I'm not afraid that the devil will fight, but I'm afraid that the devil will cheat.

Compared with those other hell demons, Mephisto is the real enemy of the earth and mankind.

A demon like the king of disease, in front of Mephisto, no matter in strength or cunning, is a brother.

The king of disease is also one of the demonic monarchs in hell, but he united with the Kerry Empire, and then cooperated with the Kerry Empire to attack the earth.

But Mephisto is different.

After being parasitized and revived by the dead devil's eye monster, he didn't come to the earth at the first time. He even took the initiative to restrain the news that he had awakened. He reached an agreement with the dead devil's eye monster and sent it to the earth.

On the one hand, nemophisto is making use of the characteristics of the dead eye monster to develop on earth.

On the other hand, after learning some information about the earth, nemefisto made a series of plans. First, he subdued a group of rebels, then he raided the aegis and let the dead devil's eye parasitize the Superman corpse. Then, he gave the Superman corpse to ottobosh, and with the help of doctor Otto, he took the Superman corpse, Into the core of the space ring defense system.

This damned plan is so sophisticated that even the existence of Jordan, Carol and master Guyi can't feel any difference.

After getting a series of related plans and conspiracies from John Connor, Jordan, Natasha and Ethan all felt uneasy and anxious.

According to John Connor, the Superman corpse is basically a super time bomb that will explode at any time.

Jordan did not dare to delay at all. He directly blessed Natasha, Ethan and Alita with a wave of magic, and let them guard John Connor, who was completely paralyzed on the ground.

Then, Jordan is not at ease. He splits the gate of heaven with another sword and banishes the dead devil's eye to the empty heaven. He can't wait to spread his wings. In the way of a kind of skygun, a passage to the ground runs through the underground city, and goes to the periphery of the forgotten city with a kind of speed.

Leaving the land of socovia's infinite energy, Jordan instinctively wants to push the portal.

But despite Jordan's several urges, there was no movement in the void.

There is no doubt that in the previous underground operations of Jordan and Natasha, Mephisto or the dead eye monster must have noticed the disclosure of the plan.

Nine times out of ten, the Superman corpse has been revived by the dead eye monster.

In desperation, Jordan can only spread his wings again and fly to the space ring in the sky.

Just as Jordan, Natasha and others are worried.

Time goes back to more than an hour ago, Ethan is still conducting a special trial on John Connor, and Jordan hasn't discovered the disguise of the dead devil's eye.

On the space ring, in the secret experiment base of aegis.

Tony, Dr. Benner, Dr. Otto, and a dozen of the top scientists in biology all gathered in the laboratory.

In the center of the lab, the Superman corpse, originally sealed in the final weapon, has been placed on a test bench.

The fission mode found in the gene chain of Superman corpse is almost as important to the whole earth as Tony's previous inventions such as unlimited energy and arcane science.

Find the mystery of its gene chain, copy the fission mode of its gene chain.

This is probably the only chance to conquer the sun in the coming decades, even hundreds and thousands of years since the earth opened a new era.

"Radio waves and infrared rays are eliminated one after another, and the first X-ray reaction experiment is on..."

"Jarvis, record the experimental data..."

"Providing energy of 8kw Joule, Superman cells separated, electron impact reaction appeared for the first time, and fission speed showed an upward trend..."

More than a dozen top scientists worked hand in hand to operate one precision instrument after another. At this time, Tony, Dr. Benner and Dr. Otto were at the test bench and the computer console respectively, with a high degree of concentration.

But no one in the whole laboratory found that on another test bench in the distance, the Superman corpse, who had been dead for countless years, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

Because Superman is just a corpse, no one has any precautions against Superman's corpse.

At this time, the Superman just slightly adapted, the whole person has been a little confused, floating into the air, and then, the Superman seems to be disturbed by something to the head, not even a scream, the whole person's eyes, instantly covered by a dark.


Almost in a flash, a terrible gas explosion exploded in the laboratory, and the Superman burst into the air, grabbed Dr. Benner's neck and pressed him on the ground.

All of a sudden, the ground completely made of steel collapsed and a big hole burst out.

Under the impact of Superman's madness, Dr. Benner rubbed a terrible ravine on the ground, smashed a huge hole, and was directly thrown into a piece of ruins.

"Shette! Jesus Christ is on... "

This explosive scene in the laboratory directly shocked a group of scientists such as Dr. Otto on the spot.

In the whole room, Tony was the only one. His face suddenly changed, and a layer of nano armor began to spread around him at a very fast speed.

At the same time, Tony had activated an arcane Rune at the first time when nano armor appeared. He opened one portal after another in the laboratory, like sending all the scientists including Dr. Otto away. At last, he fired a gun at the superhuman corpse.

This is the strongest point of Tony's steel armor. He can use both arcane and technological means at the same time. No matter how powerful the enemy is, he can always use endless means. Even if he is defeated, he can persist for a long time.

But this time, Tony's hand gun, but it is some failure.

The Superman floating in the middle of the air, just without delay, a pat, the body even a little shake, directly put out the light of the gun.

Tony was stunned at first, then came with a wry smile.

It's a big problem this time.

After not knowing how many times of upgrading and improvement, Tony's armor, even the most basic attack gun, also has a very strong attack power, more powerful impact.

Even the furious hawk and the ferocious Carroll are hit by this gun, all entities will be shot away.

But it's clear that this Superman doesn't seem to be on the list.

Then, the superman in the middle of the air, frowning, the whole person like a blink, with a very fast speed to break the air, a punch to Tony's body.

At this time, Tony's armor just covered less than a fifth of the total.

In this case, with Tony's extremely weak physical quality, he could not stop Superman's random punch.

At a critical moment, the Superman was about to come to Tony and hit him.

Just at this time, a roaring green figure had rushed out of the hole in the wall, just like a wild beast, and threw the Superman on the ground, like a hammer fist, waving wildly, to the Superman's body, that is, Xia Ji's eight random blows.

With such a delay, Tony has already put on his nano armor.

"Sir, I have detected that your adrenaline is too high and your bladder muscle is irregular. The analysis is caused by great fear..."

"Sheter, Jarvis, if you can't choose to do something serious at this time, I promise you will take down your motherboard and install it on a master computer, so that you can enjoy the feeling of free walking in the 1980s!"

"Sir, the warning signal has been sent out, the first level defense measures of the space ring have been launched, and captain Carroll is coming..."

When it's time to counsel, even if Jarvis is just an AI, it's right to counsel.

At this time, with the help of Jarvis, Tony scans the battlefield, but the whole face shows a sense of horror.

Under the fist like a heavy press, the Superman's face was wide open, as if he didn't even feel the slightest bit, even his hairstyle didn't change.

