Carol is a typical iron Han Han. In her early years, she was brainwashed and controlled by the Kerry empire. When she was a soldier in the Star River corps of the Kerry Empire and was on a mission on the earth, she unexpectedly recovered her memory and gained all her magic power. She became more reckless.

This person may not have any bad ideas, but this character, but also unbearable.

Carol was blocked in the door, in the room jizel is still in the bathroom, Heidi has put on a pajamas, Natasha is not easy to come out in bed.

And because of Carol's noise, more and more people stick their heads out.

This makes the bottom of Jordan's heart, can not help but give birth to a trace of anger.

He waved down a shield of light and blocked the door with white light. Then, with a gloomy face, Jordan glanced at Carol and said, "you want an explanation, don't you? Well, come with me

The door of the room was not a place for many words. Without a word, Jordan went to the only hall among the fighters.

Phoenix is a relatively large-scale space fighter, and it was built by Tony. Even though the space of the fighter itself is not rich, it still creates a luxurious gathering place.

Coming to the small bar in the hall, Jordan poured himself a strong drink.

After a glass of wine, to suppress his anger, Jordan looked at Carol and took a deep breath: "Carol, before explaining, I want to know, what's your opinion on the earth?"

Carol frowned and said, "what do you think? I... "

With a solemn face, Jordan interrupted the other person and said, "Carol, I want to know, are you an earthman? Or the marvel team leader in the universe? Between the two, there is light and heavy, you always have to have a bias

Carol's face gave her a look, and she understood the meaning of Jordan's words.

It's asking about Carol's position.

For a moment, Carol was indignant and said, "this has nothing to do with the explanation I want. Justice has no boundaries..."

Jordan waved his hand in disgust and said: "justice has no borders, but there are always people! As for the ketati and the underground city, it goes without saying that the Avengers alliance is myself. I can promise to provide each other with a lot of energy, weapons and so on. But you should be clear that once the two sides alliance, it is the combination of the two forces! "

"There are billions of human beings on the earth, and there are nearly tens of millions of ketati in the underground city. There will always be disputes on interests and political contradictions between the two sides. Tell me, you represent billions of human beings? Or nearly a million ketathians? "

Carol was stunned by Jordan, slightly flustered and obstinately said: "it's none of my business to argue about the interests between the forces. I only know that our common enemy now is Kerry empire..."


Jordani slapped his hand on the table, smashed his glass and suppressed his anger. He said: "the ketati want to use our earth as a Spearman. Now the earth is a newborn baby in the universe at most. Let the earth go to war with the Kerry empire in an all-round way. The lives of billions of human beings are going to defend those ketati people. This is your justice?"

Carroll has been hanging around in the interstellar for decades. Jordan doesn't believe that the other side can't see the insidious part of the alliance proposal of the ketati.

But Jordan didn't know what Carol was really thinking.

If it wasn't for Carol's long journey back to earth from the interstellar space to rescue, Jordan would put it bluntly that Carol was a dog who sold the interests of the earth and the ketati.

That is to say, Jordan's words are hard to hear.

Sure enough, with Jordan's words, Carol's face was ugly, and she wanted to open her mouth to explain something.

But he didn't give each other a chance and said, "Carol, it's a good thing to have a sense of justice, but when you insist on your sense of justice, you should first find out who you are! The earth has no obligation to help the ketati people. The earth has the ability to resist the invasion of the Kerry Empire alone. Helping is love, not helping is duty. If you have any words, you can think it over! "

On the earth, it is not easy to clean up a wave of those old forces and those human traitors and spies.

Today's earth is a time of unity, integration of all forces, hard work and rapid development. Otherwise, Nick Frey will not let Jordan and others take great risks to demonstrate in the Kerry empire by personal force.

With the earth's foundation and strength, it can no longer support the second round of Star Wars.

Now faced with Carol, Jordan has chosen almost everything clearly. If the other party still insists, it can only prove that Carol, whose heart is not on the earth, is an unbelievable person.

Everyone has his own private affairs.

Among the ketati and the underground city, there are many friends of Carol, who share a common enemy with the earth.

It's understandable that Carol introduced each other in this kind of meeting.

But if it's partiality, even if it's abandoning Carol, a super helper of sub heavenly Father level, the two sides can only go their separate ways.

Carol fell into deep thought, while Jordan managed to calm down his anger and touched a cigar to light it.

In the hall, Tony, Steve, Dr. Benner and others were all present. They even connected with Nick Frey on earth, but no one said a word, waiting for Carol's decision.

On this issue of position, even Nick Frey absolutely agrees with Jordan.

For a long time, Carol came to the bar with a frustrated face, picked up a bottle of whisky and poured it.

After a bottle of wine, Carol looked at Jordan with red eyes and said, "Jovovich, when I get to Hara, I'll fight you!"

After that, Carol threw the bottle to the ground and turned away.

In fact, Carol doesn't know how to choose. One is the home planet earth, the other is the gathering place of many years' friends. It's not suitable to help the other side.

So Carol chose to escape, two do not help each other, but a cavity of anger, sent to Jordan's body.

Jordan took a puff of smoke and his face ached.

Knock NIMA, it's none of my business. I'm bullying or something.

It's bad for me. I haven't reckoned with you reckless girl.

Things are neither good nor bad.

With Carroll's amazing strength, he is also qualified to choose neutral. After all, a sub heavenly Father's helper is a rare helper and card for any force in the universe.

In the following days, the harmony of the past was restored on the Phoenix.

Only when Jordan and Carol meet each other, they look like bullfighting. They don't like each other.

There was not too much delay in the process. Except for the quarrel between Jordan and Carol, they didn't mean to be in the middle of the stars. In less than a month, the Phoenix fighter had already crossed the star network and arrived at Hara, the mother star in the hinterland of the Kerry empire.

Before jordani and others arrived at Hara, the earth and the Kerry Empire had negotiated again.

For the Phoenix fighters that Jordan and others took, all the frontier defense, hinterland inventory, space defense measures of Kerry Empire were released.

Not long after entering Hara, a magnificent and magnificent planet has appeared in the sight of Jordan and others.

Hara is the home star of the Kerry empire.

After thousands of years of development, the whole planet has been overcrowded for a long time. The planet is full of golden buildings, various high-rise buildings, spaceships and so on. The degree of civilization is extremely brilliant.

If such a planet is almost entirely politicized, commercialized and militarized, it may not need hundreds of living planets to support it.

However, with the power and territory of Kerry empire in the universe, it naturally has this qualification.

Close to Hala, soon there will be a light of traction over the Phoenix fighter, leading the Phoenix fighter to land towards a prosperous space port.

Walking out of the Phoenix fighter, the golden buildings are dazzling under the sun in the sky.


Asgard is so golden, Hara is still so golden.

What love is in nouveau riche's heart? Jordani make complaints about why these powerful cosmic races like this style of local tyrant gold and appear to be more wealthy.

Jordani's heart was still not finished, and make complaints about the angry roar that had been blowing for a long time.

"Jovovich, come on, I've put up with you for a long time. Let's win today!"

Carroll, who had just stepped out of the plane and had been holding fire for a long time, was full of light, floating in the air, shouting to Jordan.

"Fight, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

For Carroll's provocation, Jordan didn't show any weakness. He was forced to rush into the sky and collide with him.

As a matter of fact, this is something that Jordan, Tony, Nick Frey and others have already discussed for a long time in their spare months.

Carol is a reckless goods, if you do not let the other side vent their anger, the other side will certainly not give up.

In addition, taking advantage of the duel with Carol, Jordan can fully demonstrate the powerful personal combat power of the earth. For the visit to Kerry Empire, it is also a kind of preemptive downfall.

Jordan has no reason to refuse to kill two birds with one stone.

What's more, Jordan also wants to see the gap between himself and the strong sub heavenly father.