck stuck in its throat, and was stunned on the spot.


Looking at himself, there was only one meter high king of epidemic disease left in front of him. He stretched out his hand to pull the war horn out of his hand. He simply slapped the king of epidemic disease on the ground and made him a rolling gourd.

It was not until this time that Jordan picked up the war horn from the ground and looked at it carefully.

To the extent of Jordan's strength, he would not only look at the appearance of things. The war horn looks ordinary and just looks like a bronze antique. But in fact, at the core of the war horn is a strange bead like a Godhead.

There are some threads on the bead, which cling to the whole horn. Once urged, these threads will form a kind of strange Rune to summon a kind of mysterious energy.

Master Gu Yi took a look at it, and he didn't care any more. Carol even turned his lips and said, "I didn't do anything in the whole battle. It's meaningless. I'd better go to encircle those demons!"

After that, Carol's light burst out, directly turned into a streamer, towards the other mirror space in the seal of the Argo motorcycle.

"It's impossible. The war horn is the supreme artifact given to me by the Lord of the abyss. No one can resist the power of the supreme artifact..."

It was only at this time that the king of disease reacted and growled like a madman.

Just before, the king of the disease roared, at least a little bit domineering, but now, Jordan can't bear to see the misery and desolation of the king of the disease.

A holy light fell, and the king of disease was purified on the spot.


A sprite with a dim green light fell from the mid air onto the ground, like a green glass ball, hopped a few times and rolled to Jordan's feet.

At the sight of this green spirit, the Tai Chi spirit in Jordan's body was soon excited.

Just a little hesitated, Jordan reached out and picked up the green genie, handed the war horn to master Gu Yi, and said, "master Gu Yi, it's useless for me to hold this war horn. I'd better keep it. This genie of the king of epidemic disease is my booty. How about it?"

Master Gu Yi glanced at Jordan and said, "these are useless to me!"