Hell, for today's earth, is no longer a synonym for mystery and terror.

After several wars with hell, human beings on earth have established a certain degree of calm attitude towards hell demons.

But if it's for those demon monarchs in hell, it's extremely worthy of the attention of the earth.

In particular, Mephisto is the only one of the seven princes of hell who has sub heavenly father power except Lucifer. Even in hell, Mephisto has heavenly father power.

After finding the root of the matter, Jordan and his party did not stay too much in the aegis. After communicating with guru Yi, they soon came to kamataji.

It was the joint efforts of master Gu Yi and eldest brother Odin that seriously injured Mephisto and made him fall asleep.

If you want to understand the changes in hell and why neferisto appears again, you have to find master Guyi.

For the purpose of Jordan and others, master Gu Yi was also rare after hearing about it, and his face was a little grim.

"The reason why Mephisto sleeps is that god Odin injured him with the power of the world tree. The power of the world tree is one of the original powers of the universe. Even in hell, Mephisto has the authority of the heavenly Father, but the relationship between Mephisto and hell should have been separated!"

"This kind of injury, even the real father level strong, also needs countless years of sleep, in the endless passage of time, slowly repair the connection between the law, can really recover..."

In the narration of master Gu Yi, Jordan et al. Got the systematic and complete statistics of life evolution process for the first time.

The first stage is the polishing and condensation of the divine body.

The second stage is divinity, and the third stage is divinity. Upward, it is a kind of perception and control of the law.

The strong man of sub heavenly Father level has been able to touch the existence of the law, and even use part of the power of the law under specific circumstances. When the power of the law is used, he is called the strong man of heavenly Father level.

In a sense, no matter the sub heavenly Father level or the strong heavenly Father level, they all belong to the middle of the third and fourth stages.

Only in the third stage and the fourth stage, the gap is too big, so we have two sub heavenly Father level and heavenly Father level.

The fourth stage of life evolutionist has been able to completely control the power of the law, which is almost immortal.

Such as infinite gems, such as the world tree, such as the holy mountain of ospirin and so on, all belong to the fourth stage of existence, with complete law power, which is an embodiment of the original power of the universe.

Mephisto was seriously injured by Odin, the God of the universe.

According to master Gu Yi's words, it's lucky that Mephisto didn't hang up on the spot. There are only two ways to wake up from the endless sleep.

Or it's lucky that before the universe collapses, it repairs its sense of law.

Or, there is the same level of power of the origin of the universe to help Mephisto get rid of his troubles.

The first situation is negligible. No matter how lucky Mephisto is, he can't repair his sense of law in such a short time.

In the second case, in the whole universe, very few people can do this.

For example, the former God and the seven archangels, the primitive gods in Greek mythology, such as Kaus and Gaia, the eternal giant in Nordic mythology, such as yumier and zubli.

The strong, the dead, the wounded, even if they have survived from endless years, they have long been unknown where they are hidden in the universe.

Even zubli, the nearest God to everyone, was Odin's grandfather, at least tens of thousands of years ago.

These powerful existence, dead also do not say, even if it is alive, there will certainly be no one, dedicated to the hell of Mephisto healing.

Combined with some clues and information that Jordan and others have mastered.

Nine times out of ten, the changes in hell are closely related to Mephisto's awakening.

An unknown and powerful enemy, who could control the power of the universe, appeared in hell and helped Mephisto wake up from his deep sleep.

It's not good news for Jordan and others, for the whole earth, and even for the whole universe.

After walking out of kamataji, Giordani and others are all in a very heavy psychological state.

Master Gu Yi will also be in charge of kamataji to pay attention to the state of the seal of the whole agomo, as well as the situation from other dimensions.

In the end, it's up to Jordan and others to investigate and solve the problem.

In the Avengers.

Combined with a large number of aegis intelligence, Jarvis pops up a large number of data and images in the whole room.

Nick Frey, with a heavy face, said: "the research on the artificial sun and Superman gene reaction chain will be carried out by Dr. Otto and Dr. Benner. The whole research process will be carried out in the space ring and the Argo motorcycle seal sandwich laboratory. If we can master the power of Hengxing, we will be fearless no matter what enemies we face in the future!"

"And about the green tools and Mephisto, we'll finally start with John Connor. This is all our information about socovia..."

Socovia, this place has become a super stubborn disease on earth.

Whether it was the hydra or the later ochron, including the current human spies and rebels, all regarded socovia as their home.

Inside and outside this ruined city, there are too many secrets and dangers that people don't know.

The remaining evils of Hydra, residual cyborgs, mechanical life, mutant monsters, human spies, rebel organizations, wanted criminals, robbers, murderers and so on.

This is a place outside the law that is completely out of the control of human government.

Whether the coalition government or the aegis, it used to dispatch a large number of personnel and even troops more than once, but they all failed in the face of this chaotic city of ruins.

The city even controls a lot of black technology that is more powerful than the coalition government.

Argo motorcycle seal can cover the whole earth, but it can't extend the power of magic and arcane to the interior of this city.

The city's defense system can even block the attack of nuclear weapons.

What's more terrifying is that the underground area of the city is not known how large the scope and area has been exploited, and endless explosives have been arranged. In case of the most urgent situation, no one knows what the consequences will be if the underground explosives are detonated.

In this case, threats don't work, large-scale march doesn't work, and small-scale manpower doesn't work.

Even the coalition government and aegis, for a long time, chose to turn a blind eye to its existence.

If it wasn't for a series of links between Superman corpse, John Connor and Mephisto, Nick Frey might not even have published this series of information about socovia.

To be exact, socovia is now called the city of oblivion.