Carol and Saifu suddenly brought news, so that Jordan and others, all have no relaxed, relaxed, travel mind, everyone is not idle, began to spread into the Hara star, trying to search for relevant information.

Unfortunately, the Kerry empire was an enemy force after all, and Hara was the center of the Kerry empire.

Jordan and others tried to visit the streets, display old friends, buy and sell on the black market, bribe officials, and even visit Kerry Empire center directly, but they didn't get much information.

Even the supreme wisdom refused the visit of jordani and others and made them wait patiently for a few days.

Not surprisingly, the top echelons of the Kerry Empire should be waiting for the arrival of extermination.

Before the coming of exterminating hegemony, Jordan and others gathered some scattered information together and found an amazing problem, excluding all the possibilities. The remaining one, even if it is strange, is the truth in all probability.

The simultaneous interpreting of Kerrey empire is really just like a rumor to mediate the war between Kerrey Empire and the earth.

All parties in the universe seem to be powerful cosmic forces. In the face of the invasion of hell, I'm afraid they have really suffered a lot. In the universe, the defense and suppression of hell may have caused great trouble.

In the war against hell, the vast majority of cosmic forces are not as bright as the earth.

It's an incredible fact, but it's true.

With the passage of time and the approaching of the journey of exterminating hegemony, more and more news came out of the Kerry empire.

First of all, news came from the star of soverin that there was a demon monarch on the side of hell. With a large number of main forces of hell, he inserted a virtual camp into the golden world of soverin, and soverin's unlimited energy battery manufacturing factory was destroyed.

There are seven satellites of different sizes around soverin, which have been fully developed. There are more than five satellites, all of which have been occupied by hell and suffered heavy losses.

If it wasn't for the birth of Adam, a demon created by the power of Sauvignon's family, who blocked the attack of the demon king of hell, I'm afraid the whole Sauvignon would completely disappear into the universe.

Then there is the barren land, including the head of an ancient god. More than hundreds of millions of cosmic creatures are dragged into the hell plane, and only a small number of marauders escape.

And then the scurru empire.

On the hell side, while the skulu Empire didn't pay much attention to it and was still fighting with the HIA Empire, the three hell monarchs joined hands to break the dimension barrier with the void camp and directly captured the home star of the skulu empire.

The center of the whole skulu Empire has been destroyed, and the skulu Empire has almost fallen into a state of fragmentation.

Casa, Asgard, Titan, and so on, almost all the forces in the universe suffered from the fierce attack of hell, and more or less, suffered some damage.

That is to say, the HIA Empire, because there are enough strong life evolutionists, has just blocked the attack of the hell side, so that the hell side does not take much advantage.

Then there is the Kerry Empire and the earth.

Originally, the Kerry empire was fighting against the king of epidemic disease. Even before, the king of epidemic disease defeated several ace fleets of the Kerry empire with the clarion call of war.

That is to say, after the news of Wanda spread on the earth, under the persuasion and alliance of Kerry Empire, the king of disease just gave up the crazy attack on Kerry Empire, turned to cooperate and launched an attack on the earth.

By this time, the news that the king of disease had been folded on the earth had spread in the universe.

No one would have thought that the earth, a savage planet in which many cosmic forces seem to be uncivilized, has made such a great achievement in fighting against hell.

The king of disease is almost the only demon monarch killed in the whole universe and hell.

Even in the nearly 100000 year history of the universe, such events and achievements are rare.

In fact, it is precisely because the earth has accidentally dealt with the king of disease, which makes the vast majority of demons in hell lose their suppression and command. The higher demons fight to death in order to fight for the position, and the lower demons are completely regardless of the enemy and ourselves. They are envious when they kill, and they are happy when they kill themselves.

Otherwise, the earth and Kerry empire can't have a better time when the king of disease slows down.

A super small master who can contain and deal with the power of hell has killed the king of disease, one of the demonic monarchs. No wonder the despot will personally rush to Kerry Empire to adjust the contradictions.

Mieba is definitely not a good man. It's impossible to count the killing in his hands.

However, it is also unfair to say that mieba is a pure villain. No matter mieba is sincere or not, at least the other party's slogan is loud when they are slaughtering the universe.

Artificial family planning in the universe, no, is the long-term sustainable development of the universe.

The reason for exterminating tyrants and countless races in the universe is such a wonderful and great one.

If the idea of exterminating hegemony is pure enough, just for the overall interests of the universe, then the other side will not hesitate to destroy the human establishment, transfer to the space peace ambassador, and mediate the internal war among different parts of the universe.

Anyway, with more and more news, Jordan and others were relieved.

At least, everyone knows that at this stage, the earth is still very safe and stable. After killing the king of disease, there will be no other hell monarch to accept the power of the king of disease for a while and a half, and the earth will not have to face a terrible demon monarch again.

As for the high demons under the king of disease, it's not easy to kill a new hell king.

Rear stability, the psychology of Jordan and others, is stability.

What everyone needs to do now is to maintain the best mental state in the Kerry Empire, so as to cope with the next meeting with the Kerry Empire and the exterminator.

No one knows what kind of beginning this will be, let alone whether people will fight directly on Hara.

And just as Jordan and others are correcting their spirit and being ready.

In the vast space near the great Magellanic galaxy, a huge diamond cube spaceship is slowly approaching the direction of the Kerry empire.

It's a spaceship. It's as big as a battleship, but it's not a big threat.

In a huge core room at the core of the spaceship, a domineering figure in gold armor and purple skin is looking towards the Kerry empire.