Mieba's solicitation of jordani and the truth of the universe in jordani's mouth stunned everyone present.

Not long ago, Dr. Tony and Dr. Benner just defined mieba as a rescuing psychopath with borderline personality disorder. But now the truth is that they feel beaten in the face.

But soon, Tony responded and said, "even if we are facing more and more difficulties, even if the universe has now fallen into crisis, all these things are not excuses that you can use as a holocaust. Malthus's population theory has already fully proved this poverty relief approach, It will only backfire! "

"Among the information we have, more than 90% of the reasons for the destruction of Titan are that after half of the population has been killed, the population of Titan will increase greatly in a short period of time, and the consumption of resources will be more reckless, which will lead to the destruction of the whole Titans in a short period of time!"

When he said these words, Tony was covered with more than half of the steel armor, ready to fight against mieba's anger.

Sure enough, with Tony's voice falling, mieba's face was full of pain, guilt and endless anger.


I saw that mieba hit his throne with a fist. The simple stone throne, with mieba up, directly turned into a piece of powder, scattered in the void.

"That's because they're stupid. I've saved the whole Titan. They killed themselves in spite of the warning of nature and the universe and the crisis of Titan!"

"Jovovich, that's why I invite you to cooperate with me. There is a perfect way for life and death to coexist harmoniously in your body. Only you can make the universe develop harmoniously and perfectly."

"If you don't agree, I can only take out your Divine personality by myself..."

For such a madman as mieba, there is no way to reason at all.

For their own paranoid goals and ideals, mieba can give up the power of the universe without hesitation. Similarly, he can be extremely cruel and kill Jordan on the spot.

The complex and contradictory momentum is surging in mieba.

At this moment, Jordan and the Avengers are all on guard again. If they dare to fight, a big war will be inevitable.

At this time, Tony spoke again and said: "exterminating hegemony is just your wishful thinking. In my opinion, the crisis of the universe, in the final analysis, is due to the lack of resources and energy. With the development of our science and technology, this problem will be solved sooner or later..."

Mieba's momentum soon converged again, looked at Tony and said, "Tony Stark, the infinite energy and arcane technology you invented is really good, but you are never the only one cursed by knowledge in the universe. When do you think the technology can make up for the deficiency of the whole universe?"

"The evil of the endless abyss has never stopped eroding our universe. The demons of hell are ready to move, while those foolish creatures inside the universe are still busy killing each other!"

"This ignorance has buried generations of cosmic gods..."

The words of exterminating hegemony are not unreasonable.

Over the past 10 billion years, the universe has produced countless powerful and intelligent beings, such as God in the past, Odin and guru Yi.

Who dares to say that these people have no contribution to the universe? Who dares to say that these people are incapable.

But without exception, no one can stop the spread of ignorance in the universe. To be exact, even though many people know the crisis in the universe, they still can't control their greed and desire.

It's a dead end.

Those once great beings in the universe, with the sacrifice of their own dedication, mend the loopholes of the universe, which is to prolong the arrival of the extinction of the universe as far as possible, not to cure the symptoms.

The extermination of hegemonism is even more extreme. It has even fallen into the paranoid field of mental illness, trying to warn and frighten the creatures in the universe by killing half of the creatures in the universe. This is drinking poison to quench thirst.

Different ideas make it impossible to cooperate at all.

As for mieba's claim that Jordan should be the king of the universe, no one takes it seriously.

From the point of view of the exterminator, he will not accept that Jordan is the boss. From the point of view of the Avengers alliance, Jordan is a salted fish besides being able to open the harem.

In this way, the scene is a bit stalemate.

Just when Jordan was thinking about how to break the situation and get rid of the entanglement of mieba, a violent turbulence suddenly came from the diamond shaped spaceship where everyone was.

Click, click!

Cracks, very abrupt, appeared in the super viewing cabin built by mieba. The original high-definition glass began to crack at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was like a cobweb all over the cabin.

Someone's attacking everyone's spaceship!

Almost for a moment, everyone present had such an idea in his mind.

But then, people were a little surprised. You should know that exterminating hegemony and Avengers alliance are not weak.

Does the Kerry Empire want to take this opportunity to wipe out the hegemony and the avenger alliance in the universe?


At this moment of surprise, there was a huge roar, more violent turbulence, which broke out in the whole spacecraft.


Almost did not think about it, Carol first started, his body was in full bloom, smashed open the almost completely broken cabin, and flew into the space.

At the same time, Jordan, Tony, sol and others, including mieba, all used their own means to break out of the turbulent cabin.

It was only at this time that people discovered that in the outer space of nahara, a huge mushroom blanket sprang out of a crack in the void. Around the mushroom blanket, one after another super monsters more than several hundred meters climbed out of it, gathered together, and spewed out a column of terrifying energy from their mouths to destroy the hegemony spacecraft, Just blow it up.

In the whole space, in addition to the destroyed mieba warships, there are countless Kerry imperial fleets, which have begun to mobilize urgently and appear in the space. Endless space fighters form formations to launch attacks in the direction of bacteria blanket and monster.

Unfortunately, although there are a large number of space fighters, the damage they can do to those monsters is very small.

On the contrary, those huge monsters, together, form a huge shield, as if protecting something in general.

"What are these monsters, sheter?"

In the middle of the air, Tony, dressed in a steel suit, rushed to the direction of the monsters early, and used several means one after another. For those monsters, the damage was only a few, on the contrary, it was several times. He was almost hit by those monsters, so he could only fly to the middle of the air and watch the movements of those monsters from a distance.

Steve had venom armor and enough space flying equipment. Looking at the monsters in the distance, his face was dignified and said, "these monsters don't look like hell creatures..."

"It's the abyss Zerg!"

During the discussion, mieba's face showed incomparable evil spirit. I don't know when he had already worn a golden glove.

The Golden Gloves are inlaid with three infinite gems: Soul Gem, soul gem and power gem.

"F.. K, when did you get the infinite gloves?" he said

In Jordan's memory, the infinite glove was made by the minions after Odin hung up.

Nowadays, Asgard is not only the seat of Odin, but also the new king of Hela.

No matter how powerful mieba is, it's impossible for them to take over nidavi.

Mieba's face showed a ferocious smile and said, "I made a deal with HeLa, the new king of Asgard, and got this thing from Odin's treasure house."

Jordani: "it's..."

This NIMA, a typical young man selling yetian, is not distressed. I can't see that Haila is still a black sheep.

When Jordan and mieba talk, a figure suddenly appears beside them.

It was the supreme wisdom of Kerry empire that came here. As soon as Fang appeared, he said to the conveniences, "I beg you to help me. Kerry empire is willing to pay the most sincere friendship for this."

There is no time to discuss too many conditions. With a wave of his hand, on Hara, a terrible plasma light wave passes through endless distance, turns into a divine light, and destroys the super giant which rushes into the fleet of Kerry empire.

This wave of the abyss Zerg raid is really a little too sudden.

The strength of the Kerry Empire itself is not as weak as expected, but it was caught by surprise. Moreover, the war took place on the edge of Hara. Many weapons of mass destruction of the Kerry empire could not be used at all.

That's why the whole Kerry empire's defensive counterattack was suppressed by the abyss Zerg.

As a matter of fact, even if Jordan and the exterminators don't fight, with the strength of Kerry Empire, they will certainly be able to wipe out this wave of abyss Zerg assault, but there is no doubt that Kerry empire will pay a great price for it.