Kerry Empire Rainbow Hotel, basically in every floor, every corner, every window, can see everywhere, all kinds of brilliant rainbow.

Close to nature, but also has a very comfortable technology support.

A group of women in the Avengers alliance are most interested in this novel environment and scenery. As soon as they enter the hotel, they wander in groups.

In addition to the freshness at the beginning, a group of old men, such as Jordan, Tony and Steve, soon lost interest in the so-called novel scenery.

Rainbow Hotel, 72nd floor, bubble bar.

Unlike the neon lit closed bars on the earth, the Kerry bars are more like open-air displays like museums and gymnasiums.

In the middle of a circular pit sofa, Jordan and others take their seats one after another.

Behind the crowd is a rainbow of fountains, rainbows and high-altitude flora. It has to be said that these Kerry people, while fighting and domineering, enjoy the interior first-class.

Indoor temperature, there are vigorous blue skin women singing in the shallow, the window resplendent buildings, all kinds of flying cars, spacecraft glide in mid air.

Soon, a woman with pink skin, carrying a lot of strange drinks to the table.

Pietro was right next to Jordan. His eyes were about to fall out. He whispered, "Joe, is this the pink girl you said?"

Pitero's voice is not big, but the space of the whole annular pit card seat is not big.

The pink woman obviously heard the words of Pietro, turned her head and threw a wink at Pietro, and said, "handsome man, do you like pink women? In fact, if you need to, I can be of any race

With the voice of the pink woman, I saw a flash on each other's body, turned into a green woman, and then changed into a blue woman, and finally changed into a cat ear girl.

Pitero grew up, staring at the round eyes, staring at the spot.

Jordan felt a little humiliated and threw a few coins into the hands of the waiter. The waiter was surprised.

Just as he was about to say something to Fang Zheng, Jordan waved.

The waiter immediately realized that he had a wink at Jordan, and then left with a tray. In the process of walking, he had a hairy rabbit tail on his body again.

"This is jelly girl, a rare cosmic creature with the ability to change its own shape and weak psychological control!"

Joe Danielle gave pitero a sharp blow, and pitero woke up from his drooling dullness.

As a matter of fact, not only Pietro, but also Dr. Benner, Clint, dyke and others, who were watching the jelly girl leave, were about to drop their eyes.

That is to say, Jordan, Tony, Steve, Saul, rocky and Hobbes have been in the barren land for a long time. They still have some resistance to this strange alien beauty.

long time.

Pitero looked mysteriously from left to right and said to Jordan: "Joe, you must help me. I think I need to be tempered by the evil spirit that corrodes people's hearts and wills. You know, I'm only a little bit short of entering the second stage. I need to be tempered in willpower..."

Everyone, including Jordan, looked at pitero with disdain.

Madder, if you can find such a fresh and wonderful reason, Pietro can be regarded as a talent.

In the Avengers League, if you say who is the most scum man, there is no doubt that Jordan is the first choice. He settles the three golden flowers in the Avengers League, has three girlfriends and several lovers at the same time.

Not everyone can learn this skill.

Pitero can't learn the essence of Jordan's seduction, but he has learned the essence of Jordan's scum.

In the face of everyone's disdainful eyes, pitero didn't care. He just looked at Jordan eagerly. As long as Jordan let go, the goods might not rush to the jelly girl immediately.

If you look at it carefully, besides pitero, who is so direct, there is a sense of impetuousness in the eyes of honest guys like Dr. Benner and Clint.


Without hesitation, Jordan knocked on the back of pitero's head. His face was serious and he said, "you bastard are thinking of farting? You think this is a bachelor's party? We are a group tour for family reunion. Do you know why sister mantis is is called Mantis girl? If you're caught fooling around, believe it or not, sister Mantis has eaten you alive! "

"Joe, that's why I need your help. Help me get rid of the mantis girl..." he said


Look at you!

Joe Denny slapped pitero on the head again and said, "Oh, my God, you? Is the brain full of paste? I really think the people of the Kerry empire are Hello Kitty, the people of the Kerry Empire brought us to the rainbow hotel. Who do you think are the people in the hotel

I have to say that the goods of pitero have gone a little far.

Looking at pitero's unconvinced face, Jordan didn't say much. He fell into pitero's body with a black light.

Petro was startled and said, "Joe, what are you doing? What the hell was that

"It's a small magic that combines the power of death and the power of darkness. It can reduce the exuberant energy and ensure you to be a good citizen in a month's time," said Jordan, with a black face

The only function of this little magic is to kill sperm.

It's just a small hand. He soon cleaned up pitero and made him wilt and collapse on the sofa.

After fixing the restless Pietro, Jordan looked at Tony and said, "how's it going? Have you got anything? "

Hearing Jordan's words, Tony took out the transparent mobile phone he had been holding in his arms, shook his head and said: "Kerry Empire has strong network protection. Jarvis felt a very serious threat in Kerry empire's network world. I just tried to edit some small programs, and it was difficult to get anything useful."

Put down the mobile phone, Tony from the table, took a cup of colorful drinks, face showing decadent expression.

At this time, Dr. Benner was also studying the drinks of extraterrestrial. Hearing Tony's words, he raised his head and said, "it's normal. According to the news we got from Ronan, the supreme wisdom of Kerry empire is the top artificial intelligence in the universe. Ontology is a life computing machine, which embodies the highest wisdom of Kerry empire in thousands of years, including science, philosophy, military affairs, science and technology Thinking and so on, with such AI protection, it's normal for us to fail on the network. "

Steve frowned and said, "Ronan again? To tell you the truth, I don't believe Ronan very much. He was one of the supreme accusers of the Kerry empire. He was an extreme lawbreaker. He didn't seem to betray his motherland. "

Tony took a drink, looked at Steve and said, "you mean we need another way to understand the Kerry Empire? In the universe, we don't have many acquaintances. What's more, ordinary cosmic forces probably won't sell us the secrets of Kerry empire. "

The discussion among the people fell into a deadlock.

This trip to Kerry Empire, in addition to showing the high-end personal force on the earth, to form a threat to Kerry Empire, and to postpone Kerry empire's military use on the earth, in fact, the Avengers alliance has an additional task, which is to collect any information about Kerry empire as far as possible.

Steve represents not only his personal opinions, including Nick Frey, aegis and the coalition government. In fact, he does not have special trust in Ronan.

At the same time, this is the most sad point on earth.

The rising time of the earth is too short, and its geographical position in the universe is too disadvantageous. After the Kerry Empire occupied the great Magellanic galaxy, the corrosion of the galaxy was very serious, and the earth's external passage was almost completely locked.

If the earth wants to enter the interstellar age and really rise, Kerry empire is a super roadblock that it has to face.

However, the earth's understanding of the Kerry empire is almost zero.

At this time, a moving figure came to the bar where Jordan and others were.

The wine red wavy hair was tied into a small braid. Natasha came to pour out the crowd, and naturally kicked pitero away, and then lay down in Jordan's arms.

"Boys, I hear you have some problems?"

"I just got some information. Would you like to hear it?"

Natasha is also a goblin, sitting in Giordani's arms, slightly hoarse voice, all the attention to focus on.

Steve frowned and said, "what kind of intelligence is it?"

Natasha laughed and said: "Ronan's information still has a certain credibility. I have just collected some information. The high level of Kerry empire is not calm. Thousands of years ago, the ruler of Kerry empire was the Science Council. They found a way to make weapons in the universe cube from the technology left by the skulu empire, Just now we have created such a life computer as supreme intelligence. "

"However, in the thousands of years of war with the skulu Empire, the supreme wisdom grew faster and faster, and its ruling power was far beyond the control of the Scientific Council, and even became the god worshipped by the Crees."

"There has always been a fight between the Scientific Council and the supreme wisdom of the Kerry empire. Ronan's former Supreme accuser military group is a part of the military power split from the hands of the supreme wisdom of the Scientific Council. However, Ronan was unlucky and bumped into the iron plate several times in a row, falling into the battle vortex between the Scientific Council and the supreme wisdom, He became the common abandoned son of both sides.... "